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THE H:\NlHlOo''K

OF MODEll ~ lU!tfJ{H ;r.AR

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, ~OO'ttNO'1:O'~'
YOII II....... ldl l'II*IS Ulignt hOW to tboot to k.!l!, lhll! Ill.
hJrtr euy. ~'M'''~' {Jt "0\1 knaw how to lIho<>t to Ii,,!,!.
'l'bt-.••••,I! ob~ « ¢l<* _bat cunplay I. to lJItoot to
Inll !U'I4 h!'fJt It III of httle _ yw tl")illg to kilt " mllll It
yw QIOtIOt Ian 'him ~fq", II. kUla JI'*' }''''''T val~ •••• a
corpat Ii ptQtt.e.llY!tit. Y.our J:ue to tbot "''''r dtQrt "" ••
It. •. alId f!'~ kIUer It &'f'!!&I, ill .tb<t .10,1. Of "tff')l anl·
dirt to Ietltn .1!Ot<lint, bow to ./11, but how to kill In the
tnUIt «tldW lIW>lM!t atk!. " the l<tat ~t.lf! ,Uk to hIm·
..-If 'l'bt-.~ WJ,y to "¢hf,evf.' tlt'- ta tom.VlOt tift tb<t eDtfUY
., c~. ~.'
.. ",«~.Y'" WI\«I wt ~. J>t1!ct.\ce tb<t rul~.of
~ .,. ~t.. P'tJru. U.!M befftt. \!ftt')' 1IOI41er
Dlutt be., ~~ be ~ to .dop!
UMV ~ :\If .... " ." 1& tb<t l'Ut"Wt •.•••
II&UoI\ l\I.\'e .1\Ot 1ooItt<i ~ .ad tl><tlr IMtlIode with
fa_r; tb<tU_ hu \'IQW . 11_ an CQIIlpelt"<l' to
adopt ~ ot tttliW In<!tboda. 1LI't<!tlIe tMthoo:llI I-.l h,"'Wv.
tMm to ·~··· ~ ·out ~ t)'pa 0( ~Tltlqta.
To _Me u. to .~ ..., _ tb<t I'IiI\pt~r methOde
_ ••••• ~ ~t • th<I "_'I){ lbotlt ""'''P''M. Th
dIIet ~ ~dUM ,fUll. ~
• .•••••1 • ..,.,.... •

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