Casual Labour

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Casual labour; Substitutes and Bungalow Peon Casual Labour

(Para 2001 to 2007 of IREM Vol.II) (Master Circular No. 48)

Definition Casual labour [CL] refers to labour whose employment is seasonal, intermittent sporadic or extends over short period. Labour of this kind is normally recruited from the nearest available source. Service conditions of Temp. & Permanent railway servant does not apply to casual labour. Engagement of Casual labour on Railways Casual labour (Open line) Casual Labours are primarily engaged to supplement the regular staff in work of seasonal or sporadic nature, which arises in the day-to-day working of Railway operation System. This includes labours engaged for loading-unloading of materials, Special repair, maintenance of track and other structures, supply of drinking water in summer season, Night patrolling of Railway track etc. Casual labour (Project) Casual labours are also engaged on Railway for execution of Railway Projects. Project means construction of new lines, major bridges, restoration of dismantled lines, & other major important open line works like doubling, widening of tunnels, Route Really Interlocking etc which are to be completed within a definite time period. Engagement of Casual Labour in Skilled Categories [RBE No 339/85] Normally casual labour should not be appointed in skilled categories without a trade test. A panel should be maintained by the open line to cater the need of casual labour in skilled categories. If no paneled candidate for engagement in skilled category is available, engagement of casual labours in semi-skilled or skilled categories may be done without trade test but it should be ensured that their suitability for semi skilled, skilled grade is adjusted well in time before their attaining of temporary status. Casual labour engaged in work charged establishment and promoted in semi skilled, Highly Skilled categories due to non availability of regular departmental candidate and continue to work as casual employee for a long period, can be straight away absorbed in regular vacancies in skilled grades against 25 % of post reserved for departmental promotion for unskilled and semi skilled, for this purpose they have to pass requisite Trade Test. No temp. posts shall be created to accommodate such casual labours. Reservation of SC/ST/OBC/ Ex Serviceman as laid down for Group D should also be followed while engaging of casual labour. Casual labour should not be employed/retained in service beyond the age of 60 years. Re-engagement of casual labour from live register can be made only after approval of General Manager. [RBE No 188/90] Designation of Casual labour i) O.C.L Open line casual labour unskilled. ii) O.C.L (S) Open line Casual labour skilled iii) P.C.L Project Casual labour unskilled iv) P.C.L (S) Project Casual labour skilled P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur [RBE No 116 / 95]

Casual Labours should not be employed: 1 For work on Construction of Wagons & similar other work of a regular nature. 2. For Civil Engineering, Signal & Bridge maintenance work, except for seasonal fluctuating works, 3. As Trolley Man., Peon. 4. In Printing Press, 5. In regular vacancies except in artisan category. Authority competent to engage Casual labour 1. Prior to 01/08/1978 any Senior Subordinate was competent to engage any casual labours under whom certain seasonal work had been sanctioned. 2. On & after 01.08.1978 but prior to 01.01.1981 DRM or SAG officer was competent to engage casual labour against seasonal work. 3. On & after 01.01.1981 to till date only General Manager of the Zonal Railway is competent to engage Fresh face casual labour against seasonal demand. Entitlement of casual labour for Temporary Status [Para 179 (xiii)(b) IREM I] Open line Casual Labours on completion of 120 days& Project Casual Labours on completion of 360 days of continues service without break become entitled for temporary status (TS). Project Casual Labours on completion of 180 days of continues employment are eligible to be treated as monthly rated workers and should be paid consolidated wages at the rate of the minimum scale of pay i.e. equal to the minimum of the scale of pay plus DA, however, without the benefit of increments. Periods that are not counted as break in service for extending Temporary Status to Casual Labour The following absence will not be considered as break in service for determining 120 or 180 days or 360 days of continuous employment. 1. Period of absence under medical treatment of workman with injuries sustained on duty under W.C. Act. 2. Day on which the establishment employing the Casual Labour remains closed 3. Absence of half-a-day should be reckoned as half-a-day only. 4. Authorised absence up to 20 days including three days unauthorised absence for Open line Casual Labours & 30 days for Project Casual Labours [RBds letter no. E (NG) II/76/CL/116,dt 21.379,E (NG) II/79/CL/26,dt28.3.79] 5. Authorised absence covers permission granted by the supervisory official in charge, to be away from work for the period specified. 6. In case of female casual labour, four weeks period (in addition to 20&30 days authorized absence of Open line Casual Labours& Project Casual Labours respectively, for maternity purposes. 7. With effect from 02.10.1980, on completion of work or non-availability of further productive work when casual labour is discontinued and employed later when work is available, such gaps in service will not be counted as break in service for reckoning as continuous service of 120, 180 or 360 days. 8. Period of rest under HOER or MWAct will not count as absence under 20 days authorised absence.

