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In this example we will simply display the data from the employee table in the HR schema in a tabular form.

1) Create a view Object with name EmpViewObj with following query:SELECT first_name,last_name,email,phone_number,salary FROM employees

2) Create an Application module and add the above created View Object in the application module.

3) Create a jspx page with name EmpList.jspx. And insert a PanelPage inside the jspx page.

4) Now drag and drop the EmpViewObj from the Data Control Palette inside the PanelPage.

From the popup menu select TablesADF Read Only table. An Edit table Column popup window will appear where you can edit or delete the columns which are not required on the page. Select Enable selection and enable sorting checkboxes. Click ok now.

After inserting the table your page will look like:-

5) Run the page.

6) Here please notice that framework will create two important files for you. \ i) Page definition file is an xml file which define the binding objects used by the application page. In our case one file name EmpListDef.xml is created which defines which application module is used and which view objects are used by our jspx page.


DataBindings.cpx file which defines what data controls are available to the application at runtime.

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