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Mojave National Preserve Conservancy

Minutes of the meeting June 28, 2012 Conservancy Board Members present on call: David Lamfrom, Dennis Schramm, Sid Silliman, Le Hayes, Lynn Davis. No agenda was available. Old Business: Star party had great turnout (20-50 people). Superintendent Dubois attended and gave opening remarks. No new members signed up, but a lot of existing members attended. Held in conjunction with Sierra Club Desert meeting. David chaired that meeting so didn't give overview of Conservancy. Suggestion that we write formal letter to folks that provide telescopes. Thanks to Lynn for providing food and supplies. Membership: Nothing to report. Finances: Last quarterly statement (April) $9,214.14 in account. Some bills may be due to NPS for Career Day activities. Previously approved by board. Newsletters: No update from last report. Board training: Need to establish a date for board training. One day of training. Weekday works better for trainer. Probably in Barstow at NPS offices. Lynn will send out a Doodle poll to board members around Dennis' time in California (July 15-Aug. 15). NPS staff attendance? Linda should attend, if available. What about superintendent? Yes. Board member term expiration dates: David needs to send letters to Jerry Freeman and Terry Ackerman regarding their status as advisors now, instead of board members. Other business: David has had conversations with the Mojave Desert Land Trust. In some cases the NPS has not been able to meet commitment to restore properties. We may be able to help in some regard. MDLT was really open to this idea. They have lots of resources to work on these projects. Suggestion that Sid work with Chris Burns and Annie to discuss projects and dates. Website: Michael not on call to report on status. Call ended at 2:00pm. Next Meeting: July 17, 2012 at 1:00pm.

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