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Statistical Inference process is applicable in Testing whether the two medicines have the same level of relief or not.

Finding out a range as an estimate of a biological factor such as heart beats. Testing whether a health program is effective or not to prevent & control of a disease. Finding out what is the main cause of a community disease. ..........and many more

Statistical Inference


Test of Hypothesis

Find out Value/Range of values for some unknown parameter(s) of Population " Reduction duration of viral throat infections by Antibiotics is 1-2 days."

Estimation Confidence Interval(CI) used to estimate how far away the population mean (parameter) is likely to be, with a given degree of certainty.

95% confidence Pr(Parameter lies in the Interval)=0.95

Formula for Making 95% confidence Interval


Then 95% CI = (80.51,84.88)

Test of Hypothesis An hypothesis is an unproved theory that is formulated as a starting point for an investigation For every hypothesis there is a null hypothesis (Ho) and an alternative hypothesis (H1)

Ho :'drug A is no better than drug B'. H1 :'drug A is better than drug B'

We reject/accept an Hypothesis on the basis of Test of significance by Using a Sample

Errors in Statistical Test

Test Result Ho Rejected Ho Accepted null hypothesis True False
Type I error

Pr = a
Correct Decision

Correct Decision Type II error

Pr = b

Power of The Test : 1-b

P-Value the probability that the effect we found would have occurred if the null hypothesis were true.
P Value - the Probability of Type I Error

Tests of Significance for Qualitative Variables

Test of Proportion
[ Blood groups O,A,B & AB are in ratio 6:5:8:1]

Test of Association
between Variables [ Smoking & Hypertension]

c2 test
Trend in Proportion Test of Variability

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