P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur

Authority competent to extend temporary Status and procedure After obtaining initial sanction for engagement of Casual labour from General Manager., Minimum Junior Scale Officer is empowered to extend temporary status to a casual labour. He/She should be given a machine numbered casual labour card after depositing Rs.1/- in order to provide documentary proof of service & duplicate casual labour card after depositing Rs 2/with the valid & sufficient reason for that. Date of births Certificate, educational qualification and form of character and antecedent should require to be verified from issuing/relevant authority. Service Sheet and Leave Account should be opened for all those casual labour who attain the temporary status. He/She should be medically examined before extending temporary status. Number of days and capacity of work of each casual labour should be verified by each and every authority and countersigned by controlling Asstt. Officer. Notice of termination of service

Except where notice is necessary under any statutory obligation, no notice is required for termination of service of casual labour. The period of notice to temporary status obtained casual labour will be determined by the rules applicable to temporary Railway servant. One months notice or one months pay in lieu of retrenchment of casual labour with temporary status or substitute is necessary.
Screening Procedure Live casual labour register in each seniority unit should be maintained. Re-engagement in the seniority unit has to be on the principal of last go first come. Seniority units for the purpose of engagement, retrenchment and re engagement & maintaining live casual labour registers shall be senior subordinate wise. & for project casual labour will be Division and category wise. The screening should be conducted for the entire Department on divisional basis separately by each department & each category. Existing vacancies and anticipated vacancies for the next one-year should be taken for the purpose of screening. The number of candidates should be 25 % more than the vacancies so worked out. Casual labour who have put in 120 days service even in breaks can also be considered for screening., if casual labour with 120 days continuous service are not available. [RBds letter no. E (NG) II/76/CL/67,dated1.12.77] One SC/ST/OBC & Minority officer must be nominated as member of screening committee. [RBds letter no.80E/SCT/15/58/Part-I, 2.9.98] SC/ST /OBC/Ex -Serviceman candidates should be given the requisite number of seats as per their quota. Casual labour engaged without the approval of competent authorities as prescribed from time to time, shall not be considered for screening except where post facto sanctions have been obtained. Casual labour that failed to attend in two previous occasions for screening should not be called. Casual labour engaged in establishment of cooperative societies may also be considered for regular absorption in Group D after eligible Casual labour & Substitutes have been considered. Casual labour engaged in hot weather, RRBs office may also be considered for screening depending upon their seniority. Currency of panel (Life of panel) prepared from Casual labour after screening will remain valid till the last person on the panel is absorbed. Casual labour can be regularized against posts of Group D after employment on panel servicing persons. The seniority of Casual labour will remain department wise and if some one is diverted to another unit he will rank junior in the new unit. Names of those Project & Open line Casual labour have been enrolled in Casual labour live register who had worked as Casual labour before 1.1.1981 and who were discharged for want of further work or due to completion of work and who had submitted written representations for reengagement unto 31.03.1987. [RBE No 39, 43, 57 & 58/87]

