6S - 5S - Evaluation and Implementation Tool - Lean

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February 2013

Lean process improvement is CDOTs approach for engaging everyone, every day, to improve every process and product, to benefit every customer. A crucial part of the Lean approach is 6S, a method and set of tools to help us organize work spaces to be effective, efficient and safe. The 6S method is a 6-step process:

1. Sort - Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary material, documents, equipment, data, and information. For items that are not necessary, put together an orderly plan to take them out of the workplace. 2. Set in order - A place for everything and everything in its place. 3. Shine (systematic cleaning) - Maintain a clean and functional workplace on a daily basis. 4. Standardize - Create clear and simple visual cues that indicate whether or not sort and set-in-order are being maintained. 5. Sustain - Effective, ongoing application of knowledge regarding keeping an effective workplace. 6. Safety A vital foundation for all of the other steps! We develop and maintain workplaces that are safe for ourselves, our customers and anyone else who may be affected by our workplace The other tabs in this Excel Workbook provides you with tools to evaluate a workspace (first 2 tabs) and then implement a plan to make that space more effective, efficient and safe. Much of the content in this document comes from the CDOT Office of Transportation Safety and the Continuous Improvement Program within the state government of Minnesota. Thank you to both organizations!

Gary Vansuch Director of Process Improvement Colorado Department of Transportation Lean: Everyone, Every Day, Improving Every Process and Every Product, To Benefit Every Customer

6S Evaluation and Sustainment

Week of ___________ Evaluator:________________ Location:_________________
For each "S", circle the block that best describes the location being evaluated.


5 Points Best-in-Class
Every item in the area is needed. No needed items missing.

4 Points Good
Minimal clutter, small amount of unneeded items.

3 Points Fair
Some clutter. Some items stored on top of cabinets. Some needed items are not present.

2 Points Marginal
Clutter and unnecessary items on desks, shelves, and/ or cabinets.

1 Point Poor
Generally cluttered. Many unnecessary items on desks, shelves, cabinets, and/or floor.

0 Points Unacceptable
Station is cluttered/unsafe. Abundance of unnecessary items, including furniture and equipment.


Area very well organized. Excellent visual controls are in place. Designated locations for items.

Area well organized. Most items in designated location. Visual controls in place. Aisles neat and clear.

Area well organized with the exception of a few problems. Most items have designated location, and most are stored properly. All aisles are marked, but some equipment is not. Many visual controls are in place.

Area moderately organized. Many key items have no designated location, some items properly stored. Equip and aisles are not clearly marked. Some visual controls in place, many more could be added.

Inadequate organization. Many key items have no designated location. Shelves & drawers poorly labeled. Aisle or equip markings are not clear or straight. Few visual controls or instruction are present. Safety equipment not designated.

Poor organization. Little indication of designated locations. Items improperly stored on floor. Safety hazards. No visual controls, signs, or labels.

Set in Order

Aisles straight, clear and well marked.

Everything in the area is in great

Everything in area is clean & functional. Floors clean. Recycle bins used and emptied daily.

Most items in area are clean & functional. Some shared equipment doesn't work. Floors are moderately clean.

There is some clutter. Some items are not clean (floors, waste containers).

Area needs to be picked up. Many items need to be cleaned (floors, waste containers).

Area is dirty. Possible health and safety hazards exist.


condition and operates perfectly. No dust or dirt, clean floor.

6S checklists for all personal / shared areas are available and

6S checklists for most personal/shared areas are available and followed. Opportunities for improvement are noted- most resolved. Metrics & charts are current. System in place and strong interest in maintaining 6S. Good performance sustained for at least 3 mo.

6S checklists for most personal/shared areas No 6S checklists for personal/ are available and followed. Opportunities unities for improvement noted- some resolved. Metrics & charts in the area are current. shared areas, or not followed.

Very few 6S checklists exist for the area. 6S assessment

No6S checklists exist. 6S assessment not done within previous week. No evidence of follow-up actions to problems. Metrics/charts are not current. No system or commitment within organization to sustain 6S.


followed. Opportunities for improvement noted- all resolved. Metrics & charts in area are current. Clearly documented and

Assessment done weekly, but not done week prior. Unclear if no opportunities for improvement noted. Metrics/charts not current. actions taken to resolve problems. Metrics/charts not current. No system in area, little interest maintaining 6S. Very little stability in new 6S performance.

