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His Lady of the Night Chapter One He came out of the shadows, a man, yet not a man.

He had long black hair tied back with a piece of leather. He wore a shirt with ruffled cuffs that peeked out from the sleeves of his well-cut jacket. Behind him, his black cape moved around him, caressing him with each step he took. On his feet he wore knee-high shiny black riding boots. His face was pale, but what drew Olivia to him was his dark blue piercing eyes. Instinctively Olivia knew her time had come. All the nightmares she'd had night after night for the last month had been leading to this moment. The intimate knowledge of her own death washed over her frozen form, like an icy wave, filling her heart with dread. Although she had expected the attack, Olivia stood paralyzed. She ordered her feet to move, to run, but they didn't even twitch as the creature slowly approached. Horror filled her heart and fear entered her vivid green eyes as she watched his mouth open and his incisors become more prominent. The creature smiled evilly, "It's time Olivia," he rasped out. "You knew that I would come. You've dreamed of me, of your death." His compelling voice filled her mind to overflowing; there was no escape from its insidiously mesmerizing grasp. She tried to command her mind to not listen to his beautiful tones, but even as she tried, her shoulder length auburn hair fell back as she exposed her neck to his gaze. Hunger appeared in his eyes as his gaze feasted on her pulse. His hands gently took her shoulders and he bent his head to her neck. Before his teeth could graze, a shadow swooped from the sky and landed behind him. A hand reached out and pushed through his body, and when it retreated, it held in its palm the beating heart of the creature. The creature roared and lost his hold on her, but still she didn't move as he leapt from her side to battle the one who held his heart. The unknown shadow dissolved into mist and reappeared, his back to her. He threw the creature's heart into the air just as a blue streak of lightning arched down from the midnight sky and struck it; disintegrating it to dust. The creature fell to his knees and flopped to the ground, his unearthly cries hurting her ears. Another streak of lightning appeared and struck the creature, it burst into flames and disintegrated as his heart had. Olivia swayed and the shadow immediately caught her in his arms. She looked up into his deep, dark black eyes that revealed concern and tenderness. She knew this stranger and yet they'd never met before tonight. The stranger slowly lowered her to her feet and held her as she regained her balance. A tiny presence in her open mind, the stranger prepared to erase the events just passed.

Olivia shook her head, "Don't erase my memories. I want to remember, so that I'll be prepared for the next vampire that attempts to harm me." The stranger's eyes widened in shock. He'd thought she didn't know what the creature was. That he'd been able to mask his true self from her. As he thought these things he noticed her shaking her head. "He couldn't mask his true self from me," she said, "I'm cursed you see. I have the ability to see through any masks a person might project and as you can see, I also read minds." As she spoke, Olivia wondered why she wasn't afraid of the stranger. She searched her mind and tried to recall if he'd been in her nightmares. He was tall and muscular. His long blond hair flowed behind him and he had the face of one of God's angels. His lips slowly stretched into a sensuous smile as he acknowledged her perusal. Olivia blushed and sent out her senses to his mind, but it was now blank. Somehow he had the ability to block her from reading his thoughts. Chapter Two Olivia pushed away from him. She studied his handsome face and wondered who he was? Why he'd saved her? "Who are you?" she asked now. "How did you know what would destroy the vampire?" Still the stranger did not speak. He just slightly shook his head and continued to gaze at her features as if memorizing them. He swept his arm out toward the coffee shop up the street, silently inviting her to join him. Perplexed, Olivia agreed. He crooked his arm like the men in the days of old and his smile grew as she gently laid her hand on his arm. Desire from just her touch sent Jake's muscles rippling as they walked. He'd finally found the one he'd been searching for. The one he would mate with, the one who had the rare blood that would bring him the power he needed to defeat Drake, the evil Master of Tarsus. He'd been waiting centuries for this woman and he'd almost been too late. He shuddered at just the thought of seeing the vampire bent over her neck. He knew Drake would send more vampires after her; it was only a matter of time. As she passed him to enter the coffee shop, Jake smelled the faint scent of her perfume. His nostrils flared at the erotic images that scent provoked in him. His heart began beating more rapidly as he realized this was the first time since Drake, a fledgling back then, had cornered him in a London alley and had turned him. They sat down and Olivia watched the play of emotions cross his face at whatever his thoughts were. She focused her mind to read deeper into his thoughts but still his mind

was like a blank slate. Jake felt the probe and looked at her an eyebrow crooked; she blushed at being caught and turned her gaze to the waitress approaching their table. Olivia asked for a cappuccino and Jake nodded he would have the same. Though he wouldn't drink it, with the powers he possessed he could make everyone in the coffee shop believe he had. "So, are you ever going to speak? I'm still waiting for you to tell me your name," ventured Olivia. " My name is Jake," came the reply. Olivia gasped and her drink went down the wrong windpipe. She coughed and stared at him in shock. As she'd waited for him to answer, she'd been watching his mouth, thinking how delicious it would be to feel his lips against hers, touching the most intimate places on her body when she heard his name in her mind. "Jake, is your name?" He nodded and his eyes glowed with humor as he responded to her thoughts, " I wouldn't mind placing my lips in those areas myself, I'd even use my tongue if you'd like." ~*~ Rage boiled from Drake as he watched the couple in the crystal ball set on its golden pedestal. Rafael had failed to get the woman's blood. Damn Jake's timing! He would have to show up at the worst time. Until one of his minions destroyed Jake he would not be able to rise to the surface and feed on the gullible humans. He cursed the day the angel returned Jake's soul to him. He summoned Julius, his most trusted assassin and sent him to the task of eliminating the man he'd once called friend. Chapter Three Olivia immediately shielded her mind. She ducked her head, letting her hair hide her reddened cheeks. Jake chuckled and reached over; placing a finger under her chin he raised her face back up to his gaze. Olivia kept her eyes veiled not wanting top look into his intense gaze. " Look at me Olivia," he entreated softly pushing through her shield. " You should not be embarrassed. You're a beautiful woman and it's only natural that I would fantasize too." Olivia slowly raised her gaze to his. She saw the multitude of emotions in his eyes, ranging from tenderness to lust, tolove? How could she see love in his eyes? She didn't even know him! " You know me, cara," he said. " Just as I know you."

Suddenly feeling afraid, Olivia shook her head emphatically, "I don't know you. How could I? We've only just met." " Look past your nightmares cara, and remember, you know who I am." Shaken, Olivia suddenly wanted away from this man. She leaned away from him and slid out of the booth. Jake made to rise too but Olivia shook her head and raised her palm, warding him away from her. "I don't know who you are and I don't know how you know about my nightmares! I certainly didn't tell you. I thank you for saving me from that creature but I want you to stay away from me," she whispered as she backed away, turned and rushed out of the coffee shop. Jake cursed; he'd gone too fast, he'd frightened her. He'd have to go slowly to woo her. He threw money on the table and followed her out. He walked to an empty alley, shapeshifted into a white owl and took to the air. It was 11pm and he watched as she hailed a cab and got in. He followed and watched as 20 minutes later it stopped in front of a rundown apartment building in the Bronx. As she hurried up the stairs, she waved to an old African American woman sitting on the stoop as she passed her and entered. Jake landed and shape-shifted on the roof of the building opposite hers. Only a few windows had lights shining from them, so he waited to see which one would tell him was Olivia's apartment. A few seconds later, a light came on in one of the top floor windows. She must have run up the stairs. Jake's keen eyesight spied Olivia passing the living room window and another light came on as she entered her bedroom. Though the blinds were down Jake could see her shadow, his breathing accelerated and his loins grew heavy as he watched his woman undress. From where he was standing, the outline of her body was incredible, her breast looked firm and well shaped, he imagined cupping them in his hands, bending down and teasing the nipples with his teeth. He groaned aloud and his incisors grew just at the thought of drinking from such lushness. Jake closed his eyes and reached for her mind. Confusion reigned, as did resignation that she would not be able to escape the man called Jake. Olivia knew she'd seen him before and as she sat at her vanity brushing her hair her thoughts drifted to her nightmares. " She was walking down a dark street; gang members were hold up in doorways whispering to each other. Olivia could hear their thoughts as she passed by them; 'That one sure is a lookerI'd love to get between those legs, manthere's an alley up ahead' Suddenly their thoughts ceased seeping through her mind and she could hear her name echoing over and over. 'OliviaOliviaCome to meCome to me OliviaI'm waiting.' She heard running feet, stopped and turned just in time to see a few of the

gang members running around the corner as if the hounds of hell were after them. 'Olivia,' she heard again. The voice sounded so pure, so compelling, she didn't want to follow its command but her feet kept slowly moving. Even remembering, Olivia tried to change the nightmare's outcome, to control her body from advancing toward the creature but his voice had hold of her will and would not let go. As she delved deeper into her nightmare it changed, she was no longer on the street but in the Bronx Zoo, standing in front of the Siberian Tiger cage. It was night, Olivia looked in all directions but no one was there. 'How did I get here?' she wondered aloud as she faced the tiger cage again. Chapter Four He recognized her instantly. The golden aura surrounding her confirmed she was the one. But he couldn't reveal his presence yet; it was too soon. He had to make sure Drake's minions were nowhere about before he could introduce himself and begin her seduction. He sat at attention and stared at her with his yellow gaze as she turned, looking for some explanation of her presence in the Bronx Zoo. His lip curled in a semblance of a smile as he remembered subtly planting the hypnotic command to come to him earlier that evening. And now she was here. He feasted his eyes on her beautiful face that showed a small amount of fear to which she would not surrender. Her alabaster skin glistened in the twilight and his desire mounted as she slowly approached the barred cage he sat behind. It was 2am and confusion reigned in Olivia's mind as she slowly walked toward the Siberian tiger, which sat staring at her. "They shouldn't cage you magnificent animals like this. You belong in the wild where you can run and hunt your prey like you were meant to," she said conversationally. The tiger growled low as if agreeing with her and Olivia smiled. The tiny smidgen of fear dissipated as she gazed into the tiger's eyes. They were intelligent eyes that glowed with understanding and inner fire, which captured her gaze and held it securely. Her hands curled around the bars as she stepped closer. The tiger stood and approached closer as well. He nuzzled her fingers until she opened her hand and slowly, controlling the animal's natural instinct to devour, ran his rough tongue lightly over it. He couldn't help himself; he had to taste her to feel her hands on him. Olivia shivered as the tiger licked her hand, there didn't seem to be any danger so she slowly uncurled her other hand and slipped it into the cage to pet the tiger's head. The tiger purred and she ventured further to rub behind his ears. He slowly shifted his tongue from her fingers to her arm and sensuously licked his way up to her shoulder and neck as she slid to her knees caught up in the erotic feelings he generated in her.

He pushed his head further through the bars and ran his tongue softly over her lacecovered breast. Olivia gasped and pulled away. 'What am I doing?' she thought as she quickly moved away from the cage. She'd been on the point of climaxing when she realized it wasn't a man arousing her but a tiger! Olivia shook her head and ran. Olivia opened her eyes and gasped. It couldn't be! It was too incredulous to think. The tiger? Jake? It couldn't be possible . . .could it? She thought back to the battle between the vampire and him. How easily he'd shoved his fist through the creature's chest cavity and removed its heart. How he'd come from the sky and commanded the lightning to strike where he directed. As a child she'd heard tales of beings capable of such feats but she'd never heard they could change themselves into animals. One thing she was certain of, is if the tiger she'd seen in the zoo three weeks ago was Jake then that meant he wasn't human and she'd best stay as far away from him as possible. " Stay away from him," chuckled Jake when he heard that thought. "I don't think so," he aloud as he shape-shifted into an owl and flew to her window. Landing lightly on the ledge he hopped closer to the window and spied through a small slit between the curtains. He watched as Olivia finished brushing her magnificent auburn mane, rise and pull the covers back from one side of the bed. A prayer to God for strength and courage against the unspeakable evil stalking her flitted briefly in her mind then she adjusted her clock, lied down and closed her eyes. Jake stayed on the ledged and watched over her until his internal clock told him the sun would not be long in rising. He dissolved into mist and slipped inside her room. He silently walked over to the bed and stared down at her. Her breathing told him she was in a deep sleep as he bent down and lightly brushed his lips on her brow. So she'd have no nightmares this night he commanded her into a deep sleep. Jake sighed contently, ' Soon she would be his,' he vowed as he changed into mist again and left to seek shelter in the underground sanctuary under the house he'd built on the outskirts of New York. Chapter Five At 7:30 am the alarm clock went off waking Olivia from a sound sleep. Groggy she slapped the snooze button and closed her eyes, "Just a few more minutes," she whispered to herself. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and she sat up as the memories of last night's thoughts filtered into her mind. The tiger. Jake. "Nah," she said and shook her head at her imagination. She got out of bed and proceeded with her morning routine before heading to Christopher Columbus High School located in the Northeast Bronx where she worked as a counselor. By 8:15 am she was out the door and waiting at the bus stop down the street. The bus arrived five minutes later and Olivia boarded with a "Hi Harry" to the driver as she passed and took a seat. At 8:25 am the bus stopped again and two men with guns boarded. The second man pointed his weapon at the driver while the first came down the isle and stopped at Olivia's side. Olivia was scared. What did these men want? Why was this happening?

"Olivia Sterling?" said the man in a raspy voice. Startled that he knew her name, Olivia looked up into dead eyes, she shivered with dread and tried to slide closer to the window but the man snatched her arm in a tight grip and pulled her up. "You're coming with us, Master wants you," he declared. Olivia began putting up a fight but the man was ready, "You fight, we kill all," he whispered in her ear. Frightened and believing he meant it; the fight went out of her and she let him pull her unresistingly off the bus. The other man kept his gun trained on the driver and other passengers as the man with the dead eyes dragged her to a car and stuffed her in the trunk. A few seconds later she heard a shot fired and doors slamming then the car was moving. Terrified, Olivia lay there trying to figure out why the men had kidnapped her. She had no family that could pay ransom and she had no enemies who'd want to hurt her, in fact she had no friends who'd even do this as a practical joke! By the time her heart stopped beating wildly enough for her to think clearly they'd arrived at their destination. The trunk opened and the two men pulled her out. They dragged her into an abandoned building, pushed her in rickety a chair, tied and gagged her, then left. Tears slipped from Olivia's terrified eyes as various horrifying scenarios flitted through her mind. Deep beneath the earth Jake awoke with a sense of panic. Something was wrong. He scanned his sanctuary then his home. There was nothing there that should have awakened him. Still he could feel the panic mounting in him. Then he knew. Olivia. She was in trouble. He reached out to her thoughts and saw everything that had gone down just a half hour ago. The men with guns, the car and the building.

