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Name: Geynina Viola Class Schedule: MWF-2:35-3:35 Date: July 9,2013

Tree of Life

Species Common Name: E.coli Scientific Name: Escherichia coli Kingdom: Eubacteria Species Common Name: halobacterium Scientific Name:halobacteriaceae Kingdom: Archeabacteria

Species Common Name: Sumatran tiger Scientific Name: Panthera tigris sumatrae Kingdom: Animalia

Species Common Name: gymnosperm Scientific Name: Gymnospermae Kingdom: plantae

Species Common Name: Fly agaric Scientific Name: Amanita muscaria Kingdom: fungi

Species Name: Green algae Scientific Name: Pediastrum boyanum Kingdom: protista





Name: Geynina Viola Class Schedule: MWF-2:35-3:35 Date: July 9,2013

Example Organis ms
(use the sample from slide 1)

Kingdom Differences
Sample Organism Characteristics Cell Wall Body Form Nutrition



Nervous system



Information Source


Bacteria/ Eubacteria


Gramnegative rodshaped bacteria.

Purification of inclusion bodyforming peptides and proteins in soluble form by fusion to Escherichia coli thermostable proteins

is a heterotrophic orga nism, meaning that it obtains its food from a different source.

As is the case with most foodborne infectious diseases, the people most vulnerable to this complication are young children and older adults.

A synthetic medium containing glycerol and succinate as carbon sources, NH4Cl as nitrogen source, thiamine and biotin, as well as salts, supports growth of Haloferax volcanii and other halophilic archaebacteria.

In an everThe individual changing bacterium begins this environment, it is process by elongation essential that of the cell, followed organisms are able by almost exact to sense these replication of changes and to the genome so there respond are appropriately. two identical copies.

http://microbe wiki.kenyon.ed u/index.php/E scherichia_coli


Archaea/ halobac Archeabact terium eria

Their cell
walls are also quite different from those of bacteria, as ordinary lipopr oteinmembran es fail in high salt concentrations

Halobacteria can grow aerobically or anaerobically. Parts of the membranes of halobacteria are purplish in color, and large blooms of Halobacteria appear reddish, from the pigment bacteriorhodops in, related to the retinal pigment rhodo

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