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1) Input Fuel characteristics 2) Input kiln production data 3) Determine (goal seek) transport air flow rate : 5 kg/m3 for blower, 7 kg/m3 for pump - vary the transport flowrate - Nm3/h - note that blowers cannot take the higher material density rate 4) Obtain optimum or target flow rates values (swirl & axial) For a first calculation, start with static pressures of 40.000 Pa for axial, and 25.000 Pa for swirl - 10% primary air; 7% axial + transport (in case that no swirl is used). Use solver, changing the groove width, the axial holes diameters, the axial and the swirl static pressures. Add constraints on the axial pressure (35.000-60.000 Pa), and to the swirl pressure (>18.000 Pa if fan, 20.000-30.000 Pa if blower). Note the optimum flow rates as well as cross section areas (mm2) Ultimate target is Is = 1.8 and Sw = 0.15. 5) Dimension the barrel: What is the free diameter required in the centre? Depends on how many fuels the plant wants to burn simultaneously: waste, oil, etc In theory, min. of 200 mm (8 in.) is needed for the bluff body effect although 6 in. has been used. Use standard pipes (see table). The outer diameter of this first pipe is the inside diameter for the swirl air channel. Continue to build, using the criteria below: 1) Swirl: Velocity in barrel: 15 to 25 m/s Swirler angle = 30 - 40; common to use 35 18 to 22 vanes (or slots), 8 mm depth minimum No straight stream through the swirler = long enough 2) Transport: Velocity in tip and barrel: 25 to 35 m/s radial gap of annulus > or = to 10 mm (concentricity, plugging) A slight reduction of the cross section area is being done at the tip, for a better fuel distribution around the annulus (automatic) 3) Axial: Velocity in barrel = 15 to 25 m/s (trade-off weight of burner pipe versus pressure drop). Target 20 holes, generally 16 to 24 Diameter of holes >or = to 12 mm

6) Once the barrel is complete, adjust the tip cross sectional areas Ultimate target is Is = 1.8 and Sw = 0.15, by adjusting the tip dimensions. Change the tip cross sectional areas by adjusting the axial holes diameter and the width of groove for the swirl. 7) Optimise static pressures at tip, tip cross sectional area and all other constraints. Obtain the best balance for: Target of Is = 1.8 and Sw = 0.15,. Optimum flow rates 8) Confirm choice of fan or blower for swirl air based on static pressure in the tip - choice effects bias coefficient 9) Determine range for blowers: maximum for (Is,Sw)=(1.8,0.15), and minimum for (0.9,0.05). Check that , doing this, we stay in the range of 7 to 12% primary air.

Transport design: drawing instructions Maximum angle of inlet = 12.5 degree with the burner axis Enter from the top (better distribution) Inlet rectangle: Internal width should be equal to internal diameter of outer pipe of the fuel annulus. The velocity should never decrease from the fuel intoduction into the line to the burner tip. (Settlement)

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Original: CLV / S.THIERS Update: CTEC / H. REITERER Apr-95 Oct-00

PLANT : HOG Date : 28-Aug-06 Name : Lucian Calinoiu

COMMENTS : Plant altitude: Atm. Pressure :

480 m #NAME? mmHg =

#NAME? mmH2O =

#NAME? Pa Dext : thk : 8 76,694 Pa #NAME? Nm3/h Dext : thk : 12 Dext : thk : 12.5 17,839 Pa #NAME? Nm3/h Dext : thk : 7.1 radial gap vanes(mm) 0.5 540.0 524


Diameters : (mm) 523.0 ##### m/s 471.0 446.0 387.0 343.0 311.6 265

% cross section reduction 8.5 77.5% 12.5 23.2 m/s 22 47.1% 23.3 Number of vanes 16 slots width(mm) 33.0 #NAME? m/s #NAME? m/s

23 m/s mm2 ##### m/s mm2

470.0 446 387.0 362

298.5 284.3 radius raccord. 1

DETAILS OF THE TIP Swirl Axial (if vanes)

Swirler angle (o) 35 -

groove width (mm) 27.0

Axial (if holes) Number of holes : Pitch cirle (mm): GENERAL DATA Kiln TYPE :

24 497

Diameter : Spacing (mm):

22.00 65.06


Production (t kk/d) : Specific heat consumpt.kcal/kg CK : Swirl Air: F=Fan; B=Blower %O NCA Nm3/kg fuel 2.70 8.58 Percent of heat at back-end : SR (%) :