He recognized the men; they were Julius's stooges. Not completely zombie-like for he'd only drank from them once to ensure their loyalty. That meant Drake had sent his highest lieutenant to take his love. Rage exploded as he silently slipped into her mind to calm her wild thoughts. What Jake didn't know and was only to find out later, was that Julius had never taken the two gunmen's blood, he'd only made Drake and all other vampires believe he had. Jake calmed somewhat as he found her unhurt only scared. He chuckle as one of her wild thoughts had Julius looking like an absurd little green man come to earth to take her toes as a trophy to prove he'd been there. The words " Olivia love," came across the distance and jerked Olivia from her morbid thoughts. " Julius is not a little green man no matter how much I would wish him to be," said Jake. " Jake, is that you?" Olivia's frantic voice echoed in his mind. " Where are you?"

" Be calm Cara, I cannot come to you right now but I will as soon as the sun descends and the moon begins its rise," he said. " What do you mean you can't come now? I'm in big trouble here! Some goons just kidnapped me off the bus and I think they shot the driver . . .or one of the passengers at least. I heard the shot! I don't understand it. Olivia said forlornly. Usually I'm forewarned when danger is near but this time I wasn't," Jake stiffened, as he realized why she'd had no warning and it was his fault. He recalled the command he'd issued so she'd sleep without nightmares. He sighed deeply and felt guilt find its way in his heart for the first time in centuries. If he'd only known that her dreaming was also part of her gifts, he'd never have done it. Chapter Six " Jake, are you still there?" Olivia anxiously asked. She didn't question how she could hear him in her mind, she was just so elated that the feelings of aloneness she'd felt since the goons had left was now gone. Jake jerked away from his thoughts, though he lay there still as death a finger nevertheless twitched at the sound of her voice entreating him to answer her. " Yes Cara, I'm still here. I will not leave you," he promised. " Tell me, have you remembered when we first met?" Olivia blushed scarlet and Jake chuckled. " Well, Cara? Are you going to answer me?" he teased. Olivia shook her head emphatically then realized he couldn't see her. " No. I don't remember," she stated. " Whom are you trying to convince my love, me or you?" he asked. " I was in your mind last night as you delved in your memories for our first meeting at the zoo. You recall the tiger don't you?" " I've never been to the Bronx Zoo!" exclaimed Olivia as her whole body shuddered at the erotic memory. Outright laughter greeter her, " I didn't mention the Bronx Zoo," replied Jake mischievously. Suddenly, Olivia stiffened as she heard sounds outside the door. " Jake!" she exclaimed, " They're coming back! What do I do?" " Stay calm Livvie, they will not hurt you," replied Jake. " How do you know they won't hurt me? I'm tied to a chair Jake; they can do whatever they want! No one will even hear my cries since I'm gagged, and besides in the part of town I'm in, nobody would even care," Olivia angrily said.

" I know because they did not kidnap you for themselves, they did it for another," stated Jake. " Another? You mean this Julius guy?" she queried. " Yes," said Jake. " Now I want you to do what I tell you. When they come into the room, I want you to look at them so I can see them through your eyes," he ordered. Olivia frowned as she watched the doorknob slowly turn. " You can do that?" she asked skeptically. " Yes. That is only one of the small things I can do. When we join, you will also have this ability." " Join" she began. " I will explain everything tonight, my love," said Jake as the door opened and the two goons entered. The man with the dead eyes approached and tested her bindings while the other grabbed another chair and set it in front of her. He then placed a tray on it and backed away. Heeding Jake's orders, Olivia just stared at them. Suddenly the man with the dead eyes began to shake slightly, then more and more. "Christ, what's happening to me?" he yelled as he looked at his confederate. Dazed, the other man just stared, stunned. His eyes grew double their size as he watched his cohort's face begin to swell like a melon. He looked over at Olivia; her green eyes were trained on dead eyes. Suspicion set in, he pulled out his gun and aimed it on her. "Stop what you're doing to him!" he yelled at her. "Or I'll shoot you right now. Screw the Master; he'll just have to find another woman with your rare blood," he threatened. Eyes wide with terror, Olivia kept shaking her head, trying to convey that it wasn't her doing this. The man stalked over to her and pulled the gag out. Mouth dry, she squeaked out, "It's not me!" "Of course it's you!" growled the man, "there's nobody else here. The Master said you had powers so it's gotta be you." Suddenly, the man's arm pulled away from her. The hand holding the gun twisted around to point at his chest. Startled, the man tried to let go of his firearm but it was as if his fingers were glued to the handle. Terror entered his eyes as he saw his finger slowly pull on the trigger.

His panicked gaze jumped to Olivia's, "Please lady, don't do this! I don't want to die!" he implored her. Olivia shook as she stared in horror at the two men. " What's happening Jake?" she cried out tears spilling over onto her cheeks. Chapter Seven Jake blocked out Olivia's voice as he concentrated all his energy into keeping her eyes open and focused on his enemies as he destroyed them. To the man holding the handgun he compelled him to pull the trigger, which made a neat little hole through the man's heart. The life went out of the man's glazed eyes and he was dead before he hit the ground. Jake forced Olivia to turn her head toward the other man and compelled him to wrap his own hands around his neck and squeeze. 'Dead Eyes' did as bidden, his eyes bulged as with both hands he encircled his own neck and squeezed until the very essence of his life was no more. Jake heaved a sigh, he hadn't enjoyed killing the two men but he couldn't conceive letting them live to come after Olivia again. Since Julius had only taken their blood and hadn't given them any of his, he was able to make their deaths less gruesome than if they'd been ghouls. You had to incinerate ghouls otherwise the stupid, mindless creatures just kept coming at you again and again until they destroyed you . . .or you them. Jake tuned in back to Olivia and closed his mental arms around her, soothing her. Her sobs pierced his heart. " I'm sorry you had to see that love. There was no other way I could destroy them, I wish there had been," he said sadly. He mentally ran his hand down her silky hair and continued whispering soothing words until her sobs had ceased. Olivia knew it wasn't his fault; it was her fault the two men had died. " No!" fairly shouted Jake. " This was not your fault." " You know it is Jake," Olivia passionately replied. " It's because of my rare blood that they kidnapped me and it's because of me that you had to kill them. Their deaths or on my hands." " We will discuss this later. Right now I need you to be safe. Let's get you out of there before someone else shows up," he said firmly keeping his emotions in check so as not to overwhelm her with his feelings. She needed him calm now not emotional. Though all he really wanted to do was wrap his arms around her, hold her and never let her go. But he could not. The sun was at its brightest and his body would soon be too lethargic to aid his beloved's escape. " Okay," said Olivia. " But how do I untie myself? I can't use my hands because they're tied behind my back and my feet are tied to the chair legs." " Don't worry love, I will help you," Jake said calmly. " Can you bend and see the ropes around your feet?"

" Yes," she replied. " Good. Look at the ropes so I can see them as well," he said. Olivia bent down and stared at the ropes. Despite knowing Jake had the ability to do this from a distance, Olivia's eyes still widened in amazement as the ropes around her ankles loosened. She extracted her feet and groaned in pain as the circulation returned. " Alright, now what? My hands are still tied behind the chair," she said. " Jake? Are you still there? Answer me?" Olivia focused her mind on him and sensed his presence fading. " Jake, what's happening? Where are you going? You can't leave me like this!" she shouted hysterically. " I ammy lovethe sun" Jake tried to tell her he could no longer help her. While destroying her kidnappers and then soothing her, the sun had continued its rise and he could no longer mentally stay with her. Jake's mind shut down and he completely vanished, leaving her alone. Olivia sensed the instant his presence left her mind. 'Wasn't it just like a man to leave the job half undone,' she thought angrily. Now she'd have to figure out a way to get out of this predicament herself. She gazed around the room studiously keeping her eyes from straying to the two dead men lying a few feet away. Olivia tested her feet again and found the numbness gone. At first, she experimented by shuffling the chair backwards toward the window several times by using her feet to push, but that didn't work. All that happened was she came perilously close to toppling over. Next, she tried to stand but her foot kept slipping, which made her stay glued to the seat. An hour passed and shadows began darkening the room. Panic set in and Olivia knew if she wasn't out of here in the next half hour she'd die here. Urgency lent her enough strength to rise. Bent over like a pretzel she took a step, slipped and fell on her side breaking the rickety chair in the process. A shaky smile appeared on her lips, she'd done it! She'd freed herself from the chair. Olivia tried to rise and realized her hands were still tied. Again she looked around the room and spotted glass under the broken window. Getting to her knees she walked on them to reach the broken glass, sat down with a thump and felt behind her. She grabbed a long piece and began sawing through the rope. Fifteen minutes and several bleeding cuts later the rope gave way and Olivia sighed in relief. Rubbing her wrist to return the circulation she scrambled to her feet and ran out of the building. Outside, she saw the goons' car still parked on the street. She looked in and shouted for joy. The keys were still there. It was a miracle. She got in and drove to a few blocks from her home. Once there, she opened the trunk, grabbed her purse, which had been left

behind when they'd dragged her into the building and hurried home, where she double locked the door and windows then sat down on the sofa to wait for Jake. Chapter Eight A few minutes before the sun's descent, Jake awoke with a ferocious hunger. He touched Olivia's mind and found her sound asleep on the sofa in her home. Relief flooded his being. She'd managed to free herself and he was truly proud of her but still felt guilt at having to abandon her because of the sun's limitations on him. He scanned his surroundings, detecting no danger he shot out of the earth looking for prey. As he reached the edge of the city, he called three homeless men to him and fed deeply for he knew everything was about to change. After tonight Olivia's life would never be the same. Jake regretted he could no longer take the time to woo her, Drake's knowledge of her existence and consequent kidnapping of her proved he'd have to convert her before they got their hands on her again. She was no longer safe to stay human. To survive Drake and his minions she'd need the power his ancient blood and her rare blood mixed together would give her and him to defeat not only his enemy but now hers as well. Gently propping the tree men against a tree, he planted memories of being tired and wanting to sleep, then he dissolved into mist and flew to Olivia's apartment. He slipped under the slight slit of the living room window and rematerialized hunched down at her side. Jake gazed at her beautiful face and smiled tenderly. She was such a feisty little thing; his love for her knew no bounds. She moved sensuously and moaned in her sleep. Wondering what she was dreaming he scanned her thoughts and found the images of the zoo. Jake's smile deepened, and his eyes fell to her wrists. He frowned when he saw them raw and cut. He scanned passed the tiger images and saw the memory of how she'd cut the ropes from her wrists. Jake's only thought then was to heal her. He picked up her hand and held it in his, bent his head and sensuously licked her wounds, healing them with his tongue. Olivia was dreaming of the zoo. Of the tiger gently licking her hand, her arm and breast. She moaned with pleasure as his tongue slowly aroused her sensitive peak and heat pooled between her legs. She awoke and languidly opened her passion filled eyes. The sight of Jake made her gasp softly as she watched him sensuously swirl his tongue over her wrists. "Jake," she whispered. Jake opened his eyes and gazed into hers. He'd thought only to heal her wounds then tell her that to safeguard her he'd have to convert her, but the desire in her eyes made that impossible. He eased her up against him and kissed her.

He'd thought he was prepared. But there was no way to be ready for the rush of hunger, the sudden hollowing of his stomach, as if the world had suddenly exploded. Her month was sweet and giving, it wasn't enough. He wanted more. He needed more. He ran his hand up her thigh, under her skirt and along her hip, the curve of her belly. He loved the feel of her stomach, the curves and softness of her. He lingered there a moment, caressing her, feeling her muscles shift as she moved, bringing herself more fully against him. Making him shudder. Cupping her breast he pressed her down onto her back. He couldn't stop kissing her. Her taste was like a drug but he knew he wouldn't be able to wait much longer to taste her sweet blood. She made a sound of approval as he tugged her shirt up and feasted his eyes upon her nakedness. Her breasts were full, her nipples dark and hard, the areoles large and pebbly. She was breathing quickly. He glanced at her face, wanting her to know how much she pleased him. Her lips were parted, her eyes filled with desire and wanting. "Jake," she pleaded as her legs moved restlessly. With just a thought both their clothes were gone and he pulled her to the floor with him. Firmly he cupped her, massaged her gently using the heel of his hand he put pressure where she needed it. Her head tilted back and her low moan sent his blood surging. He bent his head to her throat and began sensuously kissing her. Her pulse called to him and his teeth grew. He pierced and took only a taste before closing the tiny punctures. Again he wanted more. Needed more. He trailed his hand to her heat; she was so wet and ready. Jake eased himself between her legs and kissed her as he sank into her welcoming heat. Olivia moaned in ecstasy as his first thrust sent her spiraling to heaven. She wrapped herself around him and their thoughts merged. Their desire heightened their pleasure as Jake slowly withdrew then thrust deep into her again and again. Olivia said his name, then said it again as she lifted to meet and match him thrust for thrust. Jake bent his head and suckled first one nipple then the other. Olivia's hands began to explore. She wanted to touch, to taste and sample, and find the places that made him wild. Pain and pleasure became one as Jake sank his fangs in her breast and drank and drank. Power surged as her sweet blood flowed into his body. He could feel it. The air around them sizzled. Olivia gasped in wonder as she watched the images of them making sensuous love in his mind. Jake closed the wound on her breast and with a razor sharp nail cut his chest. He pulled her head forward, "Drink, my love. Taste the power of our mingled blood," he pleaded savagely. Olivia knew what would happen if she drank his blood. She'd seen the memory of his turning and knew she'd be as he when she awoke the next night. She gazed into his black eyes and realized she loved him and could not live without him.

Olivia smiled into his eyes and slowly flicked her tongue out and ran it up the trail of blood that had run from the wound. She couldn't believe the sweet metallic taste didn't make her gag, but there it was. She closed her mouth over the wound and drank as deeply as he'd had. Jake sighed and shuddered with pleasure and relief as she took his offered gift. Up till then even her thoughts had not betrayed her intent. He tightened his hold on her and pushed her legs a little wider, making more room for himself and changing the angle, and he began to move faster. "Stop now," he raggedly said. With each change in tempo or pressure, Olivia experienced new sensations. Her hands slid from his shoulders to his buttocks and down between his legs to the bit of skin stretched tight. She scraped it lightly with her fingernails. Jake's whole body arched as a low sound tore from his throat - then he was slamming into her. He gasped, paused and put a hand between them, his thumb finding the sweetest spot on her body. As he thrust hard into her, his thumb pushed on that spot and she convulsed, joining him. Olivia lost her grip on time, as if it were a thread suddenly wrenched from her hands. Spent, they lay in each other's arms and dosed. Chapter Nine Olivia awoke in her bed to the sound of muted voices. She kept her eyes closed as she marveled at hearing them at all; it was as if they were right in the room with her. Intrigued, she got up, put on her robe and walked quietly to the bedroom door. "How could you do this Jake? You were only supposed to drink a little of her blood, not most of it then have her drink yours! The Big Man is not happy," said a voice she didn't recognize. "I cant live without her, Connor. I love her. She is life to me," said Jake without rancor or guilt. "The Big Guy is just going to have to accept that. Remember, he came to me with the offer to return my soul so I could defeat Drake." "Would you stop calling him The Big Guy?" said the unknown voice, "He hates when you call him that, he prefers The Big Man." "Sorry, The Big Man then," said Jake but to her ears he didn't sound sorry at all. "Jake, He understands you love this woman, He would have preferred you not bring her over. You're just lucky he's forgiving and has not let her soul become tainted during the conversion. She's like you now, a vampire with a soul. But you must be careful, that she does not kill a human in her feeding, otherwise she will be tainted and have to be destroyed," explained the voice. "She's awake," and he motioned to the bedroom doorway.

