What Is Electromagenetic Waves

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1. What is electromagenetic waves??

A wave that consist of a combination of oscillating electric & magnetic

fields pependicular to each other.

2. ..its properties???
- a transverse wave
- carries energy along it
- dont need medium to travel, i.e can travel in vacuum
- electrically neutral
- electric+magnetic field oscillates at right angle (pependicular) to each
other and to the direction of propagation
-undergoes reflection,refraction, diffraction & interference
-move with speed of light

3. ..its SPECTRUM????
the spectrum is a must to be remembered, could come out in Paper 1

shortest wavelength: Gamma ray

largest wavelength: Radio wave

lowest freqency: Radio wave

highest freqency: Gamma ray

4. ....its application ????

U need to remember at least 2 applications for each of the spectrum.
Watch these video..it might help u to memorize them.

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