Uthm 4 - Note Lecture Mka 2133 - Transportation Modes and Characteristics

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Prof Dr. MIMM Feb 2011


Typical Modes of transportation Human characteristics & response Vehicle types & characteristics Take home assignment

Typical Modes of Transportation

Land Sea Air

Human characteristics and response

Visual Reception: VISUAL: Visual Acuity, Peripheral Vision, Color Vision, Glare Vision & Recovery PERCEPTION: Depth Perception, Hearing Perception, Walking Speeds, Perception Reaction Time

Passenger Behaviour & Characteristics in Transportation Terminals

Terminals and humans Design and user friendly Factors considered: Physiological charateristics - perceived comfort of passenger Phychological characteristics perceived safety of the passenger

Vehicle types and characteristics

Static vehicles Cars Airplanes Rails Waterborne Vessels

Vehicle types and characteristics

Dynamic vehicles Air Resistance (Aero-dynamics) Grade Resistance against altitude movements Rolling Resistance friction against motion Curve Resistance cornering Running Resistance Total force applied Power Requirements Power to move Braking Distance Safe stopping

Travelway Characteristics

Roadway Sight distances (Stopping & Passing), Min Radius Curves, Design speeds Railroad Sight distances (Crossings), Safe speeds, Rail curves Airport & Runways Depends on types of services (Commercial or General aviation requirements), International or Domestic, Taxiways & Runways

Class discussion & assignment

Describe the significant differences among different types of vehicle characteristics to transportation engineers Discuss how do you overcome traffic accidents for these different transportation modes: Roadway, Railway, Waterway and Airports Submit your work in appropriate hardcopy after your group discussion.

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