P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur

Entitlement and privileges to casual labours Casual labour are not eligible for any entitlement and privileges other than those statutorily admissible under the various Acts, such as, Minimum Wages Act, W.C. Act. etc. Casual labours are also eligible for: (i) Age limit laid down for regular recruitment to Group D are also applicable for engagement of fresh face casual labour & Upper age relaxation for SC/ST & OBC is also admissible (i.e. 5 yrs for SC/ST & 3 yrs for OBC). (ii) Casual labour with temporary status are entitled for relaxation in upper age limited to the extend of Casual labour/substitute service put in subject to upper age limit of 40 years in the case of Genl. Candidates, 43 years for OBC & 45 years in the case of SC/ST. All casual labours/substitutes in Group C scales are entitled to appear in examinations conducted by RRB or the Rlys for posts as per their qualification without any age bar. Wages / Pay Casual labour on the Railway who are engaged for construction or maintenance of roads or in building operations including Permanent Way Bridges, Stone breaking, Stone crushing; maintenance of building; loading & unloading in the Railway Goods Sheds; Ash-pit cleaning are governed by the M.W.Act. (Central) for the purpose of payment of wages & they should be paid as under:1. A daily rate ascertained from the local authority or the State Govt. concerned where necessary: or 2. If such a rate is not available, a daily wage at 1/30th of the minimum of the scale of pay plus D.A. as may be applicable to the corresponding categories of Railway Servants: & 3. If either of the rates shown above happens to be lower than the minimum wages fixed under the M.W.Act (Central) then at the rate(s) fixed by the appropriate authority under the Act. Those Casual labours who are not governed by the MWAct (Central) should be paid on daily rate that should be ascertained from the local authorities or the State Govt. concerned. Where two different rates are operative one fixed by the Municipality & the other fixed by the local civil authorities as such District Magistrate, District Controllers of the State Govt., the higher of the two rates should be adopted. 120 Days of continuous service in the case of open line casual labour & 180 Days in the case of project casual labour, payment should be at daily rates. Project casual labour after completion of 180 days of continuous employment is entitled for 1/30 of the minimum of appropriate scale of Pay + DA. A casual labour that attained temporary status and has been paid regular scale of pay when re-engaged after having been discharged should be given the pay last drawn by them at the time of discharge. Casual labour with temporary status are entitle for one increment on completion of 12 months service. Casual labour with temporary status, on absorption in regular GroupD posts will be allowed fixation of pay as under: Those drawing pay in identical grades will have their pay fixed with reference to the last pay drawn; Those working in semi-skilled grades but absorbed in Group D unskilled grades will have their pay fixed by granting increments in the unskilled grade with reference to their earlier service as casual labour in the higher or equivalent grades. 50% temporary status casual labour service of absorption in regular employment being taken in account for the purpose of reckoning 10/20/30 years of service for financial benefit under Modified Assured Carrier Progression Scheme. (MACP) [RBE No. 215 /09]

P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur

Productivity Linked Bonus Casual Labour who have attained temporary status & Project Casual Labour on completion of not less than 180 days of continuous service are eligible to be paid Productivity linked bonus. [RBds letter no. E (P&A) II/79/PLB/1,dt.24.1.80] However, casual labour entitled to Productivity linked bonus as per orders in force, but injured on duty & placed on sick list & paid half monthly payment as applicable under the W C Act are not entitled for the Productivity linked bonus. [RBds letter no. E (P&A) II/82/1/PLB-6/1,dt.10.11.84] Pass & PTO Casual labour with temporary status is eligible to the privilege of Passes & PTOs. Continuous service rendered by them after attaining temporary status will count for the purpose of post retirement passes. [RBds letter no. E (W) 2004PS5-1/15,dated 26.5.06] Normally casual labour is recruited locally. But in a situations when local recruitment is not possible due to non availability & the labour are recruited away from the site, passes may be issued for the individuals (not for the family members) on recruitment as also at the time of their discharge. Since casual labour has not been absorbed against regular posts, they are not entitled to the benefit of widow/widower passes. Casual labour is entitled to get 6 sets of P.T.O. instead of 4 sets till their absorption. [RBE No. 308/89] Holiday Open line casual labour with temporary status & Project casual labour on completion of 180 days of continuous service are eligible for 9 Holidays inclusive of the 3 National Holidays. The National Holidays should be treated as paid holidays. On the day of polling during elections to the Lok Sabha/State Legislature, Casual Labour should be given facilities for casting votes but they are not entitled to a paid holiday. Casual Labours (without temp. status) are entitled for only 3 days National Holiday. [IREM vol. I, para1601] Leave Leave earned by the casual labour after attaining temporary status & which is at their credit on the date of their absorption in a regular post, will be carried forward to the new post. Casual labour (temporary status) should be treated as temp. employee for the purpose of Hospital leave. Female casual labour without temporary status are not entitled for maternity leave, however on this account her absence from duty up to four weeks will be treated as authorized absence in addition to other normal absence periods permissible. Female casual labour with temporary status is entitled for maternity leave as admissible to female temporary Railway Servants. [RBE No. 119/91] Open line casual labour with temporary status & Project casual labour on completion of 180 days of continuous service are eligible for 10 days of casual leave in a calendar year Incentive under FW Programme Casual labour who have become entitled to payment in regular time scale of pay are eligible to the grant of incentive increment (now Family Planning Allowance) under the Family Welfare Scheme. Daily rated Casual labour both male & female are eligible for wages for the day of absence due to the following reasons: 1. Vasectomy Operation -----------Male-------for a maximum of 6 working days 2. Non-puerperal Tubectomy-----Female-----for a maximum of 14 working days 3. Insertion of I.U.D.---------------Female---- for one working day P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur 5

