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Welcome to Advanced II

Instructor: Mr. Simon Saavedra E-Mail Course begins on: August 10th , 2013 Course ends on : October 5th , 2013 Class Schedule: Saturday from 8:30 to 2.15 Partial Examinations 1st Exam August 24th, 2nd Exam September 14th, 3rd Exam October 5th.

Unit 1 A Q and A
G review: question formation

V guessing meanings from context P intonation, stress and rhythm in questions

Review: question formation

I. Place the question word [how, who, why, where, when, which, how many, how much] at the beginning of the structure. e.g. Where are you staying ? Whos there ? Wheres the money ? II. Right after the question word place the verb or auxiliary verb or complement. In the case of How many you must use a noun. e.g. Why isn't he coming ? Where are the lunch packets ? Who cheated at the exam ? How old is your boy friend ? How many packets were there ?

III. In question formation, the word order is different from sentences, as shown in part (II). Additionally, to denote tense, auxiliary verbs are added. e.g. Which school did you go to ? Which school do you go to ? Where do you live ? The following forms are not acceptable and should be avoided : How you do it ? Why hes not coming ? Where hes going ?

GRAMMAR EXERCISE Form questions for the following situations. The first word is given as a cue to start you off. 1. You want to know if his younger brother is married 2. You want to know where the bathroom is 3. You want to know where the Principals office is 4. You want to know how much the pair of shoes costs 5. You need to get to the Speakers office in parliaments 6. You want to know the Chief Guests name 7. You want to know how often your mother should take the medicine 8. You want to know who directed The Titanic 9. You want to know when the exam will be held 10. You want to know the name of the company

Fluent (adj.)
being fluent in a language involves not only understanding grammar and having a big vocabulary, but also being able to speak smoothly and expressively.

Stress and Rhythm

How we stress words creates rhythm in English speech. This is similar to the regular, patterned beat of music.

DOGS The DOGS have




have been


CHASing the CATS.

couldve been CHASing the CATS.

Notice that the spoken length of the sentences is about the same, even though they differ in the number of syllables. This is because: 1. In the first sentence, the stressed syllables are pronounced a bit longer. 2. In the subsequent sentences, the unstressed words are reduced and pronounced quickly, while the stressed words are pronounced slightly shorter when compared with the first sentence.

Speed dating
is a formalized matchmaking process or dating system whose purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number of new people. Its origins are credited to Rabbi Yaacov Deyo of Aish HaTorah, originally as a way to help Jewish singles meet and marry. SpeedDating, as a single word, is a registered trademark of Aish HaTorah. Speed dating, as two separate words, is often used as a generic term for similar events. The first speed-dating event took place at Peets Caf in Beverly Hills in late 1998.[1]

guessing meanings from context

It had been raining hard through the night so the ground was saturated.
What does 'saturated' mean? You may already know, but if you do not, you should be able to have a good guess from the rest of the sentence. It had been raining which means the ground must be wet. It was raining 'hard' so this means the ground is probably very wet.

saturated = completely wet

Fluent (adj.)
being fluent in a language involves not only understanding grammar and having a big vocabulary, but also being able to speak smoothly and expressively.

Stress and Rhythm

How we stress words creates rhythm in English speech. This is similar to the regular, patterned beat of music.

DOGS The DOGS have




have been


CHASing the CATS.

couldve been CHASing the CATS.

Notice that the spoken length of the sentences is about the same, even though they differ in the number of syllables. This is because: 1. In the first sentence, the stressed syllables are pronounced a bit longer. 2. In the subsequent sentences, the unstressed words are reduced and pronounced quickly, while the stressed words are pronounced slightly shorter when compared with the first sentence.

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