Cor.#3 MusicOnGreenFlyer

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is proud to publish the New Haven

summer guide to“Music on the Green”.
Advertisers, make your business or service part
Publishing on: of this highly read guide book by calling your
sales representative today!
Saturday, InsideAds Deadline: Fri., June 5th

July 11th
Tickets Price Ad Sizes/ Production
Full Page 2x10 $600 7.375” w. x 10.125” ht. (no bleed, no headers/footers)
Inside Bk. Cover +15% premium

Half Page H. 2x4.88 $340 7.375”w. x 4.0625”ht.

Half Page V 1x10 3.625”w. x 8.125”ht.
Quarter Page 1x4.88 $200 3.625”w. x 4.0625”ht.

Full Color: +$150 Limited color positions available

Book Trims to: 8.125”w. x 10.875”ht. + .125” beed

For more information contact your

sales representative today or call
203-789-5437 or 800-925-2472.

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