Benefits will be admissible only to those, who have been in continuous employment for at least 3 months before undergoing sterilization/IUD & who are likely to continue thereafter for at least three months. Full wages should be claimed for the days of absence. [RBds letter no.80/H/FW/7/1,Dt 7.2.80,30.12.84,3.8.85] Advance Casual labour that acquired temporary status after putting in three years continuous service should be treated at par with temp. Rly servant & they are entitlement of festival & flood advance. Allowance HRA and TPA will be paid to casual labour after acquiring temporary status. Casual labour who are required to work on National Holidays, are eligible for National Holiday Allowance as per the rate(s)in force after satisfying the prescribed conditions. Casual labour sent on duty out of their Hqrs, station to a place more than 8 Km from Hqrs station are entitled to be paid Daily Allowance as per rules, at the rates specified from time to time. Casual labour that performed night duty between 22 to 6 Hrs. is eligible for additional remuneration, for each hour of night work at 2% of daily wages for each hour of night work. [RBds letter no. E (NG) III/80/CL/18 Dated 09.01.83] Casual labour employed on break down duties are eligible for free food, higher rate (s) of wages, which may be fixed depending upon the circumstances, as also TA/DA if otherwise admissible under the rules for regular Railway Servants. Open line casual labour / Project casual labour are entitled for National Holiday Allowance when they are in service on the day proceeding the National Holiday & are also in service on the day following the National Holiday. Medical Casual labour should be subjected to medical examination before granting of temporary status. Those who have completed six years service shall be examined on relaxed standard. Such casual labour as are found unfit for particular category in medical examination despite relaxed standard may be considered for alternative category with lower medical standard. Their suitability for alternative category should be adjusted by screening committee. Before granting temporary status, Casual Labour must pass required medical examination. [RBs LNO.77h/5/31,dt20.12.77] All casual labour (Open line & Project) with temporary status is eligible for medical facilities as applicable to regular Railway employees i.e. for self and family members. [RBE No 111/93] Casual Labours are entitled for free diet and free medical treatment in Railway hospital in connection with injuries sustained in accident cases. D&AR Casual labour after attaining temporary status is treated as temporary and is entitled to the rights and benefits as admissible to the temporary Rly. Servant (Including benefit of D&AR rules). Retrenchment While effecting retrenchment of casual labour, ordinarily the principle of last come first go should be adopted. Thus, at the time of retrenchment if junior SC/STs have to be protected from retrenchment when there is deficiency in their representation, such a protection will be justified & this reason will have to be recorded while retrenching the senior in preference to the junior SC/STs. [RBds letter no. E (LL) 76/AT/ID/1-116,dt17.2.78] For retrenchment under for I.D.ACT 240 days of a calendar year is treated as one year. [RBds letter no. E (WLA) 66AT/ID/1-18,dt23.2.82] P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur 6

Retirement benefits (1)Half of the service rendered after obtaining temporary status shall be counted as qualifying service for pensioner benefits. This benefit is admissible only after regular absorption. Casual labour with temporary status who are not screened & retired, they are entitled for Gratuity, PF, Leave Salary at the time of retirement. (2)As the new Pension Scheme is based on defined contribution, the length of qualifying service for the purpose of retirement benefits has lost its relevance. Consequently, no credit to casual labour service (i.e. temp. status) for the purpose of retirement benefits after their regularization, shall be available to the Casual Labour on their regularization against group D posts on or after 01.01.2004 [RBE 205/04] In case of death

Family member of deceased casual labour with temporary status is entitled for Gratuity, PF, Leave Salary & Compassionate Engagement. Compassionate Engagement can also be made if a casual labour dies, due to accident while on duty, provided that casual labour concerned is eligible for compensation under WC Act, 1923
Other Casual labour not governed by M.W. Act shall be entitled for weekly paid rest.. Casual labour who have completed one year of continuous service after attaining temporary status are eligible to the supply of uniforms, if they are working in categories eligible for the uniform, & subscription towards provident fund up to 31.12.2003. As there is no provision of general Provident Fund /SRPF in New Pension Scheme (NPS), it will not serve any useful purpose to continue deduction towards SRPF for existing Casual Labour (with temp, status). Therefore, no further deductions towards SRPF shall be effect from such Casual Labour w.e.f. 01.01.2004 onward & the amount lying in their P.F. account, including deduction after 01.01.2004, shall be paid to them [RBE 205/04] Casual Labours, Substitute & Bunglow Peon/Kh cannot be a member of Central Government Employee Group Insurance Scheme; Office bearer of trade union; New Pension system (RBA 43/04) or any kind of pension.