Both men turned to Olivia as she walked out of her room. Jake was immediately at her side. Olivia looked over at the man standing in the middle of her living room. An iridescent light surrounded him. It was a welcoming light, a peaceful light. He radiated with love. And she wasn't afraid. Smiling, Jake took hold of her hand and pulled into the living room. "Come my love, I'd have you meet the angel who gave me back my soul," he eagerly said. He was acting just like a little boy wanting to show off his new toys. The angel smiled in amusement as he read her thoughts. "An apt description to be sure, lassie," he said. His voice was like music to her ears, lilting and comforting with a slight Scottish accent. And he was beautiful. His hair was the color of fire and his eyes were a pale blue, almost white even that held warmth in them. He wore a long white robe with wide sleeves, and on his feet were golden colored sandals. He smiled beatifically at her as his hand engulfed hers. All her doubts vanished as if they'd never been as she gazed into the angel's warm eyes. She knew him. She smiled at him in recognition as a memory of her childhood floated to the surface. She'd been sitting by her mother's bed, staring at the two tiny puncture wounds on her throat, and asking God to save her mother. An angel had appeared and had sat with her, comforted her. He'd told her that God had lifted her mother to heaven to stand at his side. Olivia blinked and the memory faded away. "You remember me now," said the angel. Olivia nodded, "You stayed with me throughout the night until the police arrived. You eased the grief I was suffering then you went away. I told the police you had been there, but they didn't believe me. They said I had dreamed you, that you weren't real. But I knew you were. I'm glad I have this chance to thank you," she said in a soft reverent voice. "Connor, why didn't you tell me you knew Olivia?" Jake joined in as he put an arm around her shoulder clearly stating she was his. Connor looked pointedly at Jake's arm draped round the young woman and got the message. He let go of her hands and stepped back, "That's because I knew Olivia the child not Olivia the woman." Jake grunted and let it drop. "Well, time for me to leave," said Connor. Then, his expression grew serious, "Be careful, Julius is still out there," he counseled them. "Even though she's now as you are, there is still danger of his taking her blood. And because yours is now mixed with hers,

the power he would gain could surpass even Drake's and he could take over Tarsus if he was a mind to," "But he's won't," calmly stated Jake. "He doesn't have leadership capability and besides, he knows the others wouldn't follow him, they don't like him." "That is true," agreed Connor. "Well, watch out for each other. And Jake?" Jake raised an eyebrow. "Teach her well. Not just how to use her mental abilities but teach also some physical ones, in case of hand to hand combat," ordered Connor. "The Big Man would not be pleased if she were extinguished. Wonderful surprises will be coming your way," he said cryptically. Jake nodded solemnly then frowned at Connor's last words. Connor bid them goodbye and the light in the room gradually darkened as he faded away. Chapter Ten As soon as the light was gone Jake pulled Olivia in his arms and kissed her deeply. Hi hands roamed down her back to her buttocks and he tenderly squeezed. Olivia reached behind her, grabbed his hands and forcibly pushed him away. A startled look in his eyes, Jake stepped back and stared at her in disbelief. "What's wrong?" he asked, puzzled. "What's wrong? That's all you can ask? You damn well know what's wrong!" Olivia said through gritted teeth. "I heard what Connor said. You didn't have to make me like you to have the power you need to defeat Drake." Jake had the grace to blush. He silently cursed, turned and shoved a hand through his hair. "You didn't really think she couldn't hear us did you and get away with it?" Connor's amused voice sounded in his mind. "Mind your own business," replied Jake as he turned to face his love. He walked to her and took her hands in his. "Livvie, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he began. "I didn't want to lose you. I love you. Please believe me, you are the most important thing in my life. The only important thing!" he emphasized. He pulled her to the sofa and sat next to her. Rigid, Olivia just sat and waited for him to continue.

"After Rafael attacked you, I thought to take it slow. But then today, Julius's men kidnapped you and Julius is Drake's most trusted henchman. That means Drake knows of your existence. If I hadn't converted you, you would've been a target during the day when I can't be there to keep you safe. I couldn't bare it if anything happened to you. I wouldn't want to live. Please, forgive me," he passionately said. Olivia squirmed, her anger at the conversion melted away as she listened to him explain why he'd done it. He had saved her life and she did love him. Didn't loving someone mean understanding and forgiving them when they made mistakes? And anyway, she wasn't the kind of person to hold a grudge. Olivia raised her hand and laid it along his cheek, forcing his black eyes to meet her green ones. "I understand," she said softly, "why you did it. What I don't like is you didn't even give me the opportunity to choose, to make my own decision on what to do. You just went full speed ahead and didn't even think about how I would feel. If we're to stay together you're going to have to trust me to know what's good for me. I know there will be times when you'll know best because I'm new at being a vampire, but there will also be times when I know best. Can you do that? Can you trust me to never lie to me again?" Jake sighed in relief and nodded. Everything was going to be alright. "I'll work on it. I've been alone so long that it might take awhile for me to get used to consulting with someone else, but for you, I will try." "That's all I ask," she whispered. She leaned into him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Jake wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulled her closer as he took over the kiss and deepened it. Olivia mewled in pleasure as his roaming hands parted her robe and reverently cupped her breasts. Her hand slid from his shoulder to his lap and she stroked and stroked him like a one would a cat. Jake groaned in pleasure and moved slightly to accommodate her exploring hand. Olivia turned her head into his neck and nuzzled. Mounting passion increased her hunger and she scraped her elongated teeth over his throbbing pulse. "I'm hungry," she whispered in his ear. Jake's eyes shot open in surprise. He'd not thought she's feed of her own free will. Elated, "Then feed my love. I give freely for your well being," he replied softly and turned his head to the side exposing his throat to her hungry gaze. Olivia smiled sensuously and bent her head. As she pierced his throat and drank, Jake slid his hand between her legs and slipped his finger inside her slippery cavern. Olivia moaned in ecstasy and moved with his finger in the age-old dance of love. With a thought Jake's clothes were gone and his throbbing length replaced his finger. Olivia, straddling his lap moved up and down, feeling every sensation the deeper he

went. Jake nuzzled her breast and sank his teeth, drinking the sweet nectar of her blood. Olivia swept her tongue sealing the pinpricks she'd made and cried out his name as she peaked, her love juices flowing like a river. Holding her tight, Jake thrust into several times before he too climaxed, pouring his life force into her voluptuous body. Depleted, Olivia's limp body draped over him, Jake sighed blissfully. A half hour later, Jake roused and nudged his love. "Livvie, will you come home with me? Live with me," he asked. Olivia lifted her head and stared into his eyes. The anxiety, the fear and hope she saw reflected in them went straight to her heart. He was afraid she would reject his offer, not want to be with him. She smiled lazily at him, "Yes, I'll go home with you, live with you. I love you Jake," she said. Jake's smile widened and he stood up keeping her in his arms and twirled her around. Olivia shrieked and laughed. "Put me down you big oaf," she said as she slapped him on the shoulder. "I have to get dressed and pack. Don't forget, I'm also working in the morning." Abruptly, Jake stopped and let her feet drop to the ground. He held her away from him and looked into her eyes. Olivia shivered when she saw the sudden seriousness in Jake's gaze. "What's wrong?" she asked solemnly. "Livvie, you can't go to work anymore. You've become vampire. You're skin cannot tolerate the sun. You would burn up were you to be in the sun," explained Jake. "In time, your skin will develop a resistance to the sun's rays but that could take years, centuries even." Olivia sobered as reality raised its ugly head. She'd never see the sun again, not for centuries he'd said. Tears stung but she held them back. There was no going back. She'd chosen this new life when she'd voluntarily drank his blood. She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them her doubts were gone. She encircled his neck, kissed him and stepped back, smiling again. "Let me pack and then we'll go home," she said softly and the look in her eyes held no regrets. ~*~ Julius rose from the earth not far from the building his two slaves were keeping the woman. He smiled evilly as he thought of the power his Master would gain in drinking

the woman's blood. With preternatural speed he quickly entered the building and went up the stairs. At the door, he stopped dead in his tracks. Something was wrong. He mentally opened the door and cursed at the sight of his men lying there, dead. They'd been dead for hours. He gazed around the room and immediately focused on a piece of bloody glass. 'She was a strong one this one, to do this to his men, she must have incredible powers indeed,' he thought as he observed dispassionately at the manner his slaves had died. He was sorry now he hadn't made them ghouls, she never would have bested them if they'd been. He looked out the window and vowed she wouldn't escape him again. 'He could find her anywhere now,' he said to himself as he looked down at the blood on the glass. Chapter Eleven To not overwhelm Olivia with the extent of his abilities, Jake summoned a cab and had it waiting for them when they left her apartment. He noticed that she had only two suitcases and commented on it. "You didn't pack much, love." "There wasn't much to pack. Just my clothes, pictures and other personal things I want to keep. The apartment's furnished so I don't have to worry about storage," Olivia replied a little sadly. As the cab left the curb, Jake pulled her in his arms, held her close and whispered softly, mind to mind. "I'm sorry everything in your life has changed. I wish I had listened to Connor and not turned you," guilt in his every word came through loud and clear. A shadow in his mind, Olivia turned to him, "Don't do this to yourself Jake," she admonished then kissed him softly. "What's done is done. I've accepted what I now am and so must you," she said softly. "In fact," she teased, "Now that I think about it, I'm going to enjoy living forever. Seeing how human kind will evolve in a hundred years from now. Doing things I never thought possible, learning new things " Jake's guilt slowly vanished. His arms tightened around her in silent thanks for accepting her new life and stayed that way until the cab came to the edge of the city. The car stopped, Jake helped Olivia out of the cab, paid the cabbie and grabbed the suitcases. Olivia looked around and saw nothing but trees, trees and more trees. "Where are we?" she asked. "I thought you said you were taking me to your house, but I don't see any around here." "You can't see the house from here, its hidden among the trees," replied Jake. "Come on, it's not far," he walked off only to disappeared behind a huge Elm. Olivia stared after him for a few seconds then realized he wasn't going to wait for her and scrambled after him, calling, "Hey! Wait for me!"

Jake slowed down letting Olivia to catch up. Smiling roguishly, he crooked his arm in invitation. After threading her hand through it, they resumed walking. Side by side they walked until they had cleared the woods, then Olivia gasped in wonder, "Ohhh Jake. It'sit's so beautiful," when she spotted the house. The three-story house complete with awnings and a porch that wrapped all the way around it, stood like a sentinel atop the hill. It was surrounded by a profusion of night blooming flowers such as Moonflowers, White Angel's Trumpets and Pink Evening Primroses'; one would think they had entered a magical place. "I call it my Moon Garden," Jake whispered softly, pleased by Olivia's obvious delight in what she saw. He'd been right to add the flowers he thought to himself. Olivia was stunned; she had caught Jake's thought and was moved by it. His simple gesture brought forth a wealth of emotion from her, tears slipped down her face as she turned to him and threw her arms about this man she loved with all her heart and held on to him. Surprised, Jake quickly dropped the suitcases and wrapped his arms around her. He could feel her tears soaking his shirt and for the life of him couldn't figure out why she was crying. Not knowing what else to do, he gently picked her up and walked to one of the many stone benches that were part the garden where he sat down and simply held her until her sobs dwindled away. Jake moved her from his lap to the bench and went down on one knee in front of her. He produced a linen handkerchief and mopped up her tears. "Now, tell me what's made you cry love," he asked softly, concern evident in his voice and eyes. Olivia gave him a wobbly smile, "Oh, Jake, that is the sweetest thing anyone has EVER done for me. The garden, the flowers, it'sit's just soso" She didn't have the words to express it, but there was no need for Jake already knew, he was in her mind and had read her thoughts. She laughed and threw her arms around him and kissed him soundly on the cheek. Then pushed away, "Come on. It's time you showed me this amazing house," she said and left him standing there as she walked up the hill. Jake quickly grabbed the suitcases and followed her, his thoughts and eyes on her cute bottom, which swished back and forth. "Get your mind out the gutter. Men and their lascivious thoughts, sheesh," Olivia teased as she reached the front door. Jake grinned wolfishly and with preternatural speed was by her side in seconds. He opened the door for her and asked formally, "Do you enter my home of your own free will." Feeling the importance of the question, Olivia answered the only way she could think of; she lifted her arms and encircled his neck. Then with all the passion and fire she possessed, she kissed him. Dropping the suitcases, Jake responded with equal passion and

fire, he had heard the quiet "yes" in his mind. Sweeping Olivia into his arms he carried her across the threshold of his home, kicking the door close, leaving the suitcases where they fell... a silent witness to her consent. ~*~ In his underground chamber, Drake roared his displeasure at Julius who sat in one of the Victorian winged backed chairs his Master had acquired many centuries ago. "How could you have been so stupid as to give such an important a task to idiots like those two non-ghouls, Julius? You're a completely incompetent vampire. To think I made you my right hand," Drake exclaimed and picked Julius up by his coat and threw against the far wall. "Now Jake has her, they have exchanged blood and mated. You could've taken over for me down here when I went above!" raged Drake as he paced to his crystal ball. "Damn you! I can no longer even see them." Drake picked up the crystal ball and threw it at Julius. The vampire ducked just as the ball hit the wall and shattered. "Now, we'll never get her!" Julius smiled arrogantly because he knew with what was in his pocket he could find the woman anywhere she was hiding. He intended to do just that and said as much to Drake, "I know how and where to find her Master," he said as he got up off the floor and dusted himself off. "I can get to her anytime we want." Drake ceased his ranting and turned to him. "What did you say?" "Before she escaped, she cut herself on this shard of glass," Julius replied and produced the piece of glass for Drake's inspection. Julius had already imprinted the smell of her blood in his mind so he no longer needed the shard and was quite willing to let Drake have it. Drake quickly snatched the piece of glass from Julius's hand and dropped into an old druid divination bowl half-full of holy water. The water turned dark red and instantly an image formed of a three-story house surrounded by night flowers. He couldn't see inside given that Jake had his safeguards in place but he knew where to find them now. Drake's anger abetted and he smiled with malicious intent. Chapter Twelve Jake carried Olivia down the gleaming oak staircase to his candle lit sanctuary and gently laid her down among the satin sheets of the bed. He looked down at her for a moment; awed she was here in his home, in his arms and in his life. Seeing the look of wonder on his face, Olivia merged her mind with his. He wanted her. She read his intentions and smiled seductively, then gazed at him with eyes filled with love. He silently encouraged her to follow him into the fire, to become one with him. Olivia waved her hand and their clothes vanished. Startled, Jake stared at her in astonishment; her acceptance and participation unleashed his passion, and he kissed her.

