Minutes - NJADE 2009 (03-27)

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New Jersey Association for Developmental Education

Meeting Minutes
March 27, 2009

Present: Monica Czekaj, Kerry Frabizio, Cynthia Geoffroy, Gwen Kane, Lauren
O’Gara, Timothy Peacock, Jay Peterson, Joanne Popowski

Gwen Kane called the meeting to order.

• Conference Welcome Letter from NADE President Karen Patty-Graham

distributed to those present.

• Updates from NADE

• NJADE Treasury

o Must establish treasury before membership drive.

• NJADE Membership

o Dues will likely be set at $20.

o NJADE membership requires current NADE membership.

o Membership drive will commence after treasury is set up.

• NJADE Officers – elections for two remaining vacant positions: President-Elect

and Treasurer

• Conference 2010

o Offer from CRLA President Phyllis Kremen to co-conference in 2010

o Possibility of co-conference with NJALL again in 2010

• Meetings/Activities

o Next meeting: TBD

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Jay Peterson

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