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Substitutes [Para 1512 to 1515 of IREM Vol. I] [RBE No 137/2010] In supersession of the previous instructions, following instructions on the subject of engagement of substitutes will be applicable w.e.f. from 17.09.2010. 2. Definition Substitutes refer to persons engaged in Indian railway establishment on regular scales of pay and allowances applicable to posts falling vacant and the process of filling up is delayed and the post cannot be kept vacant due to exigencies of work otherwise railway service may be adversely affected. 3. Circumstances for engagement of Substitutes 3.1 Substitutes in erstwhile Group D should be engaged with the prior personal approval of the General Manager, while those in Group C shall require prior approval of the Railway Board. They should be engaged only in the following circumstances:(i) The process of filing up of vacancies is delayed; and (ii) The posts cannot be kept vacant without adversely affecting the railway services; 3.2 Maximum number of Substitute that can be engaged in a year in erstwhile Group D posts (i) Maximum number of substitutes which can be engaged in a financial year in the following categories would be 10% of the vacancies calculated as on 1st April of the year to be filled up during the financial year.; (a) Safety; (b) Train operations(open line staff of Operating, Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, S&T and Electrical). (ii) For other categories, the maximum number of substitutes that can be engaged is 2% of the vacancies in these categories. Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) will calculate these 10% and 2% vacancies at the beginning of each financial year. Note:-(i) Engagement of course completed Act Apprentices as substitute, will be outside the purview of stipulation made vide para 3.2(i)&(ii) [RBE 183/10] (ii)Any disabled person, as decided by the G.M. concerned, can also be engaged as a substitute. Such person can be adjusted under 3% quota for physically challenged persons only when he/she is regularized against the post.
[Rly. Bds No. E(NG)II/2008/SB/SR/15 pt. I dt. 19.01.12 (NWR PS 01/12)]

3.3 Substitutes in erstwhile Group D should be engaged as per following practice/procedure:(i) Applications addressed to General Manager will be received in GMs Office from various sources; (ii) Committee of three Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers to be nominated by General Manager will scrutinize applications and make recommendations which will be put for approval of General Manager through Chief Personnel Officer(CPO); (iii)The recommended applications by the Committee will be forwarded to the Personnel Department for verification of certificates, etc. (iv) After due verification of educational qualifications, certificates etc., the eligible applications alongwith the requirement of substitutes received from DRMs/Heads of Units, through the Chief Personnel Officer, will be put up for General Managers approval, by the Personnel Department; (v) Keeping the exigencies of service and suitability of the candidate, General Manager will decide the Department and Division / Unit where the candidate is to be engaged. P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur 8

