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Lesson Plan for ASD using Picture Exchange Communication System

I. II. III. Area Communication Skills Title All about Me Objectives At the end of the discussion the student will be able to: recite his/her background communicate with his/her classmate maintain attention span Materials PECS Instructional Materials Paper Pencil Magazines Pictures Procedure Educational Placement: Inclusion Type of Disability: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Duration: 30 minutes Accommodation The teacher will ask if the students know little information about themselves. The basic information like name, place where they live, age and place where he/she is currently studying. The teacher will first demonstrate his/her background to his/her students. The teacher will show the sample of PECS about introducing me. Then the students will write in their paper their basic information. Modification If the child with ASD cannot follow the directions given by the teacher, the teacher will then assess the child on the part where the child had problem or instead of 30 minutes which is the time allotted for the activity, it would be extended to 45 minutes for the child to perform the tasks. In this way, the other student can continue doing the activity so that the teacher can concentrate in helping the child with ASD. Evaluation At the end of this activity, the students will be asked to cut out pictures that represent their basic information like a picture of house representing there address. However in the part of the student with autism, given that there is a teacher aid particularly an occupational therapist that assesses the student in fine motor task like cutting, he/she will guide the student with autism in doing the task. Assignment The student including the child with autism will be given an assignment which will be listing their usual tasks or activities every day.





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