Jake's fingers slowly drifted to her heat and Olivia gasped in ecstasy as he gently entered her sweet, hot passage, his mouth left hers and trailed down to her breast. His teeth grazed the peaks. His tongue teased and caressed, and he blew on them until her areoles hardened. Olivia cried out in pleasure. Her hands moved enticingly over his sleek, hardmuscled body, making their way to his buttocks, she squeezed and pulled, urged him on top of her. Jake settled himself between her legs and opened them wider. She was ready for him. In one stroke he entered her and at the same time sank his teeth in her breast, drinking her sweet blood as he thrust in and out bringing her to therefore unknown heights. Feeling Olivia drifting away, Jake cursed and immediately sealed the wound on her breast. He'd taken too much! He pulled her to his chest and commanded her to drink. "Drink, my love so that you may live," he whispered in a compelling voice. Olivia gazed into his black eyes and sank her teeth over his heart. She sensuously sucked his blood as she moved her hips to meet his thrusts. Jake's rhythm increased and their groans mingled as they both reached the pinnacle of their desire and cried out in ecstasy. Olivia licked the wound, closing it and sighed replete and full. Eyes closed, she lay back against the satin pillows. Jake's gaze stayed on her face as he withdrew and lay down at her side, taking her in his arms. Olivia opened her eyes and looked into his intense gaze. "That was amazing," she whispered. Jake kissed her forehead and tightened his arms around her, pulling her closer. "You are the one who's amazing my love," he replied. He kissed her again and rose from the bed, "Come, I would show you your new home," he said like a child wanting to show off his favorite toy. He walked to a closed door, which turned out to be a walk-in closet and took out two thick robes. Olivia rose, smiling in anticipation at seeing her new home. She pulled the robe on, tied it at her waist and holding his hand followed him out of the room. They went up the oak staircase and entered the kitchen, which she'd not noticed when he'd brought her down to his sanctuary. It was a big kitchen with every conceivable appliance and space any chef would be proud to cook in. Then he showed her the living room with its cozy fireplace to ward off the cold nights, the lazy-boy chairs sitting in front of it, draped with soft afghan blankets, but what really made Olivia's day was the library. Ceiling to floor shelves filled with books of different cultures, different eras and first editions from famous writers as Darwin and Dante. Olivia reverently ran her fingers along their spines, afraid to even pick them up they were so valuable. "Have you read them all?" she asked, awed.

Jake nodded, "I've always loved reading. Even before I was turned in the 15th century I always had a book in my hands. My family thought I'd be a scholar but that changed when I met Drake," he said quietly. Olivia immediately sensed his withdrawal and went to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head over his heart. Jake's arms went around her and accepted her comfort. It had been a long time since he'd thought of his family. Hi mother, a gentle woman who loved to cook and always had a smile. His father, who worked as a shoemaker and always made sure his family was well fed. His little sister, Jessica, she had the ability to get his nose out of his books and play with her. And his brother, John, he's become a priest and then the Deacon of their village. "You still miss them don't you?" stated Olivia as she watched the images of his family flit through his mind. Jake smiled sadly and nodded, "I do, yes. But they've been gone a long time," he said and kissed the top of her head. "Did they know what" began Olivia. "No. They never knew I became a vampire," he said. "When Drake turned me I immediately left my village with him and never went back. Something inside stopped me from turning on them as many other vampires did to their families. I never understood it until Connor explained it to me. It seems my soul wasn't completely corrupted by Drake because I'd always believed in God and tried to follow His teachings. That's why my soul was able to be fully restored even though I remain a vampire and why your soul was fully restored as well," he explained. Olivia nodded, now understanding why she wasn't deranged. She'd been afraid she wouldn't last but now her mind was at ease. She moved out of his arms and pulled him towards the door "Come and show me the rest of the house," she said. Jake smiled and complied. They began her tour on the third floor with the bedrooms, which it took a while to leave because Jake seemed intent on christening every room by making love to her in each one of them. All too soon the dawn appeared on the horizon and he led her back to his sanctuary. Olivia sat on the bed and watched as Jake waved a hand and the walls parted revealing stairs leading underground. He turned and stretched out his hand, waiting for her to take it. Olivia frowned, "Where are we going? Aren't we sleeping here?" she asked uneasily. "We cannot sleep above my love. It's too dangerous," he said softly. Olivia shivered and rose, wrapping her arms around herself. "Jake, I don't think I can sleep underground. It would be like being buried alive! I couldn't take that," she said.

Jake walked over to her and took her in his arms. "Don't be afraid my love, I'll be right there with you. I won't leave you alone," he said firmly. Olivia looked up at him, " You promise?" she asked anxiously. Jake nodded and she let him lead her down into the dark depths of his underground sleeping chamber. The walls closed behind them and Olivia shuddered, feeling trapped. She closed her eyes and gripped him tighter, digging her nails into his hand. "It's alright love. I'm here," he reassured her, pulling her to his side. "Open your eyes and you'll see just as if it were daylight. That's one of the advantages of being a vampire. You can see in the dark," he teased lightly, keeping the tone of his voice calm. Olivia opened her eyes and gasped in wonder. He was right, she could see as if it were day. She relaxed her hold a little but not completely as they walked down a long corridor and entered a chamber. Olivia spotted the hole in the middle of the chamber and began to shake. "I can't do this Jake," she whispered, afraid to speak out loud in case the dirt walls caved in. "I'm scared," she admitted. "I would never let anything happen to you Livvie, you have my word on that," he promised. "Now come, we must sleep." Olivia shook her head and tugged her hand from his, backing towards the entrance. "No," she whispered, fear making her voice shake. "Don't you trust me love?" he suddenly asked. Olivia's eyes flew to his and she nodded. "You know I'd never put you in danger, don't you?" Olivia nodded again. "Then come. After the first time you'll be okay, it'll become routine," he said. Olivia slowly shuffled to his side, still afraid but determined not to give in to her fears. Jake took her hand, helped her into the hole and followed her. He lay down next to her and pulled her shaking body into his side, holding her tight so she wouldn't bolt. Then he merged their minds and sent her into a deep sleep with a compelling command. He slowed her breathing and shut down her heart. He did the same to himself and with his last thoughts he scanned the outside of his home and weaved safeguards everywhere to keep them safe, then closed the earth over them, sealing them in. Chapter Thirteen

The sun was high in the sky when an evil presence disturbed his rest. His heart began pumping, his eyes opened and his mind scanned his surroundings. His teeth grew and he hissed as he recognized the stench of Drake's ghouls trying to get pass his intricate alarm system. Jake could hear them pounding on the outer walls of his home, could smell burnt flesh every time they struck. He was glad now he'd not thought of giving in to Olivia's fear and letting her sleep in the bedroom above. Here in the ground they were safe even if the ghouls managed to penetrate the house. They would not be able to get through the wall for he'd added his strongest safeguards to prevent such from happening. Jake pulled Olivia closer to him, he considered waking her, but decided against that idea. He didn't want her to wake up still buried in the ground; afraid she would completely fall apart. Throughout the long day he held her and listened at the ghouls trying to get in. Sundown was approaching and he waved his hand opening the earth above them. He floated them to the top and into the sanctuary where he laid Olivia on the bed and left the room. Jake turned to mist, slid under the front door, and materialized behind the first ghoul. He tapped the ghoul on the shoulder, when it turned Jake's hand slashed across its face yanking one of its eyes out with his long claws. Blood covered both of them. In a fight to the death, neither would give nor back down. The ghoul howled with anger and, like a raging bull, lowered its head and charged Jake. Jake vanished and reappeared behind it. The second ghoul ambushed Jake from behind and tripped him. Jake fell, recovering quickly. He rolled away, jumped to his feet and, using his preternatural strength, hurtled it against the house where its already decaying flesh burst into flames. Then Jake rubbed his hands together, formed a ball of intense blue fire, then he threw at the first ghoul; who tried to avoid it. With only one eye the ghoul misjudged the trajectory of the ball of flame and it struck him dead center in the chest, burrowed deep inside it; burning from the inside out, and destroying him. Tension filled the air as Jake and the second ghoul, still ablaze, and Jake, circled each other. Taking Jake by surprise the ghoul fainted left; when Jake turned to face it, it jumped on Jake's back, scorching him. Jake, as he trained himself to do since becoming a vampire, paid little heed to his wounds, ignoring the pain. He concentrated only on battling the ghoul, anticipating its every move. Enraged, the ghoul attacked again, this time blindly. Jake grasped its, arm throwing the ghoul over his shoulder; at his command clouds rolled in. Blue lightening arched down, and turning it to dust. Breathing heavily, Jake staggered to the front door and tripped over Olivia's forgotten suitcases. As he fell, he hit his head on the stone ground; before he lost consciousness he whispered Olivia's name. Through the haze of deep sleep, Olivia heard Jake's whispered summons, her eyes opened instantly and her heart raced, beating double time. Something was wrong. She gazed around the room. Where was Jake? Her senses flared out searching for the familiar path

of his mind. She heard her name again, this time only faintly. Something was wrong. Without thought, the robe she had on vanished, replaced by jeans and a green sweater. She rushed out the door and ran upstairs. Frantic, Olivia followed the faint mental path to where Jake lay outside the front door. She gasped in horror at his wounds and with preternatural strength pulled him inside. She dragged him to the living room where she lifted him onto the sofa and stood there looking down at him. He was bleeding heavily and she wondered how to stop it. She recalled the wounds she'd made herself when she'd drank his blood and dropped to her knees at his side. With a thought his shirt vanished and she ran her tongue over the cuts and burns, healing him. She knew his blood needed replenishing. She couldn't give hers, she was weak, her energy too low. Though distasteful as it was she knew she'd have to venture outdoors and find prey, otherwise neither Jake nor she would survive. Decision made, Olivia quickly left. Outside she sent out the call to come to her and waited. She could hear humans approaching but quickly sent them away; she could never drink another human's blood, it was too abhorrent to her. From out of the brush came a family of deer, they walked right up to her. Olivia's hungry gaze focused on the buck's neck, she dropped down to its level and sank her teeth into its lifeline. She was glad she didn't have to drink it dry as she sealed the wound and grasped the doe. She drank deep from the other buck and female deer never touching the two fawns, they were too little to lose the amount of blood she required. Replete, Olivia watched as the deer staggered to their feet. She sent them to rest in the garden where there was plenty of food and water then she went back inside to Jake. He hadn't moved an inch; he looked dead to her, she put her ear to his chest but could detect no heartbeat. "Jake," she called aloud, "wake up." She stared at his face for any sign he'd heard her, but there was none. Fear mounting she merged with his mind and found the familiar path almost gone! "Jake!" she exclaimed. "You can't leave me, you promised!" Olivia waited and waited for a response then called to him over and over again. She gasped in surprise and was overjoyed when she finally heard his voice; weak as it was. "I'm...herehungrytofeed," he said faintly. Olivia pulled Jake to her until his mouth connected with her bare throat. "Drink my love," she whispered. Immediately Jake refused, "Youareweak."

"I'm not weak Jake. I have fed ," she reassured him. As soon as the word fed registered into his mind, Jake's hunger took over, he pierced her throat, and he drank, long and deep. His heart returned to normal and his strength returned. He wrapped his arms around her, held her tightly, and continued to satiate his hunger. He tasted the deer blood and was exhilarated. He was glad she'd not fed off of a human; he didn't know how he would have handled it if she'd taken the blood of a male. Jake breathed softly, ran his tongue over the wound, sealing it. He raised his head and looked into her beautiful green eyes. "Thank you, my love, my Guardian Angel" he said surprised. He was truly astonished she'd put aside her aversion to taking blood and had the presence of mind to feed. His love was certainly adapting to her new lifestyle. Olivia shrugged, embarrassed. "I didn't do anything," she said softly. The next moment she stood up and paced back and forth; anger replacing her earlier fear. "What I would like to know is, what the hell happened that made you all bloody and burnt almost to a crisp?" she asked as she turned back to Jake, hands on her hips. Jake's was stunned. His sweet, gentle woman sure had a temper. Her green eyes glowed with fury and her mouth was pulled into a tight line as she waited for him to answer. Jake opened his mouth but couldn't for the life of him come up with anything but the truth. He tried, he really did. He hemmed and hawed, said he got too close to the fireplace, which was why he was burned. Olivia just pointed to the fireless grate and looked at him as if to say try another one pal. So he finally told her the truth, he'd fought two of Drake's ghoul, and pointed out that he'd won the battle. Incredulous, Olivia just stared at his satisfied expression. "You fought two ghoul and left me sleeping when I could have helped you!" she exclaimed. "Of all the asinine things to do! With my help you wouldn't have been burned at all, youyouyou..." Olivia pivoted away from him as tears suddenly coursed down her cheeks. Jake quickly stood and pulled her into his arms. She resisted trying to pull free, her fists hit his chest but he wouldn't let go. "It was horrible finding you like that," she sobbed. "I was so scared. You wouldn't answer when I called your name; I thought you were dead. I didn't know what to do!" she exclaimed, her tone rising hysterically. Jake took control and slowed her breathing, calming her. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Cara. If I could've prevented it I would've. I will always be grateful for your quick thinking and feeding me. Thank you my love," he said tenderly. Olivia sniffed and raised her head. "You're never to that again, you got me," she said pouring her heart out to him. "Don't ever leave me to wake up without you by my side ever again. Whatever battle you're in I want to be there to aid you anyway I can. I don't

know what I'd do if I lost you, you're my life, my soulmate, I wouldn't want to live without you." If ever Jake had doubted her love for him, her words would have made those doubts vanish instantly. Hi head dipped down and he kissed her with passion. Olivia circled his neck and retuned his kiss full force. Chapter Fourteen Drake and Julius watched the battle between Jake and the ghouls. It had been close, so close, but Jake had prevailed. Drake cursed and pushed Julius out of his way as he paced the chamber. "Defeated once again!" he ranted. "I sent my two most powerful ghouls and he destroyed them. Is it because he has a soul now, has it made him more powerful? Well? Answer me?" he looked pointedly at Julius. "Never mind," he continued and waved a hand in the air. "I know why. It's because he drank the woman's blood and merged with her. It should have been me!" exclaimed Drake. "It's your fault I don't have her. You and those bumbling idiots you sent to capture her. Get out of my sight before I" Julius left the chamber, softly closing the door behind him. His usual mien of indifference changed as his eyes turned pale blue and his brown hair turned the color of fire. A smile of satisfaction lightly crossed his lips and he disappeared to report the latest of Drake's failed attempts to secure the woman. ~*~ Olivia cursed in frustration. "I can't do it Jake. It's too hard, especially with you touching me, my concentration completely evaporates," she said. Jake chuckled at the way Olivia's face screwed up as she concentrated on keeping the image of an owl in her mind. Olivia slapped his shoulder, "Stop laughing you jackass," she said trying to stop her own smile from forming. "This really is hard. You've been doing this for centuries and I'm just learning." Jake pulled her in his arms, "Alright, let's try again. This time I'll merge with you and hold the image. Okay?" Olivia nodded and instantly felt his presence, as the owl image appeared at the forefront of her mind. She focused all her energy on it and suddenly felt her whole being transforming, taking the owl's form and body. Things now looked very big from her new perspective, the trees were huge and powerful looking, she suddenly had the urge to try out her wings and fly. With a mischievous look at Jake, she hopped onto one of the stone benches and launched into the air climbing as high as she dared. "Not without me you don't," growled Jake as he shape-shifted and took off after her.

