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Good Governance must have encouraged Foreign Investors By: Joseph Alfie A. Logroo Necessity: The Philippines is still perceived as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, getting a score of 34 on a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being very clean, according to the latest Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International. In 2008, out of 180 countries, the Philippines ranked 39th as the most corrupt country which is ranked equal to Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Baltic state of Belarus. Somalia being the top on the list. Corruption is a global phenomenon found in all countries - but evidence shows it harms poor people more than others, stifles economic growth and diverts desperately needed funds from education, healthcare and other public services. An estimated one trillion US dollars get drained off through bribes every year according to the World Bank. Practicality: Corruption afflicts all countries, undermining social progress and breeding inequality and injustice. The present administration primary agenda is to fight corruption and restore good governance in the government. The idea is curbing corruption, and then we can reduce poverty. Or, in simpler terms, Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap. This is the core strategy for winning back the confidence not only of the people but also to foreign investors. In implementing, prosecutions were made to erring government officials, impeachment trials were conducted against high ranking officials. As a result of this strategy, social services project implementation improved, funds go to projects directly, effective and efficient government processes, and winning the trust of foreign investors to put their money in the country and create jobs.

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