Questions Based On Statement

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1. The statement below shows an observation recorded by a researcher about the population of animals X
left in state M.
Kenyataan di bawah menunjukkan satu pemerhatian telah dicatatkan oleh seorang pengkaji tentang populasi haiwan X yang
masih ada di negeri M.

In 1990, 200 animals X were found. A year after that, 153 animals X were still alive. In 1992, 23 of
animals X were missing. In 1993, only 56 of animals X were found.
Pada tahun 1990, 200 haiwan X telah dijumpai. Setahun selepas itu, 153 haiwan X masih hidup. Pada tahun 1992, 23 daripada
haiwan X di dapati telah hilang. Pada tahun 1993, hanya 56 haiwan X telah dijumpai.

a) What is the aim (purpose) of the investigation?

Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

b) State two information gathered from the statement above.
Nyatakan dua maklumat yang diperolehi daripada kenyataan di atas.

i) ______________________________________________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________________________________________
c) What is the pattern (trend) for the change of animals X that still survives every year?
Apakah corak perubahan haiwan X yang masih selamat pada setiap tahun?

d) Predict the number of animals X still alive in 1992.
Ramalkan bilangan haiwan X yang masih hidup pada tahun 1992.

e) State the things that you:

Nyatakan perkara yang kamu:

i) changed / manipulasikan
ii) observed / bergerak balas
iii) kept the same / malarkan

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f) What conclusion can be drawn from the information above?

Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat berkaitan maklumat di atas?


2. The statement below shows a fair test about the stability of an object.
Kenyataan di bawah menunjukkan satu ujikaji tentang kestabilan satu objek.

Vase P and Q are the same height. We put 5 g of sand into vase P and 10 g of sand into vase Q. Then
both vases receive the same speed of wind blown by the fan. The result shows that vase P toppled
earlier than vase Q.
Pasu P dan Q mempunyai ketinggian yang sama. Kami memasukkan 5 g pasir ke dalam pasu P dan 10 g pasir ke dalam pasu Q.
Kemudian kedua-dua pasu menerima kelajuan angijn yang sama daripada kipas. Keputusan menunjukkan pasu P tumbang
lebih awal berbanding pasu Q.

a) What is the aim (purpose) of the investigation?

Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

b) State two information gathered from the statement above.
Nyatakan dua maklumat yang diperolehi daripada kenyataan di atas.

i) ______________________________________________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________________________________________
c) What is the pattern (trend) for the change of vase toppled?
Apakah corak perubahan pasu yang tumbang?

d) State one relationship between the height of vase and the time taken for vase to topple.
Nyatakan satu hubungan antara ketinggian pasu dan masa yang di ambil untuk pasu tumbang.

e) State the things that you:

Nyatakan perkara yang kamu:

i) changed / manipulasikan

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ii) observed / bergerak balas
iii) kept the same / malarkan
f) What conclusion can be drawn from the information above?
Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat berkaitan maklumat di atas?


3. Information below shows the result about the evaporation of water.

Maklumat di bawah menunjukkan keputusan tentang penyejatan air.

Each beaker is exposed to sunlight. Beaker X which holds 500 ml of water, took 40 minutes for water to
dry. Beaker Y which holds 700 ml of water, took 50 minutes for water to dry. Beaker Z which has 900 ml
of water, took 60 minutes for water to dry.
Setiap bikar terdedah kepada cahaya matahari. Bikar X mempunyai500 ml air, mengambil masa 40 minit untuk kering. Bikar Y
mengandungi 700 ml air, mengambil masa 50 minit untuk kering. Bikar Z mengandungi 900 ml air, mengambil masa 60 minit
untuk kering.

a) What is the aim (purpose) of the investigation?

Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

b) State two information gathered from the statement above.
Nyatakan dua maklumat yang diperolehi daripada kenyataan di atas.

i) ______________________________________________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________________________________________
c) What is the trend of changes in the time taken for water to dry?
Apakah corak perubahan masa yang diambil untuk air mengering?

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d) Predict the time taken for water to dry if beaker A holds 1000 ml of water.
Ramalkan masa yang diambil untuk air mongering jika bikar A mengandungi 1000 ml air.

e) State one relationship between the area exposed to sunlight and the time taken for water to dry.
Nyatakan satu hubungan antara luas permukaan yang terdedah kepada cahaya matahari dan masa yang diambil untuk air


f) State the things that you:

Nyatakan perkara yang kamu:

i) changed / manipulasikan
ii) observed / bergerak balas
iii) kept the same / malarkan

g) What conclusion can be drawn from the information above?

Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat berkaitan maklumat di atas?



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4. Information below is gathered in a fair test about the stability of a structure.

Maklumat di bawah diperolehi dari satu ujikaji tentang kestabilan satu struktur.

Two structures, M and N are placed on a piece of plywood. The plywood was then lifted gradually. The
results shows structure M toppled first, followed by structure N.
Dua struktur, M dan N diletakkan di atas sekeping papan. Papan tersebut diangkat sedikit demi sedikit. Keputusan
menunjukkan struktur M tumbang dahulu diikuti oleh struktur N.

a) State two reasons (inferences) based on the information.

Nyatakan dua sebab berdasarkan maklumat di atas.

i) _______________________________________________________________________________
ii) ________________________________________________________________________________
b) State a relationship based on any of your reasons in a).
Nyatakan satu hubungan yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan alasan kamu di a).

c) State two information gathered based on your answer in b).
Nyatakan dua maklumat yang diperolehi berdasarkan jawapan kamu di b)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________
ii) _______________________________________________________________________________


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5. The information below shows an experiment carried out by Fahmi by arranging a number of his science
practical book on top of manila card that is folded a number of time.
Maklumat di bawah menunjukkan eksperimen yang telah dijalankan oleh Fahmi untuk mengetahui berapakah bilangan buku
sains praktikal yang boleh diletakkan di atas kad manila yang telah dilipat beberapa kali.

If the manila card is folded three times, it can support one book. When the manila card is folded six
times, it can support two books. Lastly, when the manila card is folded nine times, it can support three
Jika kad manila dilipat tiga kali, ia boleh menampung sebuah buku. Apabila kad manila dilipat enam kali, ia boleh menampung
dua buah buku. Akhir sekali, apabila kad manila dilipat sembilan kali, ia boleh menampung tiga buah buku.

a) State two variables gathered from the information above.

Nyatakan dua pembolehubah yang dikumpul di dalam maklumat di atas.

i) ______________________________________________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________________________________________
b) What the relationship (hypothesis) between the two variables in a)?
Apakah hubungan di antara dua pembolehubah di a)?

c) Iron object and steel object that are used to construct a bridge can affect the strength of the
structure of the bridge compared to wooden object.
Objek besi dan keluli yang digunakan untuk membina jambatan boleh memberi kesan ke atas kekuatan sesuatu struktur
jambatan berbanding objek kayu.

Based on the statement above, what is the relationship (hypothesis) between the variable that is
changed (manipulated) and the variable that is observed (responding)?
Berdasarkan maklumat di atas, apakah hubungan di antara pembolehubah dimanipulasi dan pemboleh ubah bergerakbalas.



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6. The following are dialogues between Naufal and Masturah while surfing for information from the
internet about planets in the Solar System.
Berikut adalah perbualan antara Naufal dan Masturah semasa sedang melayari internet untuk mendapatkan maklumat
tentang planet-planet dalam system suria.


Look at this information, the average temperature in Pluto is -4000C

Lihat maklumat ini, suhu purata di planet Pluto adalah - 4000C.

Masturah: Why is the temperature so low?

Kenapa suhunya terlalu sejuk?


Because the position of the planet is the furthest to the Sun.

Kerana kedudukan planet yang paling jauh dari matahari.

Masturah: How about the temperature on Mercurys surface?

Bagaimana pula dengan suhu di permukaan planet Utarid?


The average temperature for Mercury is around 3500C.

Suhu purata Utarid sekitar 3500C.

Masturah: This because the position of the Mercury is very near from the Sun.
Ini disebabkan oleh kedudukan Utarid paling dekat dengan matahari.

a) Based on the information, state one observation and one inference about the difference in the
average temperature of the planets.
Berdasarkan maklumat, nyatakan satu pemerhatian dan inferens tentang perbezaan suhu purata di planet-planet tersebut.

Observation / Pemerhatian
Inference / Inferens
b) Write one relationship you can make based on the inference in a)
Tuliskan satu hubungan yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan inferens kamu di a)


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c) State two information that you have to collect in b)
Nyatakan dua maklumat yang perlu dikumpul di b)



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