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Child: Hakeem Date: 15th August 2013 Written by: Teacher Natasha

Kia ora/As-salamu alaykum Hakeem and whnau, This morning we started in the under two classroom, and Hakeem you quickly got to work busy exploring basic math concepts at the yellow table. We have observed and discussed your interest in fine motor manipulation, in particular construction with your mother before and were not surprised to see your engagement and focus with this resource as we have gotten to know your inquisitive nature. You spent a significant amount of time exploring how the different shapes could fit together, sorting by size, shape and colours almost 50minutes! Every so often you would look up at me and point proudly at your discovery, I could see your sense of achievement through your wide grin and gleaming eyes. Recognising the learning Wow Hakeem, you have demonstrated a wide range of positive learning dispositions and understanding of mathematic concepts ka pai! I enjoyed seeing you persist as you gained

working theories through challenging yourself with your creative and innovative ideas of how this puzzle may work. This meant you had to modify your theories as you actively explored. I was happy to see you begin to express your feelings again although nonverbally this is further progress since your absences. Hakeem you explored the math concepts of size, colour and shape while testing spatial awareness theories. I could also see you counting on your fingers the number of shapes you had managed to stack. It is great to see you confidently have a go and continue building your confidence. Where to next? Sadly youre leaving An-Nur to join Kindercare. We all wish you the best, and am confident you will have plenty of opportunities to continue building on your confidence through your interest in constructions, puzzle and books. Enjoy your next journey in your lifelong adventure of learning!

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