(vi) Formal letter of engagement will be sent to the Division / Unit by the Personnel Department. (vii) To avoid any fraud / impersonation etc., the Division / Unit will get the letter verified / authenticated from CPOs office and then issue Engagement Letter to the candidate; (viii) Proper records should be maintained with reference to the number of applications received, number of applications rejected etc. Record of the applications which are no longer required to be retained should be shredded/weeded out. 4. Benefits : 4.1 Substitutes engaged should be paid regular scales of pay and allowances admissible to the post against which they have been appointed irrespective of the nature or duration of the vacancy. 4.2 They should be allowed all the rights and privileges as are admissible to temporary Railway employees on attainment of temporary status on completion of four months of continuous service. 4.3 The conferment of temporary status after completion of four months continuous service does not entitle them to automatic absorption / appointment to railway service unless they are selected in the approved manner for appointment or absorption to regular posts. 4.4 The period of service of substitutes will be counted for full pensionary benefits from the date of completion of four months continuous service provided it is followed by absorption in regular service, without break. 4.5 While regularizing the services of substitutes, age limit for recruitment to erstwhile Group D posts may be relaxed to the extent to their total service rendered as substitute which may be either continuous or in broken periods subject to maximum of 40 years not exceeded in case of General candidates, 43 in case of OBC and 45 in case of SC/ST 4.6 Substitutes who wish to apply for the posts advertised by the Railway Recruitment Boards may be given relaxation in age to the extent of service put in by them, continuous or in broken spells subject to maximum of 40 years not exceeded in case of General candidates, 43 in case of OBC and 45 in case of SC/ST. 4.7 Festival / Flood advances : The Substitutes who have attained temporary status and have put in one and half years of continuous service should be granted these advances provided they furnish two sureties from permanent railway servants. 4.8 Substitutes are eligible for medical facilities for self only in the out-patient department. The service cards etc. of the employee may be utilized as identification cards for this purpose. 4.9 When Substitutes selected for absorption in regular service and sent for medical examination, the standard of medical examination should be relaxed standard as prescribed for re-employment during service. 5. Screening of the Substitutes for their absorption in regular service 5.1 A person who is continued to work as a Substitutes for prolonged period shall be considered for regularization of his/her services provided he/she has put in a minimum of 05 (five) years of service. (Deleted vide RBE 182/10) 5.2 A screening Committee should be constituted to screen the substitutes with temporary status for their absorption in regular posts. Such screening Committee should consist of at least three Railway Officers of appropriate rank, one belonging to SC/ST communities and another to minority community. (Deleted vide RBE 182/10) Note (i) A person who continues to work as substitute and has acquired temporary status, when considered for regularization of his /her services, be screened by a screening committee. The committee for the purpose shall consist of there Rly. Officers of appropriate rank on each belonging to SC/ST Community, OBC Community and Minority Community. Also one member shall belong to personnel Deptt., the deptt. for which rectt. is being made & one from the deptt. Other than the Personnel deptt. [RBE 182/10] P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur 9

(ii)It has been decided by Rly. Bd. that while conducting screening of substitutes for making ten or more vacancies & lady candidates are expected to be available for the service/post in group C and pay band-1 (G.P. 1800/-) to ensure adequate representation of women members on various interviews/viva voce committees. [RBE 29/12] 5.3 Screening / Empanelment of substitute for purpose of absorption in regular employment be restricted to only those who are in the current substitute registers. 5.4 Though no roster is required to be maintained, still the intake of SC/ST/OBC while engaging substitutes against each individual category in the various departments should not be below the prescribed percentage of reservation in favour of the these communities. 5.5 The Screening Committee should make good shortfall, if any, by resorting to direct recruitment from open market in each erstwhile Group D category. 5.6 Screening of substitutes for absorption in regular employment may be made by the Screening Committee with reference to the vacancies available at the material time. 5.7 As long as it is established from records that the substitutes have been enrolled within the age limit, relaxation at the time of actual absorption should be automatic. 5.8 In old cases, where the age limit was not observed, relaxation of age at the time of regular absorption should be considered sympathetically. CPOs/DRMs are empowered to grant such relaxations. 5.9 Substitutes will be eligible for absorption in regular employment only if they fulfill the requisite eligibility criteria for the post in question. Relaxation in educational qualification may be granted by retraining such persons as followed in case of Group D staff implementation of 6th Pay Commission. 5.10 When called for screening, substitutes will be issued passes for their journeys and the period treated as on duty. 5.11 Gaps which may occur in service of Substitutes between two engagements should be ignored for the purpose of temporary status on completion of four months service. 6. Date of appointment The date of appointment of a substitute to be recorded in the service book against the column Date of Appointment should be the date on which he/she attains temporary status after a continuous service of four months, if the same is followed by his/her regular absorption. Otherwise, it should be the date on which he/she is regularly appointed/ absorbed. 7. Break in service The following cases of absence will not be considered as break in service for determining the four months continuous service for the purpose of absorption in regular employment; (a) The periods of absence of a substitute who is under medical treatment with injury sustained on duty covered by the provision of Works man compensation Act; (b) Authorized absence not exceeding 20 days during the preceding six months. Note : (i) The terms authorized absence for this purpose covers permission granted by the Supervisory official in-charge to be away from the work for the period specified. (ii) Unauthorized absence or stoppage of work will be treated as a break in continuity of employment. (iii) Days of rest even under HOER or under the statutory enactments and the days on which the establishment employing the substitutes remains closed will not be counted against the limit of 20 days authorized absence. Note : Entire temporary status service of substitutes following by regularization without break may be taken in to account for pensionary benefit and towards the minimum service of 10/20/30 years for the purpose of grant of benefit under the MACP scheme. [RBE 36/10] P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur 10