"Oh Jake, this is incredible," she said, her voice filled with awe. "I feel so free, without a care in the world." Olivia soared higher, laughing. She flew every which way, up, down, and in circles, and for the fun of it she even hooted. She took great delight in and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of flight. Jake flew by Olivia's side kept her safe and smiled indulgently at her antics. He let her have her fun a few minutes more then reined her in. He still had much to teach her for sooner than they both knew it they would be going up against the Master of Tarsus, Drake himself. He frowned lightly as he wondered how the ghouls had found his home? Could he have made a mistake? He searched his memories and found nothing he did or said that would have led Drake's slaves to him. Then he lightly began searching his soulmate's and found what he was looking for. He immediately retreated from them not wanting her to know she had inadvertently left a clue behind in the abandoned building. "Don't even think about hiding it from me my darling," Olivia gently scolded. "I can read your mind as easily as you now read mine, better even. It was the shard of glass I cut my binding with wasn't it? I left a trace of my blood. Now Drake can track me anywhere, isn't that right. Jake?" Jake herded her back to the garden and they changed back into their human form. He immediately took her in his arm wanting to soothe the sadness and guilt filling her being. "Yes, it was the shard of glass," he confirmed. "But it wasn't your fault my love," he emphasized, "It was mine. I should have been stronger to remove the ropes." Now it was Olivia's turn to soothe him. She pulled out of his arms, took his hands in hers and looked him squarely in the eye, "You did all you could. Your strength and willpower is amazing. Everything I've heard about vampires suggests they don't have your kind of power during the day but you've proved the skeptic in me wrong, so if it wasn't my fault then it wasn't yours either," she stated firmly. Jake stared at his woman in wonder. It astounded him how forgiving she was. She was his soulmate, his miracle. He smiled seductively and tried to pull her in his arms. "Now, none of that you he-man you," she said laughingly and danced out of his reach. "The night is young and you still have lots to teach me. So what's next oh master of the universe? Hum?" Jake smiled and shook his head. She looked so beautiful, standing there, hands on her slim hips. Her laughing green eyes and her fabulous auburn hair. He didn't deserve her but knew he'd never let her go. "Of course you don't deserve me," she quipped. "Now on with the lessons if you please."

"Alright already. Let's try something a little simpler," he said as he shimmered and disappeared. Olivia gasped; she turned everywhere looking for him. "Jake?" she called. "Answer me you ape? Where are you?" "Right here my love," he said from behind her. Olivia twirled around, startled, "How d'you do that? One second you were there and the next, POOF! You vanished into thin air," she said her face clearly showing amazement. "You have got to teach me that! It would come in real handy when I need to disappear." Jake eyebrows drew down and his lips stretched into a hard line, his expression unreadable. "Not disappear from you, silly," she said, his mind an open book to her now. "Honestly Jake, don't you know me better than that?" she sighed, exasperated. "I love you, you silly man." Jake's face cleared and his smile returned, "I knew that," he said cockily. "I just wanted to make sure you knew it too." Olivia groaned; she'd been had. "I oughta smack you," she teased. "Now tell me how you did that so I can do it too." Chapter Fifteen By the time dawn approached, Jake taught Olivia many things. Besides the owl, she learned how to change into a wolf, a mouse and, one of his favorites, the Siberian tiger. He taught her to become only mist and slide under doors. She was an apt pupil and was proficient in no time, he was very proud of her. Olivia was overjoyed with her new found ability to shape-shift. She followed Jake into the house and listened to him chant the ancient, weaving spell that safeguarded their home; the words flowed smoothly over her tongue, she imprinted them into her mind. She followed him down to what she now called their sanctuary; it was no longer his but both of theirs. Earlier she had unpacked and placed her things with his. Then she followed him down to their secret sleeping area, she was still a bit apprehensive about sleeping in the earth but with Jake's promise to never leave her, she cast her doubts aside and lay down at his side. Jake pulled her into his arms.

"I love you dearest Olivia. You are my heart and my soul," he whispered just before his lips claimed hers. They made sensual, passionate love and Olivia's mewling, and panting urged Jake on to completion and he poured forth his life force. Satiated, Jake commanded the earth to close around them and they slept. Olivia heard a child crying and got up to check on it. She bent over the crib and smiled at the beautiful black-haired baby. He wanted to be fed and right now. She smiled indulgently, "just like his father," she thought, "always wanting everything right away, no waiting period." The scene changed and, Jake and she were walking in Central Park. The sun was shining and Jake's expression could only be described as euphoric. "I never thought I'd ever see the sun again, let alone walk under it without being destroyed," he said happily. He grabbed her and laughing, twirled her around and around, until they both fell to the ground. The scene changed yet again and Olivia saw herself sitting by the only grave in the garden. She tried not to see or read the name on the gravestone but couldn't stop herself. Tears fell from her eyes as the name Jake Nathaniel Morgan came into focus. He was gone. Killed by that foul vampire, Drake. If only he had stepped to the side and avoided the spear. She'd managed to free herself and kill Drake, and then she'd lovingly gathered Jake's dust and brought him here, to their home. Though still both in a deep slumber, Olivia felt Jake's probe of her mind and instantly shielded the visions of his greatest joy or her worst fear, his death. She needed time to sort them out before she told him anything about them. She didn't know where the visions came from for she'd never had them before. Instead she recalled the unhappy memory of her mother's death and felt Jake's love envelope her. She eagerly went into his invisible embrace and selfishly took the comfort he offered. She was suddenly afraid of the future. Jake literally saw Olivia's walls come down in a tiny part of her mind. He gently probed her mind but her shields were strong, stronger than even his own shields and it would take too much energy to penetrate his. He hid his thoughts from her as he continued to soothe her and wondered what she was hiding from him. He knew she loved him there was no doubt of that after she saved his life, so he decided to wait until she told him herself what troubled her so much, she close off even a tiny parcel of her mind from him. Jake stood on the roof, his senses in the wind, searching for the path of Drake's mind. A path he'd not used in centuries. His powers had grown tremendously now that Olivia's blood was mixed with his own. His mind could now detect more than several vampires at a greater distance whereas before he could only detect two at only a two-mile radius. Their mingled blood had also enabled Olivia to learn shape shifting more quickly than if she'd been turned by a soulless vampire instead of her true soulmate. He felt her presence behind him just as she visibly shimmered on the roof and stretched out his hand. Olivia took his hand and came to his side, her eyes glued to the heavens, "I feel them too," she announced.

Jake turned his head and looked down at her surprised she could detect the vampires so soon. "It's our mingled blood Jake," she stated, then continued, "and I'm a shadow in your mind, I see what you see," she said and laughed at Jake's mock expression of outrage. "Have you found him yet?" she now asked seriously. Jake turned his gaze back to the night horizon, "No, not yet," he replied. "He's hiding from my probes. One minute I think I have him and the next he's gone again." "I have an idea that might help you pinpoint his location," she said. Jake turned back to her and smiled, "And what idea is that my love," he asked her gently. "Remember how you merged you mind and joined your energy with mine to help me keep the image of the animals?" she said earnestly. Jake nodded. "Well. . .what if we did the same thing only in reverse. I'd join my mind and energy with yours to help you find Drake," she stated simply. Jake's eyes glowed with pride, her willingness to help melted his heart and he fell more deeply in love with her. He agreed and Olivia merged her mind completely to his and focused all her energy on the image of Drake's face that Jake conjured. Using their combined energy, Jake sent his mind out to finding the path he needed. His mind fleetingly touched many others before he connected with Drake's. He grinned and shared his elation with his love as he cautiously followed the path and slowly became a shadow in his enemy's mind, and listened. ~*~ "Julius! Where are you?" shouted Drake. The image of Jake and the woman had abruptly vanished when she'd merged with his enemy. The bloody holy water was almost gone, evaporated, which resulted in his inability to hear what they were saying anymore. He'd already killed low-level vampire who'd cleaned his chamber earlier because the idiot forgot to put the cover back over the druid bowl. Now he wanted more holy water and Julius was the only one of his minions able to get it without burning himself. Julius shimmered into the room, "Yes Master? How may I be of service?" he asked as he bowed subserviently. Drake glanced at him wishing he'd taken the vampire's blood so he could read his mind. But he hadn't, so dismissed the thought it wasn't important right now but the water was. "I need more holy water. That idiot," Drake pointed to the ground, "forgot to cover the bowl and now most of the water has evaporated!" he exclaimed.

Julius stared at the circle of dust on the floor and the lyrics to a song by the singing group Queen, he'd recently heard, flitted briefly through his mind, "Another one bites the dust, doo doo doo, another one bites the dust. And another ones gone, and another ones gone, another one bites the dust. Hey" He managed to control his laughter at the song's significance and just continued to stare blankly at the floor. Only a tiny twitch in his cheek betrayed his amusement. Drake saw the twitch and assumed it was from fear, he smiled grandly, flattered that he could strike fear into this man. Julius did not correct Drake assumption for it wasn't yet time to reveal his true self. He bowed to Drake once again, "I will get your holy water right away," he said and disappeared. ~*~ Jake and Olivia retreated quickly from Drake's mind coloring the path so it could be easily traced. "So that's what he used to track me," mused Olivia. "My blood in holy water." "Yes," said Jake. "I remember the druid bowl. In the early days before my soul was completely returned, Drake and I visited a museum where ancient artifacts were on display. Drake liked the bowl so he took it. He said he'd read about the bowl in an ancient tome, that the Druids combined holy water with the blood of their enemy they could see and hear him anywhere he was," he explained. "We're going to have to attack when he least expects it," stated Olivia. "You're right and we must do it before Julius gives him more holy water. Thanks to you my love, I can connect to Drake's path anytime," said Jake and he kissed her soundly. "Let's continue your lessons. I want to teach some karate techniques in case you need to fight," he said solemnly. Chapter Sixteen Jake led her to the stone bench near the pond to watch as he demonstrated the first kick of Basic Strikes. "This is the Front Snap Kick: Lift the knee of your kicking leg as high as possible in front of your body," he said. "But be sure to keep your fists tight, and your toes pointed up to prevent damage to your foot. Snap the kick out directly in front of your body to the target area, keep your other leg slightly bent for balance, and be sure to thrust with your hips for speed and power," he said and looked over at her. "Did you understand all that?"

"I think so," said Olivia in an uncertain voice. "But can you do it again, slowly this time?" Jake nodded and slowly demonstrated the kick again. He kept looking at her and saw her nod at each move he made telling him she understood the moves. "You ready to try now?" he asked. "Yes," replied Olivia. She got up and slowly walked to his side. Jake lifted his knee first and Olivia copied his movement. She followed by snapping the kick out from her body to the invisible target area and fell. Jake was immediately at her side, helping her to stand. "You didn't bend your other leg for balance, that's why you fell," he said arrogantly. "I did bend my leg," she argued. "It didn't work because I was kicking at thin air. Perhaps if I had a target, someone I could focus on, it would help," she suggested with deceptive innocence. Jake frowned slightly. Her suggestion sounded plausible and there was no reason why he shouldn't volunteer to be her opponent. He was briefly suspicious by her innocent look, but dismissed it out of hand and stood in front of her. Olivia immediately controlled her urge to clap with glee, he'd placed himself exactly where she wanted him. She took her stance in front of him and lifted her knee as high as she could in front of her body, curling her toes inward and executed a perfect sidekick hitting Jake in the chest, propelling him backwards into the pond. A kick he hadn't taught her yet. Caught completely off guard, Jake dropped, with a big splash into the pond. He twisted in the water and arose sputtering and coughing, his head crowned with a large lily pad complete with frog. The look on his face was priceless. Olivia laughed at his expression of blatant disbelief. She tried not to laugh; she really did, but the image of him standing there, all masculine outrage, fists on his hips and a lily pad complete with frog on top his head sent her into gales of laughter. When the frog croaked and jumped off dislodging the lily pad so it slipped over Jake's eyes, Olivia couldn't stop the tears of hilarity from falling. She fell to the ground doubled-up in laughter. Dripping wet, Jake raised his hand and slowly pulled the lily pad off his head. His expression unreadable, he stepped out of the pond, nearly slipped on the wet grass, and with slow deliberate steps squished his way over to her. She looked up at him with a mischievous smile. He tried to glare fiercely at her but the humor of the situation overcame his wounded pride and his lips twitched as if attempting to hold back a smile. In an unexpected move, he bent down pulled her up by the arms, and dragged her towards the pond.

Olivia tried to pull away from Jake but he held fast, "Jake! It was only a joke! I didn't meanwellnot really" she pleaded and dug in her heels. "You never asked if I knew karate, you just assumed I didn't because I didn't fight back against with Raphael and those two goons," she stated, still resisting his hold. "You don't want to do this Jake," she said. Jake stopped, pulled her in front of him and looked at her, "Oh, yes, I do," he stated through clenched teeth and resumed walking, backing her towards the water. Olivia read his thoughts, the temptation too great and relaxed her stance. She stopped moving, waiting 'til he got closer. In one fluid movement she grabbed his wrist, pulling his arm in front of her and quickly pivoted into his invisible space, her back to him. Using her hip as leverage, she flipped him over her shoulder and threw him back into the pond. Then beat a hasty retreat, giggling like a schoolgirl; she'd surprised him again. Jake couldn't believe it. She'd done it to him again. Eyes narrowed, he turned to mist, floated passed her with silent intent to appear in front of her. "Oomph!" grunted Olivia when her face hit a soggy, cold muscled chest. Iron, wet arms circled her body and lifted her up. She felt a sensation of weightlessness then suddenly shrieked as the arms disappeared and she landed on her kiester in the pond. Rivulets of water streaming from her hair, Olivia raised her head and glared at the man responsible for her present predicament. "That was certainly childish of you Jake," she calmly said as she pushed her wet hair out of her face. He just stood there, arms crossed over his chest, a smirk gracing his lips. "Childish you say," retorted Jake, "and I suppose pretending not to know karate isn't childish?" Olivia blushed crimson, "Alright, so I wanted to teach you a lesson, but that doesn't mean you had to retaliate and dump me in the pond," she said indignantly. "Well, since I was wet, I thought it only fair you should be too," replied Jake. She looked like a drowned cat, her hair plastered to her head, her eyes wide and round, but to him she was beautiful. Olivia shot him a murderous look and climbed out of the water. "It's going to take forever for my hair to dry," she announced as she twisted her hair and got rid of the excess water. "And, it'll be your fault if I catch a cold," she accused him. Jake snorted, "Olivia my darling, lest you forget, you are now a vampire. You can't catch a cold. For that matter you'll never be sick ever again," he stated. "As for your hair, it can be dry in a matter of seconds. Your clothes too," he added as an afterthought.

