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Project: AUMS & Dewatering laydown culvert By: Alfri Ibnu Hamdani Chk.

By: Hydrological Data Approx catchment area Run Off Coefficient Storm Design IDF (Ahafo) Estimated Peak Run Off

Location: Ahafo Date: 21-Aug-13 Date:

50,000 m2 0.6 (Rock Pad) 24 hrs 10 yrs 6.17 mm/hr 51.42 l/s

1.82 cfs

Mannings Formula INPUT D d n q S

R=A/P A=cross sectional area P=wetted perimeter S=slope of channel n=Manning's roughness coefficient Solution to Mannings Equation Area,ft2 0.42 Wetted Perimeter, ft 1.62 Hydraulic Radius, ft 0.26 velocity ft/s 3.55 flow, cfs 1.49 Manning's n-values PVC PE (<9"dia) PE (>12"dia) PE(9-12"dia) CMP 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.017 0.025 0.012 0.023 0.013

12.4 6.2 0.017 180.0 0.01

inches inches mannings coeff degrees slope

Pipe # Required




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