8. Service Register : 8.1 A register should be maintained recording the names of all Substitutes whenever employed according to the Unit of recruitment, e.g. Divisions, Workshops, etc. strictly in the order of their employment, at the time of their initial engagement. --- x --- x ---

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Bungalow Peon Bungalow Peon/Khalasi is a special category as they are neither casual labour nor substitutes & their service conditions, until they attain temp.status after completion of 120 days continuous service, is governed by the administrative orders issued from time to time with the approval of competent authority. [NR PS 10960] Duties of Bungalow Khalasi / Peon [NR PS 10960] On the Rlys, J.A. grade Officers and above are entitled for services of Bunglow Peons at their residence to meet with official work arising out of Railway Operation at their residence. Bungalow Peon is engaged specifically to perform the following duties: (i) To carry official files / dak to the Bungalow of the officer to whom they are attached. (ii) To attend the official telephone calls at the officers Bungalow. (iii) To deliver urgent messages to the officers. (iv) To accompany the officer on tour at short notice. (v) To carry telegrams in case of accident. (vi) To carry papers to officers Bungalow and bring them back to the office on the next day. (vii) Any other work as directed by the concerned officer to facilitate and in furtherance of official work. Entitlement Bungalow Khalasi shall be permitted to JAG officers and above against available / vacant permanent or work charged posts, provided they have more than one year to retire Competent authority for appointment [GM/NWRS letter no. E/110/615/2(BK) dt.00-6.2004/7.7.04, & 885E/1/HQ/BK/Policy) dt 14.02.08] For appointment of fresh faces as substitute Bungalow Peon/Khalasis; General Managers prior personal approval is necessary and the candidate is require to fulfill conditions regarding age, educational qualification etc. prescribe for recruitment to Group Dposts The certificate of the qualification of the candidate being appointed, must be seen in original. [NR PS No. 11621/98] Bungalow Khalasi shall be permitted against work charged posts, only if the post is available for a minimum period of one year. This shall include the period by which the post is likely to be extended (on the basis of certificate of the sanctioning authority). The concerned PHOD/CHOD/DRM/Unit-in-charge shall control the cadre of Bungalow Khalasi. In case where the appointment of a Sub. Bungalow Peon / Khalasi had been approved initially for a particular officer & later on his services are required to be utilized by another officer, approval of CPO shall be necessary. Any change in the category of Sub. Bungalow Peon/Khalasi (including screened one) before completion of three years service shall require the prior personal approval of GM. Such change after completion of three years service shall require the prior approval of CPO.

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Service conditions [NR PS 10960,GM/NWRS letter no. E/110/615/2(BK) dt.00.6.04/7.7.04 &

885E / 1 / HQ / BK / Policy dt. 14.02.08]

Persons engaged as bungalow peon has to be a dependable / reliable / faithful person in whom officer should have full trust because owing to the sensitive nature of the job. Every entitle officer can exercise his option for engaging person of his / her choice only once in service. The person being engaged as Bungalow peon, gives his consent in writing and in case of any eventuality such as his unwillingness or he / she is found unsuitable or his / her performance is found unsatisfactory, his / her services will be terminated. The engagement of Bungalow peon is purely on contractual basis. The initial appointment will be for a period of three months. After the initial period of three months, the extension will be granted in different spells of three months each by nominated ADRM on the Division & Dy.GM/G in Hd.Qtrs. Office. Fresh Face Bungalow Khalasis shall be engaged after obtaining under takings from them that they shall be liable to be transferred to any place or post on concerned Railway, or to work with any officer on that Railway as Bungalow Khalasis, till completion of a minimum period of 03 years from the date of fresh engagement. Temporary status After completion of 120 days of continuous service as a Bungalow peon, the person is granted temporary status. Medical examination [NR PS 11880, GM/NWRS letter no. 885E/1/HQ/BK/Policy dt. 14.11.2007
& 13.12.2007]

