Williams 9

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Deliverable # 9 - Williams Table 14-2 page 278 Chapter 1: Takeaway Points: Leadership is individualized to the leader.

Leadership is gained through life experience, work experience, and education. Personal Leadership Model: I have identified that individual personality and perception have a large impact on leadership approach. In addition, I have come to the realization that great leaders are made. Though personal experience, I have found that though I was not a natural leader at a young age, I have found the passion to be a great leader through experience, self-knowing, and ongoing education. Chapter 2: Takeaway Points: Being a direct and expressive leader that is focused on building successful relationships with peers is essential to leadership. A leader must view all components of their environment and not be individually focused. Personal Leadership Model: I have had good and bad experiences with leadership; my combination of cultural patterns and personality traits will allow me to be a good, even great, leader. However, I have also learned that I will need to be aware of my environment at all times and learn to adapt to what will encourage my followers and enhance their abilities. Values, morals, and ethical behavior are significant factors that encourage followers and assist in building relationships. Chapter 3: Takeaway Points: Not all cultures view leadership in the same way. In order to be a global organization, there must be a plan in place to communicate effectively with all components of the organization and understand cultural differences and environmental diversity. Personal Leadership Model: I have identified that I truly do see the big picture when it comes to leadership. I feel that I am versatile within my role as a leader and that I can identify cultural differences within an organizational environment. However, just like any other individual I have found areas that I can work on through appropriate communication techniques and approaches. I feel that I am versatile within my role as a leader and that I can identify cultural differences

within an organizational environment. However, just like any other individual I have found areas that I can work on through appropriate communication techniques and approaches. Chapter 4: Takeaway Points: Leadership entails change. A leader can be successful in any environment with a strong strategy and clear goals. Personal Leadership Model: While discussing the evolution of leadership and team success, I was able to identify through experience that virtual leadership is a challenge in any setting. Even though I was able to identify practical and successful strategies to maintain relationships and communication throughout projects, I am aware that this is not always a simple task. It is essential to maintain appropriate communication when leading a team as well as maintaining trussing relationships while checking in with individual team members as needed. Chapter 5: Takeaway Points: Both interpersonal and logical intelligence are needed in a great leader. A leader must be able to self-reflect and be aware of ones self to be successful. Personal Leadership Model: I have identified that I am able to reflect on my experiences and education to identify what it takes to be a successful leader. I am able to apply my knowledge to new experiences to improve outcomes. I have found that I see things differently than others and have a creative way of encompassing these differences and encouraging others. In addition, I have identified a true balance in my personality, knowledge, and values and have been able to apply these components to my leadership model. Chapter 6: Takeaway Points: Adequate communication is essential to leadership. Leaders should be able to motivate and encourage their followers. Personal Leadership Model: I have learned how amazing it is to influence others; I have learned through experience to communicate effectively. I feel that I have the capability to motivate, encourage, and influence those that I follow. I am aware of the need to build relationships through trust prior to being able to accomplish this task. In addition, I have found that building a strong rapport with those around you assist in the process of leading others into becoming leaders themselves.

Chapter 7: Takeaway Points: Leaders are not necessarily mangers nor are managers necessarily leaders. Leaders learn through extensive experience and education, where managers can be taught through task. Personal Leadership Model: I have learned that I am a leader with some management abilities. I can see and understand the philosophy of management. I am able to incorporated management techniques into my leadership style while maintaining relationships with my followers. However, I do indentify with the lack of respect that many people have for manager as mangers are task focused and do not always take the environment or culture into consideration. I have made it my goal to always be aware of my surroundings and how my actions may affect the organization culture or environment. Chapter 8: Takeaway Points: Power should be exercised with thought and consciousness. Power can persuade and influence others. Personal Leadership Model: It is essential to practice power with caution. One can make large mistakes with such control. I have not ever been one to abuse my power, however I can relate to how simple it could be. As a great leader, I would use my power to influence individuals to improve upon themselves and their actions and would vow to never use power in a negative way. Chapter 9: Takeaway Points: Teamwork is essential in leadership strategy. Dealing individually with team members can improve team success. Personal Leadership Model: It is evident that teamwork is an essential component when leading a group or team. Leaders must focus on building team relationships and identifying trust issues when they arise. In addition, leaders should deal with individual team members that do not pull their wait or that are not participating appropriately with the team. Chapter 10: Takeaway Points: Virtual leadership can be challenging. Communication is key with any type of team.

Personal Leadership Model: When discussing virtual teams and the use of adequate communication. I realized that I have had to deal with many of the same issues in my experience as a leader. I was able to identify that dealing with a virtual team is not much different than any other team. Relationships are essential along with the utilization of technology to keep communication intact. In addition, setting adequate boundaries and reassessing goals throughout the project will assist in dealing with any concerns. Chapter 11: Takeaway Points: Wisdom is an essential component of leadership. Wisdom is a learned skill. Personal Leadership Model: Essentially, I have identified that I feel that wisdom is a combination of skills, knowledge, personality, and character. A leader will use a combination of all of these components to gain wisdom. A great leader will be able to adapt and incorporate their wisdom into their leadership approach. I am not sure if I have successfully incorporated wisdom into my personal leadership model, but I will continue to work on this as I gain more experience and move on with my education. Chapter 12: Takeaway Points: Military leaders are not significantly different than civilian leaders. Adaption to change is often difficult for organizations. Personal Leadership Model: It is my view that though the military focuses on leadership values and traits and has excellent educational strategies to grow strong leaders, military leadership does not differ greatly from civilian leadership. I would like to think that I have the ability to lead in any environment. I will continue to work on versatility and adaption in my leadership approach and remember that each individual is different and has individual needs that they require of a good leader. Chapter 14: Takeaway Points: Habits are difficult to break. Adaption is key. Personal Leadership Model: I have learned a great deal from this chapter. It is amazing how quickly habits form and haw difficult they are to break. It is essential to learn to adapt to the environment in which you are leading. Just because you are a great leader in one environment, does not mean you

will be great in another. It is essential that a leader assess the situation and learn to utilize their qualities of leadership in an appropriate manner. What may have worked in one culture may not be successful in another. Trial and error is one way to adapt successfully. Also, communication will be key to learning what leadership approach will be successful when a change is being made.

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