System in area and moderate interest in maintaining 6S. Minimum performance sustained for at least 1 month.

System in area, little interest maintaining 6S. Minimum performance sustained for less than 1 month.


followed system to maintain 6S. World class performance sustained for at least 6 months.


See attachment ("6S Evaluation-Safety"in next tab)

(this spreadsheet was developed by CDOT's Office of Process Improvement; and includes material used by permission from the Minnesota Continuous Improvement Program ) # of 5s circled: _______ X 5=_______ # of 4s circled: _______ X4=_______ # of 3s circled: _______ X3=_______ # of 2s circled: _______ X2=_______ # of 1s circled: _______ TOTAL: _______ 6S RATING: Opportunities for Improvement Who When


1 2 3

6S Evaluation and Sustainment: Safety

Week of ___________ Evaluator:________________ Location:_________________
For each "S", circle the block that best describes the location being evaluated.


5 Points Best-in-Class
All safety equipment (fire extinguishers, emergency exit signs, AEDs, first-aid kits, smoke detection/fire suppression, etc.) has been inspected and is up to date and in good working order. All employees have received evacuation training within the last 12 months. All exit doors/corridors are clear and unobstructed. Electrical outlets are not overloaded and extension cords do not pose any tripping hazards. The facility exterior is wellmaintained (snow removal, lighting, sidewalks, parking lots are well marked, etc.). No improvements or corrections are needed.

4 Points Good
Most (>85%) of the safety equipment (fire extinguishers, emergency exit lights, AEDs, first-aid kits, smoke detection/fire suppression, etc.) has been inspected and is up to date and in good working order. Most employees (>85) have received evacuation training within the last 12 months. Most exit doors/corridors are clear and unobstructed. Most but not all electrical outlets are in good working order and extension cords do not pose tripping hazards. The facility exterior is fairly well-maintained (snow removal, lighting, sidewalks, parking lots are well marked, etc.) but there may be a need for (1-2) minor improvements

3 Points Fair
Some (>60%) of the safety equipment (fire extinguishers, emergency exit lights, AEDs, firstaid kits, smoke detection/fire suppression, etc.) has been inspected and is up to date and in good working order. Some (75%) employees have received evacuation training within the last 12 months. Some but not all corridors are clear and unobstructed. Some but not all electrical outlets are in good working order and/or some extension cords were found to pose tripping hazards. The facility exterior is in fair condition (snow removal, lighting, sidewalks, parking lots are well marked, etc.) although there are some corrections that need to be made (3-5) findings.

2 Points Marginal
Less than half (50%) of the safety equipment (fire extinguishers, emergency exit lights, AEDs, first-aid kits, smoke detection/fire suppression, etc.) has been inspected and is up to date and in good working order. Less than 50% of the employees have received evacuation training within the last 12 months. Several electrical outlets (5-7) are overloaded and extension cords were found to pose tripping hazards. Facility exterior is in less than fair condition (snow removal, lighting, sidewalks, parking lots not well marked, etc.). There are several corrections that need to be made (6-10) findings.

1 Point Poor
Less than 30% of the safety equipment (fire extinguishers, emergency exit lights, AEDs, first-aid kits, smoke detection/fire suppression, etc.) has been inspected and is up to date and in good working order. Less than 30% of the employees have received evacuation training within the last 12 months. Several electrical outlets (8+) are overloaded and/or extension cords were found to pose significant tripping hazards. Facility exterior is in less than fair condition (snow removal, lighting, sidewalks, parking lots are not well marked, etc.) Several corrections need to be made (10+) findings.

0 Points Unacceptable
Most of the Safety equipment (>80%) is missing or has not been inspected in accordance with required inspection dates and is not in good working order (fire extinguishers, emergency exit lights, AEDs, first-aid kits, smoke detection/fire suppression, etc.) Most, if not all employees have not received emergency evacuation training within the last 12 months. Several corridors and exits are blocked and/or exits lights are not functioning. Facility exterior is in poor condition (snow removal, damages or blocked sidewalks, smoking areas, lighting, etc.)

