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CHAPTER 9 Mammalian RBCs has evolved to transport gases but has sacrificed greatly for this purpose by losing

g its nucleus. Cell is left without the ability to synthesize replacement proteins for vital energy pathways, thus they live for 120 days max. Once nuclei is lost, other organelles are also ejected no mitochondria. Cell has to rely on glycolysis to produce energy. Oxygen change and binding do not require energy. HEREDITARY NONSPHEROCYTIC HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA o shortened RBC survival o hereditary deficiency of nearly every enzyme involved in glycolysis CATION PUMPS o transmembranous cation gradient concentration proteins o intra K+, Na+ and very Ca2+ instead of extra K+ and Na+ and Ca2+ o consumes 15% of RBC ATP o as time passes by, enzymes degrade pumps fail water, Na+ and Ca2+ flow in RBC swells and ruptures EMDEN-MEYERHOF PATHWAY o anaerobic glycolysis o glucose is catabolized to pyruvate o consumes 2 ATP per molecule of glucose o generates 4 ATP per molecule of glucose o Net gain: 2 ATP molecules GLUCOSE o high-energy phosphate source o greatest reservoir of energy in RBC since glycogen is not available PHASES OF GLUCOSE METABOLISM 1. First phase o glucose, ATP o phosphorylation, isomerization, dephosphorylation 2. Second phase o

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