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Written By Melissa Rosenbés 4 i Production White - July 2, 2009 ean Blue Draft - July 14, 2009 % intendgg for se only by authorized personnel. Distribution of ‘isglosiitg.o# this material to unauthorized persons is prohibited. ‘Spying, or reproduction of this material in any form or ig whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. this Saree the property of Summit Entertainment and is AL TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) ECLIPSE PADE IN: EXT. SEATTLE - AERIAL SHOT APPROACHING THE CITY - NIGHT EXT, PIKE PLACE MARKET, SEAPTLE - NIGHT (1 YEAR AGO} RAIN cones down in sheets, slapping the cobblestoned Bright lights from the surrounding bars, reflectvoff stones. The dull thud of rock MUSIC waftssouts A BI opens - the music briefly BLASTS OUT as a young man kx: <= he is RILEY, 22, genial, handsome, a univers ticfodent Fall of promiss. fe pauses under the fauninge preparing. to face the rain. ‘He slings a messenger baj/over his shoulder laden with thick school texts. He Wayes t@,his FRIENDS in the window before heading into the ae our, BELLA (¥.! “Some say the world #illMend in fire. Some say in ice... “ee ANOTHER STREET -- Dark, degéftean. oe his way up it ~- Suddenly, a SHADOW £1igg" pasf{ him, “toving at an inhunen speed. Riley pauses... what wasSthat? Unnerved, he speeds his step, about to round avcogner but suddenly —" Something leaps over him, knociin d to ground! It moved so fast we, agin, saw only a brief SHADOW. Riley panics now ~~ ex Who's: rere No response. RigGP*BoiTePin a different direction — ver avomuen soak — pifey RUNS, beelining tovard the end of the streetast Which’ stands AN APARTMENT BUTLDING with a brightly 1ig/lobby and a SECURITY GUARD, safety -- But something him by th and_SLINGS toa nglwindowes"It CRACKS. Riley drops. The Shadow won't feach,the security quard. Rileyss texrified anew by this creatures‘s strength. te ar ‘is, book bag and staggers off, running for his life doth a dikterent street. fe looks over his shoulder, suing desperate -— E WATERFRONT (CONTINUOUS) - NIGHT 2 ley finds himself on the deserted boardwalk. Beyond thefrail, black water. A dead end. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) he turns, realizing he's utterly alone. He's been herded here. He searches the darkness for whatever's chasing h, RILEY What do you want?! Why are you -- ? ~~ the shadow DARTS past him; Riley YANKS his hand RILEY -- 0B GoD! -- He grips his hand in pain, looks at it tow moon shape on his palm, blood seeping out. Hé%B,,be: His confusion and terror turn to agonymas/theQenon from the bite crawls up his arm. Riley drops téchis kneeay CRYING OUT in pain. Then falls, writhing as tl Noalyspreads throughout his body, changing him, ng bumanity. His tortured CRIES go unheard as wi the crescent moon on his hand, OVER WHICH WE HE whiter than her already pale Skin. EDWARD‘S LIPS move into frame, kissing theascar. INCLUDE -~ EXT. MEADOW ~ DAY ee bey) 3 =~ BELLA and EDWARD, in the grass. Bella reads aloud 2 fing Erom a book of ROBERTAPROST poetry... BELLA jf Meygthink T know enough of hate to G that, for destruction, ice is also FFP}, ahd would sutfice.:.” eet a by, eal ee BELLA “3 gnglish final. Gotta focus. grips, kisses her anyway. The SUN BRIEFLY COMES OUT ind’ clouds, causing Bdward‘s skin to SPARKLE, making iss appear magical. He pulls away, smiling... EDWARD Marry me.

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