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SOLUTIONS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS I. 1. 2. 3. True-False Questions T T F Alphabetic and alphanumeric moves are left-justified.

The receiving field will contain XYZ.

4. 5.

T F Decimal portions of numeric fields are left-justified. The result will be 092170. The figurative constant ZEROS may be moved to numeric or alphanumeric fields. Only a field identified by a data-name may be a receiving field. A blank in a numeric field can cause a program to abort.


7. 8. 9. 10. II.


It is an alphanumeric move. The receiving field determines the type of move.

General Questions Sending Field Picture Contents 99V99 1234 9V99 789 999V9 6789 99 56 XX AB X(4) CODE XXX 124 * Receiving Field * Picture Contents 9(3)V9(3) 012340 9V9 78 99V99 7890 XXX 56b XXX ABb XXX COD 999 124

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The letter b is used to denote a space throughout this manual.


With MOVE 0 TO ITEM-1: With MOVE ZERO TO ITEM-1: 0135790 35 Sending Field Picture 999 S99V99 S99V99 S999 S999 S99V99 9(5)V99 XXXX 999V99 999V99 S9(5) S99 S99 9999V99 9(4)V99 * Contents 12345 00980089+ 005+ 005+ 0005135700 CRDB 13579 00009 0056700+ 00+ 000988 000988

ITEM-1A = 0b ITEM-1A = 00

ITEM-1B = bb ITEM-1B = 00

9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Report-Item * Picture $ZZZ.99 $ZZ.99+ $ZZ.99 $ZZZ.99CR $ZZZ.99DB $ZZZ.99CR $**,***.99 XXBBXX $$$$.99 $$$$.99 ++++++ +++ --$$$$$.99 $$$ZZ.99

Contents $123.45 $ .98$ .89 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00CR $*1,357.00 CR DB $135.79 $.09 bb-567 bb+ bbb bbb$9.88 bb$ 9.88

The letter b is used to denote a space throughout this manual.

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