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Dear Parent(s), August 5, 2013 My name is Mrs. Allison Vester and I will be your childs fourth grade teacher. I am excited about the upcoming school year. The 2013-2014 school year will be my 13th year of teaching. I received a Master of Arts in Education in 2006, and I am also highly qualified for grades first through sixth. After years of hard work and dedication, I am now a National Board Certified Teacher. I hope to inspire your child to become the best that he/she can be. When your child leaves my classroom, it is my hope that they believe and know that the sky is the limit. I also hope that the students will be able to confidently succeed in the fourth grade. This can and will happen with teamwork. With your continuous parental involvement and support, I know that we can work together as a team to make this work. I believe in building relationships with my parents as well as my students. Please feel free to contact me about any concerns that you may have about your childs progress. I am sure that we will have an incredibly positive school year. Look forward to great things happening this year! Lets have a groovy year! Your childs teacher,

Mrs. Allison Vester, M.Ed, NBCT 416-5000- School 490-4606- Cell


Classroom Information

Donors Choose I will be posting projects to be funded. Please check the site within the next few weeks. I will send home permission slips for the students to be photographed in a group photo. Grading Scale A 93-100 B 92-85 C 84-75 D 74-70 F 69- Below Conduct and Homework Your child will be given a planner. Parents are required to sign it daily. (No Exceptions) Homework is mandatory Monday thru Thursday. However, homework may be assigned on some Fridays if necessary. My Choices: Students are given new opportunities each day. A daily conduct will be sent home in the student planner. The daily conduct will be averaged for the Tuesday Folder. Take the time to sign each day so that I know that you are aware of your childs conduct. Student Homework Journal This journal will contain homework assignments and conduct. This is a tool for us to use to stay connected. It will be imperative that you sign it daily. You will see it starting Monday, August 12th.

1. 2. 3. 4. I will be respectful. I will be safe. I will be prepared. I will fix it or replace it if I break it. 5. I will be nice. 6. I will follow directions the first time given.

Compliment Party 100 Point Party Stickers Lunch with the teacher Voyager Treat Box Fun Friday

Verbal warning Conduct Check Student/Teacher Conference Phone Call Home Loss of privileges Parent/Teacher Conference Guidance Office Referral

Fun Friday Fun Friday consists of playing educational games and receiving a tangible treat. The student must have a conduct average of an S or higher for the week. Secondly, the student must submit ALL homework assignments for the week. Voyager Reward Treasure Box Your child will earn stickers on a daily basis. The stickers can be earned for many reasons such as completing homework or simply answering a question correctly. Your child will have a card to place their stickers on to keep until they reach the amount of stickers needed to visit the treasure box. I need your help in keeping the store stocked with goodies for the students. Please donate items for the treasure box. The items could be as simple as pencils, stickers, fruit snacks, erasers, or even small toys from the Dollar Tree. Morning Meeting Your child will participate in Morning Meeting daily. It is a meeting that involves the whole class as a community. This meeting helps to foster a loving, caring, and most importantly safe environment for each student.

Morning Procedures Each morning the students are required to follow the following guidelines. Walk in quietly. Read the Morning Message Prepare for the day. (Breakfast) Sharpen pencils before 8:45 a.m. Complete the morning assignment on the desk, Smart Board, dry erase board, or overhead. Read silently and wait for further instructions. Classroom Lining- Up Procedures Stand up (quietly) 2- Stand behind your chair 3- Walk to your designated square 4- In line with hands to the side ready to go Hallway Procedures 3-2-1-0 3 blocks away from the wall 2 hands by your side (unless reading a book) 1 square to stand in 0 zero zone (no talking) Tuesday Folders A weekly progress folder will be sent home every Tuesday. This folder will have an updated progress report and graded papers. It is your responsibility to sign your childs folder on a weekly basis and to return it on Wednesday. Return all graded papers. Newsletter Students will receive a weekly newsletter that will keep you updated about the weekly skills. Your child will receive a newsletter every Monday. Breakfast Breakfast will be in the cafeteria starting at 7:45 a.m. Lunch 11:30-12:30 Parent Volunteers If you plan to be physically present, you must fill out a Volunteer Form and submit it to the Board of Education for approval. You must be on the approved list to attend field trips as a chaperone. However, if your schedule does not permit, please feel free to donate items for the classroom treat box. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and needed. Star of the Week I will choose one student every week to be the Star of the Week. A letter will be given to the student the Friday before his or her week. It is a surprise! Make sure that you make the effort to make this a special week for your child. Support Classes: Times PE: Friday 12:45-1:35. Music: Wednesday 12:45-1:45 Art: Tuesday 12:45-1:35 Library: Monday 12:45-1:35 Science Lab: Tuesday 12:00-12:40 & Thursday 12:45-1:35 Classroom Website

Vesters Valiant Voyagers

Peaceful Dreamers
Classroom Information Contract I, ____________________________________________, Parents Signature have read Mrs. Vesters classroom information, and I understand what is expected of my child. I, ____________________________________________, Students Signature have read and listened to Mrs. Vesters classroom information, and I understand what is expected of me. Date:________________________________ RETURN BY FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 2012

Verbal warning Conduct Check Student/ Teacher Conference Phone Call Home Loss of privileges Parent/Teacher Conference Guidance Office Referral Guidance



This contract will be placed in your childs classroom discipline folder at school.

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