Olivia reared her head back and noticed for the first since getting out of the water that Jake's hair and clothes were dry. She scowled at him. "How did you do that? You were as wet as I am and now your all dry," she said and plastered her cold wet body to his dry warm one. Olivia snaked her arms up around his neck and tried to pull his head down towards her, but Jake remained rigid. No way was she going to catch him off guard again. "What are you angling for my love," he asked sweetly. Olivia sighed, "I only want a kiss," she said her eyes not meeting his. She was still furious he'd taken his revenge and he still handed told her how he'd gotten dry so quickly. "A kiss, hmmm," he pondered. "I'm not sure you deserve a kiss." He looked down at her earnest face and saw her impish look just before she veiled her eyes. Jake's own eyes darkened, an evil smile briefly touched his lips as an idea struck him. "Okay, my love," he said mysteriously, "A kiss you want and a kiss you shall have. Close your eyes." Olivia looked at him suspiciously but his face was blank. She warily shut her eyes and felt his breath on her lips. "Are you ready my love," he whispered passionately. "Yes," she sighed. His lips claimed hers, their tongues battling. His arms closed around her, pulling her up and close, her feet dangled above the ground. So caught up in his kiss, Olivia didn't notice Jake's own feet weren't touching the ground anymore, nor that they were slowly moving in direction of the pond until the sound of a frog splashing in the water penetrated her cloud of desire. She tore her lips from his and whipped her head around in alarm. They were almost there! She turned back to Jake and saw a devilish gleam in his eye and knew he had planned this all along. Olivia began to struggle, "Jake! No! Don't! I'm sorry I threw you in the pond, I won't ever do it again," she said, her voice rising in panic, as they got closer. "Don't worry my love, your clothes won't get wet this time," he stated and her clothes vanished. Olivia stared down in utter disbelief at her nakedness, " Two can play that game," she said furiously and in a blink he was as naked as she. She bowed her back and the tips of her breast brushing his lips. At the contact, Jake's entire being filled with lust, his concentration slipped and felt them fall. Twisting in mid-air, he landed on his back with Olivia on top of him.

"Ewwwwwww," yelled Olivia as muddy water slapped her in the face. "You knew there was a mud puddle here didn't you?" she accused him and sat up. "You jerk!" she shouted and began splashing and pummeling him, the fight was on. Jake grabbed her arms and rolled her under him. He captured both her hands in one strong grip and pulled them over her head, holding them there as he bent his head and took first one nipple in his mouth then the other, raising her inner fire. Olivia cried out in ecstasy, her hips lifting to reach his manhood. She whimpered and opened her legs wider as he thrust into her hot, velvet sheath. "Oh yes!" she exclaimed as he pushed deeper into her. Her hands slid to his buttocks and she pulled him closer as he plunged in and out. Without leaving her sheath, Jake rolled again bringing her on top. "Ride me, my love," he gasped. Olivia's eyes widened as she felt him slide even deeper. With his strong hands guiding her movements, she rose up, then slid back down onto his hard shaft, riding him like a wild mustang. Mounting desire impelled her to ride faster and faster, their moans mingling as they both reached their peak and came together, their bodies shuddering helplessly. Satiated, Olivia fell forward upon Jake's chest, breathing heavily. Jake wrapped his arms around her, kissed the top of her head and shimmered, reappearing in their chamber. He laid her on the bed and washed the mud from her body then his own. Then he joined her and slept lightly until the time came to move to the underground chamber and sleep beneath the rich rejuvenating soil. Chapter Seventeen Jake and Olivia slept until their next rising. They both changed in the form of a wolf, the alpha pair and headed into the forest. Jake took the lead but Olivia was having none of that. She growled low and ran up to his side, nipping his hind leg as she passed tail in the air. Jake growled back, "You will stay behind me my love," he ordered. "Danger lurks everywhere in this forest." "Oh, alright, I'll stay by your side," she compromised. "You will also stay hidden while I feed for both of us. This I will not negotiate," he said sternly. Olivia barked her answer, which was yes. Hunger spurred them on and they ran to the edge of the city. They changed back into their human form and Jake left her in the trees to seek his prey. He ordered her to stay put, that he wouldn't be gone long. Always a shadow in her mind, Jake smiled when she grumble something about him being a 'male domineering pig' and

observed her memories of their earlier argument. His smile widened in satisfaction, he'd won that round. ~*~ "Why can't you feed off deer and other animals!" she exclaimed. "Feeding off humans is disgusting." "My love, human blood is what keeps us strong. Animal blood is only ingested in dire cases of emergency," he explained. "Then why not go to a blood bank! At least then you won't have to sink your teeth into a human neck," she argued. "At times I have used blood banks, but the blood is cold, stale and often tainted," he said gently and pulled her into his arms. "What we require for the coming battle is fresh, warm blood, untainted blood," he said as his hand caressed her back, up then down, soothing her. "How can you tell whether blood is tainted or not?" she asked curiously. "By the taste," replied Jake. "Tainted blood has a metallic taste because of all the drugs and alcohol humans consume. Untainted blood has a clean taste that tingles on the tongue," he explained. "I'm not biting anyone's neck no matter how much I'm hungry," she stated. "Do not worry my love, you won't have to. I will provide for you," he promised. "Are you ready to leave?" Olivia reluctantly nodded and they shape shifted into the alpha pair. ~*~ Out of her sight, he cast his senses out, calling to him the closest untainted humans in the area. Three businessmen walked down the street, almost trance like, answering his call. Jake grabbed the first one and sank his teeth into his neck. He drank deeply almost draining the man completely. He let the man fall to the ground as he seized the second one and did the same. Of the third man he only drank half, leaving him enough strength to get the other two home. He waited until the three men were well out of his sight before shimmering and materializing at Olivia's side. Olivia's hungry gaze focused on Jake as he appeared. He immediately folded her into his arms, pressing her mouth to his neck. Her pale complexion took on a healthy glow as she fed long and deep. She passed her tongue over the wounds and raised her head. Her gaze

on his lips she kissed him. Jake returned her kiss, tasting the sweet tingle of the remnant of blood on her lips. "Thank you," she whispered. "It was my pleasure my darling," he smiled easily and replied. "Are you ready to merge?" Olivia grinned back and merged her mind with his, pouring her energy to boost his own as he sent out his senses in search of Drake's location. Luck was with them. Drake was outside, staring up at a mountain, one Jake recognized instantly. It was Mount Skylight in the Adirondack Mountains. He remembered being there once with Drake and hearing him say the hidden caves under Skylight would make a great lair for him and the army he was going to recruit. He had plans he said, plans to feed off the human race. But those plans never materialized because of Jake. Jake couldn't stomach killing humans, He accepted Connor's offer for the return of his soul, in exchange he had to imprison Drake, forever, using the means the angel had provided. The means turned out to be a binding spell, which could only be broken if Drake ingested the rare blood of a druid a Warrior Priestess. Surprised by his own thoughts, Jake gazed down at Olivia, "Who taught you to fight like that?" he suddenly asked. Olivia shrugged, "No one, I just always knew. My mother used to tell me I was born knowing how to fight," she replied, recalling the conversation. "She used to say I was special, that when I was older and the time was right, she'd explain everything to me." "So you've never taken lessons?" he asked, he wanted to make sure he was right. That she was from the Druid race he'd read about when he was a boy. He remembered the ancient tome he'd found while poking around in an old castle ruin he and his family had visited in France. He'd left the tome behind when he'd left his home, what happened to it he didn't know. He hoped Drake hadn't found it. "No, why do you ask?" she inquired. "No reason," he said and smiled at her. He didn't want her to know who she was until he could be really sure. Jake turned his gaze back to the night sky, "It's time," he said. Olivia nodded and they shape-shifted into two magnificent Peregrine falcons. They took to the sky flying towards Mount Skylight. "I remember this mountain," said Olivia in his mind, "before my mother was killed, she and I camped here. Is this where Drake is?"

"Yes," replied Jake. "The mountain is riddled with interconnected caves deep underground. His minions each have a chamber of their own. It will be dangerous. They'll try to stop me, kill me, but you they'll keep alive for Drake." He told her then cursed. "I shouldn't have let you come!" "You couldn't have stopped me my darling," she said fiercely. "I would never let you confront Drake alone. I've had v." she began to say but instantly clammed up. She was afraid to tell him the vision of death she'd had, his death. For that reason she went with him, to prevent it. "You've had what, my love? Visits? Visions?" asked Jake. He was sure she had been about to reveal what she was hiding from him. Olivia drew in a startled breath, mentally shrugged her shoulder and said, "It was nothing, really." Jake heard her startled breathe when he mentioned visions. "Visions my love? What were these visions about? I could break down those walls you have guarding them, but I would prefer you told me yourself. I've waited long enough don't you think?" he said in a persuasive voice. Olivia was terrified, she considered not telling him, but he would forget to duck and she could loose him; something she refused to do. Besides, ever since the visions, somewhere deep inside her, she felt the need; an instinct if you will, to protect and defend her soulmate. She didn't understand but knew it was something she couldn't ignore. "The other day as we slept, I had a vision of your death," she stated. "You were battling with Drake and he got the upper hand. He managed to grab a spear and destroyed you." she said her mind filled with the images. Jake watched the images go by as if watching a film clip. He saw himself fighting with Drake, then one of Drake's minion's attacked from behind, kicking his legs out from under him, giving Drake the opportunity to grab a spear from an ancient armored statue and pierced his heart. During the battle he also saw Olivia, chained to a back wall so she could see the battle. She tried to warn him but it had been too late, her expression of horror and grief had been his last sight before he'd turned to dust. The last part of the vision nearly broke Jake's concentration, he had to reinforce the image of the falcon to continue flying. Seeing her chained to the wall had really thrown him. For the first time in his life, since encountering Drake, Jake was scared. "Why didn't you tell me this before, woman!" he roared. "We're turning back! I will not put you in danger." He said and tried to make her turn around.

"It's too late darling. We've arrived," she said and evading him, she flew down to the summit of Mount Skylight. Jake cursed and flew after her. Chapter Eighteen They landed, shape-shifted into their human form and Jake grabbed her immediately. "You are not going in there with me," he ordered. "You are going to change back into a falcon and fly home. This is not negotiable!" Olivia stood her ground and pointed her finger at him, poking him in the chest. "Now you listen to me buster. I'm not going back! You cannot keep me from fighting. My fighting skills are almost superior to yours," she said heatedly then her demeanor changed from anger to calm. "Besides, I'd just turn around and come back," she said and crossed her arms, waiting for his explosion. Jake face flushed red with anger. He wanted to grab her and shake her but harming her was out of the question. His love for her and his honor forbade it. He paced back and forth in front of her listing all the reasons he could think of but one look into her eyes he saw not one reason fazed her. She was going in there whether he liked it or not. Jake sighed deeply, "Alright, you can come," he said, resigned. "But you stay by my side at all time, no wandering on your own, is that understood?" Olivia clicked her heals together and saluted, "Yes Sir! Commander Sir! Understood," she quipped. Jake smiled reluctantly and took her in his arms. He held her tight for a moment, her visions playing in his mind. He looked into her eyes a moment then kissed her before letting her go. He turned, grasped her hand and led the way down the mountain. ~*~ From his hiding place behind a huge Poplar tree, Julius watched has Jake and Olivia descended the mountain. He waited until they were out of sight before following them down. It wouldn't do for Olivia to see him just yet. ~*~ Jake pushed Olivia behind before the vampire guarding the cave entrance saw her. Olivia tried to see around him but Jake's fingers held her wrist like handcuffs, which prevented her from peeking over his shoulder. "I only want to peek," she hissed at his back. "It's not as if I was going to take him out myself," she mumbled. Jake's lips quirked up slightly, his woman was a piece of work, no doubt about it. He took a last look at the vampire and turned to his love.

"I will take care of this one," he said. "You will stay here, and wait until I call you, understood," he looked at her sternly, waiting. Olivia considered disobeying, but one look at Jake's 'Don't argue with me,' expression, she changed her mind and agreed not to interfere, then he kissed her hard on the lips and left. Jake nonchalantly approached the vampire, "Hello Roberto, long time no see. It's been what? Three, four centuries since I last saw you?" he said. Roberto's lips curled up, his incisors showing menacingly. "Morgan. What do you want?" he growled low, his eyes never leaving Jake's face. "I see Drake still doesn't trust you to guard his back. I guess Julius got that dubious honor after I left," he said sarcastically. Roberto took a step forward towards Jake but thought better and stepped back. Jake's lips curled in derision, "What's wrong, can't leave your post?" he taunted. The vampire's hands curled into fists at his side and fear flashed briefly in his eyes. Effectively, Drake had ordered him not to leave the entrance unguarded or he'd suffer the consequences, meaning the Master of Tarsus would destroy him. Jake caught the flash of fear in Roberto's eyes and laughed smugly, "Still afraid of Drake I see. Well, I don't blame you," he said as he took another careful step towards the vampire, "Drake is powerful and he does have a terrible temper. But hey, what can you do, he is your Master after all and it wouldn't do to think for yourself, now would it?" The vampire cursed, he'd always hated being taunted, especially now, by one who'd once been one of them. Roberto disregarded his orders and launched himself at Morgan. Jake quickly sidestepped and the vampire flew past him. Jake laughed again as Roberto turned and thrust out his hand to strike, Jake raised an arm and blocked the vampire's hand and quickly followed with a uppercut under its chin, sending the vampire sprawling to the ground. Jake then picked up a stout stick and hurled it into the vampire's heart. A look of utter surprise appeared on Roberto's face, just before he turned to dust. It hadn't been much of a fight, for Jake knew his skills had been superior. He sighed sadly, that because of Drake, Roberto had to die a second time. Sensing his sadness, Olivia immediately went to him, to hell with the danger. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tight. Not surprised in the least to find her at his side Jake enfolded her into his arms, accepting her silent comfort for a

moment. Then he pushed back from her, smiled and, taking her hand, they walked into Drake's lair. ~*~ A few minutes later, Julius stepped into the clearing. He looked down at the pile of dust and shook his head. "Roberto, Roberto, Roberto, you never did learn to control you basic instincts to fight, did you?" he said sadly. He remembered Roberto from before Drake had got him. He'd had a family; a wife and 2 children, they'd been happy. One night Roberto had worked late, as he walked home Drake had attacked him and turned him. Then they'd both gone to Roberto's home and killed his family. He only hoped Roberto was now at peace. Chapter Nineteen Jake and Olivia stealthily walked close to the rock walls, careful to keep their presence undetected as long as possible. They turned a corner and Jake's fangs suddenly exploded from his mouth and came face to face with one of Drake's lesser, newer vampires, its eyes flaming with hunger; Jake quickly pushed Olivia away from him as the vampire swung at him. Jake ducked and retaliated with a swift uppercut, hitting the vampire under his jaw and it flying against the opposite rock wall. Out of nowhere, his soulmate leaped into the mle and staked the vampire in the heart, effectively dusting him. "Olivia," growled Jake in her mind as he grabbed her. "I thought I told you to stay behind me, and where did you get that silly piece of wood?" "I made it while you were on the roof. You want one, I made two?" she said cheekily and whipped out another wooden stake from behind her back. "I thought they might come in handy. I got the idea from that TV show, Buffy, The Vampire Slayer." Jake groaned, he rolled his eyes and held out his hand, "Give me one," he said, "and stay behind me. I don't want you in danger, if at all possible." Olivia passed him a wooden stake and Jake to the lead again. "You could say thank you, you know," she said petulantly. Jake cast her a dark look, grabbed her hand and pulled her with him as he resumed walking. They passed a few empty chambers as Jake used his memories to navigate the caves. Suddenly Olivia cried out as an arm wrapped around her throat and her hand was yanked out of Jake's. "I got you!" said an unfamiliar voice. "Drake will reward me for bringing you to him," he whispered in her ear.