Though, C-2 is the required medical category for Bungalow Khalasis, he/she shall be required to pass B-1 or above medical examination at the time of engagement, so as to permit absorption lateron in field units like Trackman, Poinstman etc. if he/she is unfit in B-1 medical category then he/she is not suitable for Bungalow Peon/Khalasis. Regularisation [NR PS 11506,11807] Bunglow khalasi / Peon are to be considered for absorption against Gr. D vacancies (after screening) on completion of three years service which shall be counted from the date of engagement. (Excluding period of absence). Sub. Bungalow Peon/Khalasis can regularize before completion of three years service with prior and personal approval of GM.
[GM/NWRS letter no. E/110/615/2(BK) dt.00-6.2004/7.7.2004]

Change in category Any change in the category of Sub. Bungalow Peon/Khalasis (including screened one) before completion of three years service shall require the prior personal approval of GM. Such change after completion of three years service shall require the prior approval of CPO,at his/her request or at the request of the officer with whom he is attached. In such a situation, the concerned officer may be permitted to engage another fresh substitute Bungalow Khalasis. Change can however be done in administration interest. Other conditions: [GM/NWRS letter no. 885E/1/HQ/BK/Policy) dt.14..0208,23.09.08] 1.If an officer is transferred within concerned Railway, he shall not be permitted to engage another fresh face Bungalow Khalasi. In such case, Bungalow Khalasi shall be transferred to his/her new unit of posting. 2.If an officer gets transferred before grant of temporary status to his Bungalow Khalasi, the services of the Bungalow Khalasi shall be terminated with payment of one months salary in lieu of one months notice, unless some other officer is willing to utilize the services of such a Bungalow Khalasi in the same capacity i.e. as Bungalow Khalasi, or the officer is willing / able to take him/her as Bungalow Khalasi to his / her new assignment. P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur 13

3.If an officer is transferred out of concerned Railway after grant of temporary status to Bungalow Khalasi, the Bungalow Khalasi will be transferred to his place of posting, if he gives willingness to go with the officer. This shall be irrespective of officers willingness to take him / her along. 4.Similarly, if an officer joins concerned Railway on transfer from other Railway, the previous Bungalow Khalasis shall be accepted as Bungalow Khalasis on concerned Railway if he is willing for transfer to concerned Railway, otherwise the officer shall be permitted to engage another Bungalow Khalasis of his / her choice. 5.Bungalow Khalasis when transferred to work as Bungalow Khalasis on another unit shall carry benefits of their past service with them. 6.Lien of Bungalow Khalasis shall be determined with respect to the post / unit at the time of their regularization. Their screening shall be conducted after they have completed 03 years service excluding the periods of absence. In case, they get regularized as Bungalow Khalasis only at the time of screening, they shall carry the benefit of seniority whenever their category is charged. 7.Bungalow Khalasis who gets released / spared on account of transfer / retirement of any officer and is not accepted by any other officer to work as Bungalow Khalasis, shall report to P Branch for further posting against suitable group D vacancies. In such cases, no approval shall be required for change of their categories. 8.Any exception to above rules / procedure shall need GMs approval of concerned Railway Payment of salary [NR PS 10960] Bungalow peons are engaged against permanent / work charged posts. Accordingly they are paid from consolidated fund of India. Classification of Bungalow Peons under HOER The Bungalow Peons are to be given E I classification by giving them split shift duty rosters and rostered from 6:00 to 12:00 hrs. & 16:00 to 22:00 hrs & they should be given weekly rest. Termination of service [NR PS 10960] 1.Bunglow Peon shall be granted temporary status after completion of 120 days continuous service unless report of unsatisfactory working is received from his/her controlling officer within this period, in which case, his / her service shall be terminated with payment of one months salary in lieu of one month notice to him/her. 2.The person engaged as Bungalow peon gives himself in writing that if he is unwilling to work as Bungalow peon, or: 3.Bungalow Khalasi who have been granted temporary status can be removed only after following DAR procedure. Engagement of fresh Telephone Attendant cum Dak Khalasi (TADK ) The facility of induction for fresh TADK to Director & equivalent officers of Railway Board are permitted, they would have to take the TADK with them in case they are posted out within the Railway System & remain entitled for a TADK. Fresh induction would only be permitted in case of those officers who never had been provided a TADK. If an officer is posted as Director or to a higher post in Railway Board then they have to go with the officer. [RBds letter no.2009/ERB-5/3/4,dated 14.12.09] Above conditions are not included in the IREC or IREM as it is governed by the administrative orders issued from time to time with the approval of competent authority.

P.T.C.NWR, Jodhpur


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