3660 840 F 8.50 8.50

NP : no preca, AT : air through, AS : air seperat. FUEL ANALYSIS, AS FIRED (DRY BASIS) %C %S %H 85.14 3.26 3.70


Throughput t/h 14.30 0.00 0.00 0.00

L.H.V. Kcal/kg 8195 3600 6000 4000

Total combust. air (Nm3/hr) : 140,804 Therm.power Total combust. air (Nm3/kg kk) : 0.923 Gcal/h Shell internal diameter (m) : 5.80 117.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 Recalculated SHC : 117.21 Transport 1,000 20 3000

Total (Gcal/h) : GAS FLOW MEASUREMENTS Static pressure in the tip (Pa) Temperature in the pipe (deg C) Theoretical flow rate (Nm3/h) Bias coefficient : Accepted flowrate (Nm3/h) Axial / Swirl distribution Axial 76,694 103 #NAME? 0.77 #NAME? #NAME? Axial #NAME? #NAME? Swirl 17,839 33 #NAME? 1.00 #NAME? #NAME? Swirl #NAME? #NAME?
Targ ets:


kcal/kg CK

Fuel to air ratio: 4.44 7 for pump 5 for blower kg/m3

FLOW VELOCITIES Nature of flow Release tip velocity (m/s) Transport velocity 23
Fuel-Oil Coal Coke

Is Swirl Nh/Gcal #NAME? #NAME?

5.0 6.3 7.5 0.15 0.15 0.15

Primary air rate, axial : #NAME? swirl : #NAME?

transport : 2.13% Axial + Transport: #NAME? Primary air rate #NAME?




Lucian Calinoiu

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Original: CLV / S.THIERS Update: CTEC / H. REITERER

PLANT : HOG Date : 28/08/2006 Name : Lucian Calinoiu

GEOMETRY Height of spacers/blades (mm) Width de fraise d'usinage (mm) Width of blades in front (mm) Surf. masque par les raccords Surf. apparente de sortie (mm2) Exit effective area (mm2) gyration radius(mm) DETENTE massic flowrate(kg/s) exit volumic flowrate(m3/h) specific gravity in the pipe (kg/m3) specific gravity at the B-tip(kg/m3) Velocity in the burner pipe (m/s) Velocity at the nozzle (m/s) Expansion velocity (m/s) Axial momentum (N) Impulsion normale (N) Rotation Momentum (N.m) Axial Swirl 15.2 27.0 34.2 7 8546 6790 164 Swirl #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Transport 38600 Transport 1.078 3220 1.205 1.205 23 23 23 25 0 0

9123 8849 Axial #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0 0

Momentum Equivalent Diameter : Axial Flow-type: Expansion velocity (m/s)

Axial p rim ary air ratio : : rad ial:

#NAME? Swirl subsonique #NAME?

Targ ets:


subsonique #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 2.13% #NAME?

Is Swirl N.h/GJ #NAME? #NAME?

Fuel-Oil Coal Coke 5.0 6.3 7.5 0.15 0.15 0.15

transport : Total :

MEASUREMENTS-CROSSCHECK BY ENERGY CONSERVATION E gases into the nozzle (KJ/kg) E gases at the exit (KJ/kg) E/E (%) Geometry of the swirl body Radial gap (mm) : Height of blades (mm) : 0.5 15.2 Axial #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Swirl #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Transport 294 295 0.1

Slot width (mm) :

33 312 343

Groove width (mm) :



Minimum lenght of swirl body (mm) :


Lucian Calinoiu

Page 3


Algorithm for burner control

Data`s burner Kujawy
Effectiver exit area Axial (Aa) Effectiver exit area Radial (Ar) Effectiver exit area Transport (At) Blade angle gyration radius (Rg) Temperature burner inlet Axial (Tax) Temperature burner inlet Radial (Trot) Ambient temperatur (Tu) Temperature burner inlet Transport (Ttran) Axial pressure after blower (Pax) Axial pressure burner Pax1 Radial pressure after fan (Prot) Radial pressure burner Prot1 Axial air (Qmeax) Radial air (Qmerot) Transport air (Qtran0) Spec. heat consumption kiln (Qkiln) Output kiln (Pkiln) Percent of heat at back-end (SF) 8849 mm2 6790 38600 35 0 20 35 20 75 487 487 128.99 128.99 1421 1094 3000 840 3660 8.5 mm2 mm2 m C C C C mbar mbar mbar mbar m3/h m3/h Nm3/h kJ/kg kk t/d Konstant Konstant Konstant Konstant Konstant Measurement Measurement Konstant Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement Measurement or from curves Measurement or from curves Konstant From the Reporting From the Reporting From the Reporting