"Jake!" Olivia cried out on their mental path as she struggled against the vampire's hold. "Now, now, none of that," said the vampire as he tightened his grip around her neck. "Go kill the guy she was with while I take her to Drake," he said to his buddy as he pulled her backwards. "What happen to your almost superior skills, my love?" Jake's voice sounded in her mind, "You kicked my butt pretty good in our training session, why are you not doing the same to this undead one?" he asked. Hearing Jake's voice in her mind calmed Olivia. At first, when she'd lost physical contact with him, her mind had gone blank, but now it was active again and she could think. She went limp, surprising the vampire and he loosened his hold. She quickly jumped up and lashed out with her left foot, striking the vampire's knee, shattering the cartilage. The vampire howled with pain, fell to the ground and before he could let out another scream, Olivia jammed the stake in his heart and turned away as he became dust. She ran toward the sounds of fighting, knew instantly it was Jake and the other vampire. She stopped short just as Jake staked him and the vampire disintegrated. Jake smiled at her and lifted the hand still holding the stake, "It worked," he said softly. Olivia smiled back, "Of course it worked," she said smugly. "Buffy is never wrong." Jake grabbed her hand again, "Come on, Ms. Slayer, we still have a way to go before reaching Drake's chamber," he said in a low voice. When this was over he'd have to teach his love to be just a little more respectful, he reflected devilishly, relishing his brand of teaching. ~*~ Julius clamped a hand over his mouth, suppressing his laughter. Olivia's reference to Buffy, The Vampire Slayer had almost undone him and he'd nearly given his position away. ~*~ Using his druid bowl, Drake watched as Jake and Olivia dispatched his lesser vampires; not that he cared, all that mattered was they were here in his domain. 'Very soon,' he thought, rubbing his hands together in anticipation, he would have the woman in his hands then he would take great pleasure in drinking her blood. And if his minions failed to destroy Jake, he'd just have to do it himself. The image in the bowl faded as the last of the holy water dissipated. Where was Julius? Chapter Twenty

Jake's senses scanned the next chamber and counted four vampires. He recognized one of the vampire's as being one he'd met about the same time he'd been turned. These ones were not like the lesser ones Drake sent before; these were much stronger. Olivia and Jake entered the room, instantly taking up their fighting stance. His soulmate turned, her back to him and faced two undead ones. She quelled her shudder as she looked into their soulless eyes. Staying back to back, they circled, waiting for the first attack. It came from two directions. Two of the undead struck at the same time, their speed caught Olivia off guard but she managed to duck down and punched the vampire where it hurt most. The vampire fell to the ground holding his treasured jewels as he twisted and moaned. "Don't you ever do that to me," warned Jake in her mind as he foiled his own attacker's attempt at getting his heart. His love was truly vicious when she wanted to be. "And don't you forget it buster," she laughingly replied. Olivia had no chance to stake the vampire on the ground as the other one came at her, his fangs dripping, that's when she noticed a human lying under a wooden table, he was barely conscious; they'd interrupted dinner. Her face grew hard and she lashed out with a sidekick that hurtled the vampire against the wall. She quickly staked the one withering on the floor and in the background heard Jake stake one he fought. Wide eyed, the human under the table watched as his saviors separated and advanced on the last two vampires. The vampire and Jake circled each other, "It's unnatural to destroy your own kind, Jake," he said. "Well, Pierre, it's like this. I'm not your kind anymore!" growled Jake and he attacked. Olivia turned to mist as the vampire charged her; she reappeared behind him and put a foot to his butt, sending him flying into the wall. The vampire turned on her, snarling, he bent down and swept his foot under her feet and she crashed to the ground. The vampire immediately jumped on her, his hands around her throat, squeezing. Olivia fought the blackness and grabbed one of the vampire's wrists, held it in a tight grip while her other hand searched for the stake. She grazed it a few times but could not reach it. Suddenly, her fingers connected with the stake, she wrapped them around it and brought it up between them, and shoved it hard into the vampire's heart. In a flurry of dust it was destroyed. Olivia coughed and sat up, she turned her head and her gaze fell on the human, he'd saved her by courageously moving the stake closer to her hand. "Thank you," she mouthed and turned her gaze to Jake battling with the last vampire.

Jake disappeared and reappeared behind Pierre. He jumped back as Pierre swept his foot out in a back kick then swiftly turned. They were almost of equal skill. To Olivia, it was like watching a choreographed dance because of the way they seemed to anticipate each other's movements. Jake would attack and the vampire would counterattack, each would anticipate the move and avoid being struck. Olivia looked around for something that would distract Pierre and aid Jake but found nothing. The only thing she could think of was to use herself. "Don't even think of putting yourself in harms way, my love. I would not be pleased," growled Jake as he lashed out and connected with Pierre's stomach. "Huh, I only wanted to help," said Olivia and winced as Jake took another hit. She looked at the stake in her hand and an idea came to her. "You are helping, by staying safe," Jake grunted as Pierre's fist connected with his jaw. Disregarding Jake's order not to interfere, Olivia stood up and slowly approached the fighting men. "Move away Livvie," ordered Jake. Olivia shook her head and positioned herself behind Pierre ready to pierce his heart the moment he turned her way. So intent was she, that she didn't sense another vampire enter the room and come up behind her. The human under the table and Jake did. The human tried to speak but his throat was too raw from his earlier screaming. "Behind you!" Jake shouted, too late. The vampire grabbed her, put a drug-laced cloth over her nose and she lost consciousness. Then he disappeared, with Olivia in his arms. "Now I can kill you," said Pierre and he smiled evilly. "You are no longer needed." The fight didn't last long, for Jake's rage had escalated when the vampire had taken Olivia. Grim faced and with preternatural speed, he plowed his fist into Pierre's chest and pulled out his heart. Pierre stared at the gaping wound in his chest with a look of surprise on his face. He believed he was stronger than his opponent and had been proven wrong. He fell to the earth, clawing and scraping through the dirt, his eyes fixed on his heart.

Jake built up two energy balls of intense bluish fire. The first he used to set the vampire's beating heart aflame, the second he hurled at Pierre's convulsing body. Jake then left the room, swiftly following the second vampire's trail. ~*~ Julius appeared at Drake's side with a flask of holy water, diluted holy water. "It's about time you got here," growled Drake as he tore the flask from Julius's hand and dumped the holy water in the druid bowl. He pricked the still unconscious Olivia's finger and let her blood drip in the bowl. "Chain her to the wall," he ordered Julius after he was done, "I want Jake to see her there when he comes," snickered Drake. Julius carefully gathered Olivia in his arms and walked to the chains embedded in the wall. He cast a glance over his shoulder a Drake, the Master was swirling a wooden stick in the bowl, mixing the water and blood together. So Julius only put Olivia's wrists in the manacles and made enough noise to make Drake believe he'd locked them and jar Olivia awake as well. "Good, thank you Julius," said Drake happily as he stared avidly into the bowl. A vision of Olivia chained to the wall slowly appeared and Drake's happy feeling vanished. "Damn it! I forgot, she has to be with Jake if I want to see him." he thundered and hit the bowl off its pedestal. The bowl skittered across the floor and came to rest at Olivia's feet, the blood and water spilled out. Julius looked blankly at the coat of arms of some obscure medieval Lord on the opposite wall; he suppressed his urge to smile. Seeing Drake out of sorts pleased him, that's why he'd brought the diluted holy water now and not before Olivia had been taken; he wanted Drake surprised when Jake came through the door. Which wouldn't be long now. Chapter Twenty One Jake staked the vampire that got too close as he arrived at Drake's chamber door, his fangs grew and he snarled as he kicked it in. "Drake!" roared Jake as he caught sight of Olivia hanging from the embedded chains. Jake leapt at Drake, his claws swiping empty air as the Master vanished and reappeared beside Olivia. Drake grabbed Olivia's hair in his hand, her head pulled back. In his other hand he held a stake above her heart, Olivia's stake, ready to plunge it into her at a moment's notice. "Back off!" barked Drake, his voice dripping with contempt at the smell of Jake's soul.

Julius quickly blended into the rock face; it wasn't yet time to reveal his presence to Jake. 'Besides, that honor should be Olivia's,' he thought as he watched the blood from her pricked finger drip steadily into the empty Druid bowl. ~*~ Though unconscious, Olivia dreamed. She was deep in the forest, in a clearing, taking part in a special ceremony. She was about to see her soulmate. The Sacred Druid Bowl of Sight sat atop a pedestal scripted with rune symbols. Beside the bowl was a small silver knife. Many others of her race surrounded her, men, women and children, making a circle. She was seven years old and wore a long flowing white gown with a crown of Moonflowers atop her head. Her heart was light with anticipation, as she cut her wrist and let her blood flow into the empty bowl, then peered inside and saw the face of her soulmate. He was a handsome man with deep black eyes and long flowing blond hair. His nose was straight and his face was that of an angel's. "I see him mother, father," she whispered. "He is ever so handsome. But I sense he is not what he appears," she said eyes alight with ancient wisdom. Her father nodded, "You are right child, he is not what he appears," he replied. Olivia just stared at her father, knowing he had more to say. She glanced at her mother, who smiled and nodded approvingly at her wisdom to not speak. "This man is a vampire," he began, "a vampire with a soul. When our enemy, the Master of Tarsus turned him, this man preformed a great act of kindness and left his village before he could kill his own family. God saw this and rewarded him; He, in his great wisdom offered this man the return of his soul if he would imprison Drake forever. This man agreed and his soul was returned to him," her father explained. "What is his name father?" Olivia asked breathlessly. "His name is" he began to say, when suddenly, everyone started screaming as dark, black shadows emerged from the heavens and swooped down upon them. Her father ordered her mother 'to get their little one out of there.' Her mother grabbed her in flight and along with the other females of their race, who had children, ran for their lives. As she was carried away, Olivia heard a strange voice say, "Someday we will meet again, then" Olivia's father pulled his saber of steel, turned and joined the other men fighting the shadows. Her father, along with many of the other Druid men, perished that night.

~*~ Olivia moaned, pain slowly waking her. Dazed and still half drugged, her blurry gaze focused on her soulmate standing twenty feet away. She felt the unfamiliar hand in her hair and looked up into light gray eyes. "Welcome back my dear," said a familiar voice. "So good of you to join us," he said and brought his face closer to hers. It was a face she'd seen before, a face she thought for a moment, she'd conjured from long buried memories. Recognition was evident in her face and Drake laughed fanatically, " I see you remember me my dear. You were what? Seven, eight years old at the time?" he said. "I told you we'd meet again someday, and I was night. "You killed my mother," she whispered, horrified. "Ah yes, you mother. Her blood was sweet; it enabled me to walk in daylight as well as night for two long centuries," he said reminiscing. "But alas, it didn't last long. I drained her completely, killing her, when I should have kept her alive and taken her blood slowly," he said to himself, his mind in the past. Then he looked into her eyes and smirked. "But with you my dear, I won't make the same mistake. Your blood will free me to walk in daylight again and feast on humanity," he informed her. "Her blood won't do you any good Drake," said Jake. "Of course it will!" Drake argued. "Both her parents were Druids, her ancestors were Druids, she carries Druid blood." Jake chuckled and shook his head, "She may carry Druid blood, but it's not just Druid blood you need to walk in daylight," he said mysteriously. Drake frowned, "What do you mean? Of course it's Druid blood I need! What other kind is there?" he asked suspiciously. "Don't you remember who her mother was?" Jake asked. "Don't you remember the position she held in her clan?" Jake watched as Drake looked down at Olivia, trying to figure out why her blood wouldn't work. He took the chance to glance swiftly at his love and wink. "What's going on Jake?" she asked, confused. "Why is my blood so important to him?" "I'll explain everything later, don't worry love, everything is going to be fine, I promise," replied Jake and smiled cockily.

Suddenly, he sensed a presence in the room. He immediately sent out his senses, scanning. He could detect no other mind but Olivia's, Drake's and his own, yet he could still feel another in the room with them. "I don't believe you," suddenly said Drake as he took a step forward. "Her blood will work, you're just stalling for time." Jake shook his head, "I'm not lying," he said. "Her mother's blood worked not because she was a powerful Druid, but because" he trailed off, waiting for Drake's to come closer. "Because what!" shouted Drake and he took another step away from Olivia. Jake relaxed his stance and cocked his head, "Like I said, Olivia's mother held a high position in the clan's hierarchy, a position one is born to, one which Olivia was not," taunted Jake, wanting Drake closer still, before he delivered the coup de grace. Drake fell into Jake's plan and moved closer, "And what position wasn't she born to?" he asked teeth clenched, his eyes glittering with suppressed rage. "Why the position of Priestess of course!" exclaimed Jake, "Don't tell me you didn't know a Druid Priestess's blood is what gave you the shield to walk in daylight?" he said incredulously. "Jake!" mentally cried Olivia as the drug in her system pulled her into its foggy embrace and again she dreamed. ~*~ Julius listened as Jake delivered the crushing blow to Drake's plan, and from the corner of his eye he saw the bowl begin to glow. ~*~ Olivia saw, standing before her and smiling, a man dressed in a flowing white robe. She looked beyond him and saw more men and a few women, all dressed in white. They too were smiling at her. Her gaze turned back to the man in front of her. "Father?" Olivia asked uncertainly. The man smiled and gently cupped her cheek, "It is time my daughter, to remember who you are," he said. Colors swirled, pulling her into a vortex of memories. She saw herself standing before a council of elders, a Moonflower crown being placed upon her head, and a cape of white ermine was placed upon her shoulders. She was led outside and proclaimed the next

