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English 10 2013-2014 Mrs. OConnor Email: Website: http://mrsoconnorchs@weebly.

com Course Description English 10 is the continued study of literature and the writing process. It is designed to assist students in strengthening their reading, writing and thinking skills through careful study of literary devices, styles, genres, vocabulary, grammar and novels. Heavy emphasis will be placed on the writing process. Students will also further develop skills in sentence structure and proofreading to create a solid foundation for high school writing. The content from this course is aligned with the Common Core Standards as adopted by the Michigan Department of Education ( Reading This year, students will be using the 10th grade level literature text from McDougal Littell. This book focuses on the Michigan content standards. In addition to the textbook, students will read a variety of poetry, short stories, plays, novels and nonfiction articles. Writing The main focus for this year will involve writing essays to improve student writing style and mechanics. Writing units will include: how to launch a writers notebook, argument writing, literary essay composition, an informational essay, and writing about fiction. Daily writing will help students express their opinions, exhibit understanding of the material, and further improve the writing process. Accelerated Reader Program Students will participate in the Accelerated Reader program. Please see the attached handout for information on how the program works. Grading Scale/Course Evaluation This class will follow the grading scale below: A = 10093% A- = 92-90% B+ = 89-88% B = 87-83% B- = 82-80% C+ = 79-78% C = 77-73% C- = 72-70% D+ = 69-68% D = 67-63% D- = 62-60% E = 59-0%

This class will utilize the following categories of evaluation: 70% Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, Essays, Projects, Speeches) 20% Assignments (Classwork, Homework) 10% AR

MiStar I strongly recommend that both students and parents review grades on MiStar. I update my grades on a regular basis. Classroom Rules Behave like respectable young men and womenprove your integrity, intelligence, and maturity Listen and be courteous while myself and others are speaking Work quietly and diligently during class work time Come to class prepared and ready to learn Speak up if you dont understand something! ** In addition to the rules above, all of the rules outlined in the student handbook will be strictly enforced in this class. This includes all updates to the CHS dress code & cell phone policies!

Materials Three-ring binder Art supplies such as colored pencils, tape, glue, etc. (preferablebut optional) 2 spiral/composition notebooks (1 per semester) Paper and writing utensils Reading material (AR book, textbook or assigned readings) *You are expected to come prepared each day! Deadlines & Submissions You are expected to complete all assignments by the deadlines. All assignments will be collected at the beginning of class; any work not turned in at that time will be considered late and will not be accepted. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule when there are family emergencies. Students will be given homework assignments three to four times a week. Most assignments can be completed within 15-30 minutes. They include, but are not limited to, reading short stories or sections of novels, practice handouts, and essay draft work. Academic Dishonesty All written work submitted for a grade in this course must be the product of your own composition. Ideas generated due to reading and group discussion may provide the inspiration for your work, but should not be the sole ideas represented. All work, from thesis statement to revision, must be your own. Also, using anothers words or ideas without properly giving credit is an academic offense. Always quote, cite, and provide your source(s) if you use anothers words, ideas, or facts. Your voice is important to me so please use it and not someone elses! Parent Conference/Tutoring Time The best way to reach me is by email; I check it throughout the day. Im also available during my planning period (which is 3rd hour) and during lunch. If these times do not work, we can always arrange to make an appointment ahead of time that works for everyone involved. If your child needs additional help in this course, I am available each day after school. If your child is willing to come to class prepared every day with his/her materials and an open mind, we will have an exciting and eventful year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions and/or concerns.

After reading the agreement below, please sign and return it to me by Friday, September 6th. This is your students first grade!

2013-2014 Student/Parent Agreement

I ____________________________________ (please print) have read the English 10 course syllabus, Accelerated Reader guidelines, and the student handbook. I agree to adhere to the rules of the classroom and the school. I will bring all of my materials with me to class every day.

________________________________________ Student signature

_________________________ date

________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature

_________________________ date

________________________________________ Parent/Guardian e-mail

_________________________ Parent/Guardian phone number

Children must be taught HOW to think, NOT what to think. -Margaret Mead

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