(this spreadsheet developed by CDOT's Office of Transportation Safety) More opportunities for Improvement Who When

1 2 3


Step 1: Sort Red Tag Inspection Sheet

(refer to next tab in this spreadsheet, "Step 1 Sort - Red Tag Template", for an example of a red tag)

Purpose Directions

To ensure that all potential items for red tagging are examined. Examine all items under each category below for the entire target area. When an item is found out of place, attach a red tag. Check off items after they have been inspected.

Examine these spaces Examine these storage places _______Floors _______Shelves _______Aisles _______Racks _______Operation areas _______Closets _______Work stations _______Other storage places _______Corners, behind/under equipment _______Stairs Examine the walls, boards, etc. _______Small rooms _______Items hung on walls _______Offices _______Bulletin boards _______Inside cabinets and drawers _______Signboards _______Other Look for unneeded equipment _______Machines Look for unneeded materials/supplies _______Small tools _______Supplies _______Conveyance equipment _______Parts _______Plumbing, pipes, etc. _______Work in process _______Electrical equipment _______Finished products _______Wire, fixtures, junction boxes _______Shipping materials Look for unneeded furniture _______Cabinets _______Benches and tables _______Chairs _______Carts _______Other Look for other unneeded items _______Work clothes _______Trash cans _______Other

(this spreadsheet was developed by CDOT's Office of Process Improvement; and includes material used by permission from the Minnesota Continuous Improvement Program )

Step 1: Sort


Step 1: Sort


Step 1: Sort


Step 1: Sort



Step 2: Set in Order Checklist

Note: Be sure to Complete Step 1 (Sort) first

Purpose Directions

To ensure all potential items for "setting in order" are examined. Examine all items under each category below for the entire target area. When an item is found out of place, move it to its proper place. Check off items after they have been inspected.

Equipment _______Machines _______Small tools _______Conveyance equipment _______Cleaning equipment _______Electrical equipment _______Wire, fixtures, junction boxes _______Computer equipment Furniture _______Cabinets _______Benches and tables _______Chairs _______Carts _______Shelves _______Racks

Materials/Supplies/Inventory _______Supplies _______Parts _______Work in process _______Finished products _______Shipping materials _______Cleaning supplies Other items _______Charts, graphs, etc. _______Books, checklists, etc. _______Bulletin boards _______Signboards _______Pen, pencils, rulers, etc. _______Work clothes _______Trash cans _______Personal items

(this spreadsheet was developed by CDOT's Office of Process Improvement; and includes material used by permission from the Minnesota Continuous Improvement Program )


Step 3: Shine Checklist

Note: First, Complete Steps 1 (Sort) and 2 (Set-in-order), then use this "Shine" Checklist


To ensure that you examine all potential surfaces and areas for cleaning.


Examine all items under each category below for the entire target area. When you have finished with an item under a category, enter a check.

Large surfaces _______Ceilings _______Aisles _______Work stations _______Corners, behind/under equipment equipment _______Stairs _______Walls _______Doors _______Pillars & posts _______Floors _______Desktops Surfaces of equipment & furniture _______Machines _______Fixtures, junction boxes _______Cabinets _______Tables _______Chairs _______Carts _______Shelves _______Racks

_______Electronic equipment Inside equipment/furniture _______Machines _______Closets _______Drawers _______Cabinets _______Storage bins Other _______Materials and supplies _______Trash cans _______Bulletin boards _______Labels and signs _______Small tools _______Cords, wires, etc. _______Other

(this spreadsheet was developed by CDOT's Office of Process Improvement; and includes material used by permission from the Minnesota Continuous Improvement Program )


Step 4: Standardize 6S Standard Development Tips


To assist you in the development of 6S standards.


Determine the standard guidelines and/or the procedure that everyone should follow for each of the items below.

Tips to consider:

Standards for Sort (Step 1) Determine what belongs in an area, and how many. Determine the disposition criteria for red tagged items, including who should make the final decisions, who should carry out the disposition, when it should occur, and how it should be done.

Standards for Set in Order (Step 2) Determine standards for location indicators, including the type, the design of each type, standard colors for various uses, etc.

Standards for Shine (Step 3) Determine what needs cleaning and maintenance on a regular basis, who performs that cleaning, when it should occur, and the cleaning/maintenance procedure. Standards for Safety (Step that underpins all the rest) Determine best methods for identifying and eliminating potential hazards and other safety issues

(this spreadsheet was developed by CDOT's Office of Process Improvement; and includes material used by permission from the Minnesota Continuous Improvement Program )

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