I= Sw =

0.86 N/GJ/h 0.074

Thermal power of the burner (Pth)

= Pofen * Qofen * (100 - SF) / 24 / 100000

117.2115 GJ/h

Overview air density

Increase of the axila air temperature in the burner pipe Tax(e) = Tax + Density ambient air ROu Density of the air in the burner pipe ROax0 ROrot0 Density of the air at the burner nozzle ROax1 ROrot1 RO tran = 1,293 * 273/(273+Tu) = 1,293 * (101325 + 100*Pax1) / 101325 * 273 / (273 + Tax(e)) = 1,293 * (101325 + 100*Prot1) / 101325 * 273 / (273 + Trot) = ROax0 * (101325/(101325+100.Pax1))^0,7143 = ROrot0 * (101325/(101325+100.Prot1))^0,7143 = 1,293 * 273 / (273+Ttran) 100 120 C 1.205 kg/m3 1.330 kg/m3 1.292 kg/m3 1.005 kg/m3 1.186 kg/m3 1.014 kg/m3

Overview gas and mass flow

Qnax Qnrot Qax = Qrot = Qtran Qmax Qmrot Qmtran = Qmeax * (101325 +100* Pax) / 101325 * 273 / (273 + Tax) = Qmerot * (101325 +100* Prot) / 101325 * 273 / (273 + Trot) = Qnax * 1,293 / ROax1 = Qnrot * 1,293 / ROrot1 = Qtran0 * (273 + Ttran) / 273 = Qax * ROax1 / 3600 = Qrot * ROrot1 / 3600 = Qtran * ROtran / 3600 1961.0 1093.0 2523.529 1191.625 3824 Nm3/h Nm3/h m3/h m3/h m3/h

0.704 kg/s 0.393 kg/s 1.078 kg/s

Expansion velocity of the air

Vsax Vsrot vstran Impuls Gax Grot Gtran Gaxial Gradial MED = Qmax * Vsax = Qmrot * Vsrot * cos 35 =Qmtran * Vstran =Gax + Grot + Gtran =Qmrot * Vsrot * sin 35 =2 * Wurzel ((Qmax + Qmrot + Qmtran) * (Qax + Qrot + Qtran) / 3600 / Pi / Gaxial) 56 16 29.7 101.1 11 N N N N N = Qmax / ROax1 / Aa * 1000000 = Qmrot / ROrot1 / Ar * 1000000 = Qmtran / ROtran / At * 1000000 79 m/s 49 m/s 28 m/s

0.239 m

Operation figures burner

Is Sw = (Gax + Grot + Gtran) / Pth = (Gradial x Rg) / (Gaxial x MED) 0.86 N/GJ/h 0.074

Remark: Sometimes the PDL system is not able to calculate y = x^0,7 In this case we will make a mathematical transformation Y = EXP( 0,7 * LN( X))

X/TPP/Rt/ALLGBERE/168571079.xls.ms_office/burner control


Reporting Fuel consumption (Qofen) Data logging system Kiln feed {kiln output (Pofen)}

Radial air

Radial air flow (Qmerot) Radial pressure (Prot) Measurement Axial air flow (Qmeax) Axial pressure (Pax)

Axial air

Constant values Effectiver exit area Axial (Aa) Effectiver exit area Radial (Ar) Effectiver exit area Transport (At) Blade angle gyration radius (Rg) Transport air (Qtran0) Percent of heat at back-end (SF) Temperature burner inlet Axial (Tax) Temperature burner inlet Radial (Trot) Temperature burner inlet Transport (Ttran)






Fuel Charac

Fuel characteristics (dry basis)

Coal % % volatiles %C %S %H %O LHV (BTU/lb) LHV(Kcal/kg) LHV(kJ/kg) LHV(kcalkg) 0% 26.06 64 0.71 3.05 6.9 11763 6535 27361 6,546

coke 100% 4.73 91.3 1.88 3.69 1.64 14617 8121 34000 8,134

Blend 100% 4.73 91.30 1.88 3.69 1.64 14617 8121 34000 8,134

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