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In a world of 7 billion people, we nd ourselves facing a growing hunger crisis.

Friday, 30 August, 13

There will be billions more mouths to feed by 2050, making an increased demand for food a long-term trend

Friday, 30 August, 13

Food prices are surging and spiking higher and higher but why?

Friday, 30 August, 13

One of the major causes of world hunger is the growing trade imbalance between exporting countries with intensive and often subsidized farming versus importing subsistence based farming.

Friday, 30 August, 13

Hunger is worsened by the allocation of food production to the cultivating of meat and dairy which requires far more inputs than simple crops.

Friday, 30 August, 13

The problem is further exacerbated by the increase in demand for biofuels as the price of oil increases. As fossil fuels become equal to biofuels in cost, the demand for biofuels increases. Arable land used for food crops is allocated to biofuel production.

Friday, 30 August, 13

Friday, 30 August, 13

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