Priestess of their Druid clan. She had been chosen, for she had exhibited fighting skills, herbal knowledge, and wisdom in disputes, the ability to read minds and to recognize the false mask of those trying to hurt them, all this she knew before it was taught to her. Her eyes focused again on her father and his loving smile, "Momma said you were dead," she said in a soft voice. Her father's eyes dimmed slightly, "I am my daughter, but because you hold my memory in your heart, I can be here with you," he said. "It's not going so good father," she told him. "I'm chained to a wall by the very vampire that killed mother and my soulmate is about to fight him. I want to help but the drug is still keeping me dazed," she said helplessly, tears filling her eyes. "Do not cry my daughter," he said as a wiped a lone tear that escaped. "You have the power to purge this drug, tap deep down inside yourself and draw it out. You're mind will clear and then you will be able to use all your abilities to help your lifemate defeat this enemy." Olivia frowned, "What abilities?" she asked. "My daughter, you are a Priestess, a very powerful one," he replied. "You've seen the memory of your coronation, you know what you are, and you know what you are capable of. All you need do is set your fears aside and embrace your destiny," he encouraged. The others behind him nodded and they all began to fade. "No! Waitfather!" cried out Olivia. "Do not be afraid daughter, we will be near to help you," echoed her father's fading voice. Olivia panicked until she did what her father suggested and dug deep down into herself for the knowledge just waiting to be used. A chant filled her mind and calm filled her whole being. The drug began to slowly dissipate and she could hear Jake's frantic voice in her mind. "Olivia! Answer me! Come back my love, fight the drug, don't let it take you!" he exclaimed over and over. "Be calm my darling, I am here. I am fine," she communicated to him. She felt his instant relief and the brush of his invisible fingers along her cheek. She returned the sentiment and softly, invisibly kissed his lips, then slowly opened her eyes. Jake visibly started when he saw her vibrant green eyes no longer clouded. They were clear and held a glint of something he didn't recognize, something he'd never seen in anyone's eyes before. He felt her merge strongly with him, stronger than before, her

energy level was incredible. He couldn't decipher it now though, for he sensed Drake was ready to attack and he needed all his concentration to defeat him. "You're lying!" shouted Drake. "I only need her blood and she doesn't have to be a Priestess!" he growled and launched himself at Jake. "Your only trying to distract me, but it won't work. Now that I have her, you are of no use to me. It's time I finish you off once and for all!" Jake jumped clear across the room to avoid Drake's deadly claws, then he jumped forward, his leg stretched out, his foot level with Drake's chest. Drake jumped to the side and clawed Jake's arm as he flew by. Jake laughed, "Is that all you can do?" he said. "If I remember correctly, you could never beat me in a fight," taunted Jake. "At least not in a fair fight." Drake roared and came at Jake head on. Jake leapt up to meet him and clawed the Master's face. Drake howled in pain and slapped a hand to his cheek as he landed on his feet. During the fight, Drake's prized warrior statue fell to the ground scattering pieces of armored items everywhere. The master grabbed a spear and began swishing it back and forth walking towards Jake. Chapter Twenty Two Julius, sensing it was time to reveal his presence, stepped into view. Olivia gasped as she saw the vampire, only he wasn't a vampire, he wasConner? "Jake, it's Conner," she whispered to her soulmate. Her ability to detect masks, showed him to her in is his full glory, the white robe, the red hair, the sandals and his wings. Then from the corner of her eye she saw Drake attack. Jake, backing away from the Master, heard Olivia's voice in his mind, something about Conner. He looked up and all he saw was Julius standing behind Drake. Momentarily distracted from the battle at hand, Jake gave Drake the unfortunate, but perfect opportunity to advance on him and attack. "Jake, look out!" shouted Olivia. Olivia's voice ringing in his ears, Jake had no chance to avoid the spear; he felt it slide smoothly in his side. Horrified, she watched the Master stab Jake, she wanted to cry and run to him, but a serene voice suddenly whispered in her mind, "Be calm my daughter, you know what to do." And her father was right; she did know what to do.

Jake felt the immediate affects of the poison flow into him; he could tell it was fast acting. Conveying this to Olivia, he tried to rise and continue the fight but was too weak and fell back to the ground. Olivia brought forth all her Druid knowledge and energy. She stood erect and looked at the shackles; they fell to the ground. Her green eyes blazed with fire as energy from her father and the other deceased Druids, poured through her, surrounding her in its protective embrace. Her auburn hair swirled in the current of power, caressing her face and body, while the glow from the bowl surrounded, enveloping her in its warmth and light. Suddenly, she saw everything, was everything; she raised a hand and waved it towards Conner, making him visible to all, his mask gone. Then she directed her hand towards Jake, just as Drake was about to pierce her soulmate in the heart. "Shield!" she shouted. The spear's steel tip shattered off an invisible force surrounding Jake and quivered in Drake's hand. Astonished, Drake dropped the broken spear and stared at Olivia. He shuddered and quickly regrouped, "Grab her Julius," he shouted. But when his henchman did not appear he looked behind him and gasped, horrified at the sight. There stood an angel; resplendent is all his white glory, his feathered wings stretched out behind him with a serene smile upon his lips. Olivia could feel Jake valiantly trying to help her but the shield prevented any movement. Afraid he might perish before she could drive the poison out, Olivia took control of Jake's vital systems and began systematically shutting them down until he lay still as death, the shield continuing its protection against all other attacks, then she turned her blazing eyes on Drake. Olivia stalked Drake with deceptive nonchalance, her furious gaze fixed on him. "You cannot kill him Olivia," Conner's voice sounded in her mind. "Why not? He was going to kill Jake and then use me to kill other humans," she replied, her rage mounting. "You are a Priestess, my dear. At your coronation you swore to do no harm," he said. "Then what can I do? He has to be stopped so he can never do this again," she said, her fists clenched at her side. Olivia's heart warred with her thoughts, she wanted to destroy this monster so badly, but her gentle heart encouraged her to only make him harmless to all other beings of the earth. The fire in her eyes receded and her fists unclenched as peace descended and filled her heart.

"You're right Connor, I cannot allow Drake's evil to stain my soul," she said aloud. "Stain your soul?" interrupted Drake. "Your soul is already stained just by lying with that," he sneered as he pointed to Jake. "You've already begun your own downfall, my dear," he said silkily, "you've killed and that's all it takes." Doubt and guilt entered Olivia's eyes as she listened to Drake spew his hateful words. Was he right? Had she created her own downfall by killing those vampires? "If you are a Priestess and so powerful, my dear, why weren't you able to save your mother, or your father? You could have, you know," he smiled knowingly as he took a few small steps in her direction. Olivia visibly started at that. 'Father, mother' she thought. 'Could I have saved you? Was I powerful enough at that age?' Her mind reeled with different scenarios of her saving her parents, of battling Drake. "Don't listen to him Olivia. You were too young, you were not at full power back then," said Conner. "But what if he's right? What if I could've saved them?" she implored him, her mind all a jumble. From out of nowhere, her father's image superimposed itself over her jumbled thoughts and stood clear as day, surrounded by light. "My daughter," he said. "You could not have saved me. I knew when I fought the Master that I would not survive. I did so to give you and your mother the chance to escape. It was all foreseen my child. Let your guilt at my death go, it does not serve you," he said calmly. "And mother? Could I have saved her?" she asked tearfully, afraid her failure to act had caused her family's death. Another light approached and materialized next to her father, it was her mother and she was smiling. "Olivia, my darling daughter," she said. "You could not have saved me either. Even had you awakened before the Master had slipped into our home, he would only have killed you, for you were not important enough at that age," she told her. Tears coursed down Olivia's cheeks as she accepted there was nothing she could have done to save them. Conner was right; Drake was trying to rattle her, undermine her confidence.

As Olivia stood in a trancelike state, Drake slowly continued his approach. He didnt dare use her now; she had proven to be too powerful. No, he had to kill her. He knew the angel would do nothing, for they were forbidden to interfere. Only an archangel could destroy him. Whoever this angel was, he definitely was not an archangel. Olivia's tears were proof enough to Drake of her weakness. Now was the time to finish her off, besides, stale blood was just as good as fresh blood, he reasoned. He threw himself at her, claws ready to tear her to shreds but was stopped suddenly and levitated, suspended in mid-air. " Did you really think I was weak Drake," she asked him softly. "I can assure you, I'm not weak at all. Now what to do with you? I can't kill you, for that wouldn't be like me at all. Your mind is too strong for me to wipe without Jake's help, and as you see he's not up to it right now," she said. "Soul," Jake's weak voice penetrated her mind said. A blinding smile slowly curved her lips and she looked at Jake still lying safe behind her shield. Even with the poison coursing through his veins he was still capable of communicating with her, it was truly amazing the strength he possessed. "You're right my darling, that would be justice indeed," she said softly, cocked her head and eyed Drake thoughtfully. Drake did not like that look in her eyes. He began frantically struggling in mid-air, trying to break whatever was holding him up there. Olivia looked over at Conner, "Can you return his soul to him?" she asked. "Let him remember all the evil he's done?" Surprised by her request, Conner could only blink. He'd never thought about returning a soul to one as evil as Drake, he didn't even know if it was possible. "I'll asked," he said and disappeared. Drake continued his struggles to free himself but his attempts were in vain. He spent his precious energy and finally slumped still. Olivia lowered him to the ground but kept him restrained, she wasn't taking any chances, for he could be faking. She merged more fully with Jake to monitor the poison, it was moving very slowly now, attacking his organs, but it still had a way to go before reaching his heart. She sighed in relief, there was still a chance she could drive the poison out. She hoped Conner would return soon.

"What would be justice? What are you planning?" snapped Drake. "I'm warning you, you better let me go or my minions will storm this chamber, they'll kill you and that pathetic thing you call a soulmate," he threatened. Olivia shook her head and chuckled, "My dear Drake, you can try calling you minions all you want, it won't do you any good," she said. "You see, I've frozen your mind, your thoughts can no longer reach anyone. So you might as well settle down while we wait for Conner's return." Drake cursed, calling her the most vile words in his repertoire, but nothing fazed Olivia, she stood there, her beautiful green gaze filled with knowledge and serene peace. Drake could no longer stand looking into those eyes; they unsettled him, made him almost feel like dirt, if he could feel that is. He closed his eyes, calling to his minions but he got no response. Conner materialized next to her, "The boss gives his permission, he says I'm to let you help me perform the ritual," he relayed. Olivia nodded, "What do you want me to do?" she asked him. From the folds of his robe, Conner retrieved a long slim vial filled with what looked like water. Olivia looked at the bottle inquiringly. "It's pure holy water, blessed by the Boss himself," Conner confided. Drake heard Conner and gasped in horror as images of his body being burned filtered through his mind. He began heaping abusive language upon them, then suddenly his throat closed up and he could no longer speak. Olivia had murmured, "silence" and waved her hand towards him and his voice had ceased. Conner looked at Olivia with respect and even a little awe, something he usually reserved for the Boss alone. "Let's get started," said Conner. "He needs to be lying down." With another wave of her hand, Olivia levitated Drake again, this time turning him horizontal so he was lying down, hovering a few inches off the ground. Conner walked to Drake's side and motioned Olivia to join him. He uncapped the vial and began to speak in Latin in a strong voice. "Spiritus Deus Donare Reparare Tibi Via Agninus Cor!" He then turned to Olivia, "Now repeat the words in English," he said. "And don't forget, you must look at him as you speak."

Olivia looked down at Drake and stared into his hate filled eyes, "The Spirit of God gives back to you by way of the Lamb your soul," she translated. Conner poured the water over Drake's head. Drake howled with pain as the holy water burned his skin, made it sizzle as his pores absorbed it. "Tibi Benedictio Apud Deus!" said Conner. "You are blessed in the presence of God," translated Olivia. As Conner and Olivia watched, the murderous rage in Drake's eyes slowly faded, replaced by tears of horror and guilt as she released his mind and restraints. Oblivious to them now, Drake crawled to a corner and curled up, sobbing his heart out for all the evil he'd done. Olivia quickly removed the shield protecting Jake and dropped to her knees at his side. A bright shining white light pulsed around her hands as she placed them over his wound. She focused her mind on healing him and became the light. She followed the poison's destructive path, mending him from the inside out. She murmured the ancient Druid healing chants she knew before she was even born and attacked the poison, driving it out by his pores. She returned to her body, exhausted, but elated, she'd succeeded. Jake opened his eyes to her tired, but overjoyed smile. He could feel no pain, he searched inside himself; the poison was gone, completely. He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek, "Thank you my love," he whispered and pulled her down to him. His kiss was gentle but very thorough, it send delicious shivers throughout her body as Olivia returned his kiss with fervor. Breathing heavily, Olivia broke the kiss and stood up, holding her hand out to him, "Isn't it about time you got up my darling, we'll continue this at home if you don't mind," she said, motioning her head towards Conner standing there, a silly grin on his face. For the first time since he was young and his father caught him kissing the blacksmith's daughter behind the privy, Jake blushed as he spied the angel a few feet behind Livvie. He turned away and spotted Drake curled up in the corner, sobbing and shaking. "What happened to him?" he asked. Olivia just shrugged as she looked at Drake too, "We took your suggestion and returned his soul to him," she merely said.

"The Man let you do that?" he asked Conner incredulously. "Yes He did, in fact He concurred with you on that," he said smiling delightedly. "His mind is now tormented with the images of all the people he's killed. What's most important, is he's no longer able to harm anyone, anymore." "Your right my love," said Jake as peace enveloped his heart. He put his arm around her shoulders and the three walked out of the chamber. Unchallenged, they made their way to the cave entrance only to stop a few feet because the sun was rising and the entrance was filled with the dawn light. Jake cursed. They'd been there too long. That's why they'd passed without encountering one vampire; they'd all gone to ground for the day. Jake and Olivia were too drained to summon the clouds to shelter them on their flight home. Jake considered what to do. Conner stopped and looked back, then he looked at the dawn light and realized what they still thought. "My friends," he said as he turned to them. "Do not fear, come stand at my side and watch the sunrise with me, you have earned it." Puzzled by Conner's words, Jake and Olivia looked at each other, then back at Conner who smiled serenely. They accepted his words and stood by his side. The sunrise was amazing to Jake; it had been so long since he'd seen one! Suddenly Jake and Olivia noticed that while they felt tired they didn't feel the effects of the sun on their skin or the urge to go to ground. "You no longer have to worry about the sun," said Conner conversationally. "The Boss has granted you a tremendous gift for your work here this night. He has made it possible for you both to walk in daylight. Contrary to the Master's belief he needed Priestess blood to walk in daylight, the Boss let Drake be in the sun for those two centuries, to lull him, for he knew this day would come and that you, Olivia, would have a choice to make, to either destroy Drake or give him back his soul. You chose his soul and that pleased the Boss mightily," he finished. "Are we human then?" asked Olivia, a little confused. Conner shook his head sadly, "I'm afraid you are both still vampire. The Boss said he could not change that. But you both have souls and your abilities, he expects you to continue destroying those who have chosen the dark path and prey on humanity." Jake and Olivia looked at each other. "We'll continue to protect humanity, and save those we can, we promise." Jake said.

Conner smiled at them, accepting their promise, for he knew it to be sincere and encouraged them further out under the sun. With a smile Jake grabbed Olivia up in his arms and stepped outside the cave, he whooped and twirled around in circles, making them both dizzy. They laughed and laughed until their sides hurt. It was such a wonderful feeling, to feel the warm rays of the sun and not turn to dust. They shape-shifted into owl and flew home. This time they did not sleep in the ground, but upstairs in the master bedroom.

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