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An Introduction to South American Food

History and Culture By Marian Blazes, Guide See More About: south american ingredients basic recipes

Shrimp Ceviche, Ecuador style Marian Blazes More Images (3) The Old World and the New World Long before the Europeans discovered South America, the native populations knew how to cultivate an incredible array of plants. They developed elaborate irrigation systems, and terraced the steep Andean mountain slopes to make them more suitable for growing food. They grew corn, lima beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, chile peppers, avocados, peanuts, chocolate, and raised llamas and guinea pigs. Each region developed its own traditional dishes. When the Europeans arrived, they incorporated some of these native dishes into their own cuisine. They took the new foods back to Europe, and they brought European foods to South America, such as pigs, chickens, citrus trees, wheat, almonds, cows, goats. The Europeans learned to make their favorite Spanish, Italian and Portuguese dishes using local ingredients. The Native American traditional cooking methods were adapted and modified, and the newly available foods from Europe were mixed in. Asian and African immigrants brought their culinary traditions as well. All of this blended to become the diverse and exciting cuisine that exists today. South American Cuisine Today Some native foods were not incorporated into the European-syle cuisine that dominates big cities like Buenos Aires and Santiago. But the indigenous populations continue to cultivate and eat them. Recently these foods have been rediscovered. Chefs in trendy restaurants now showcase Andean products such as alpaca meat, grains like quinoa and kiwicha, and unusual tubers such as yuca and maca in sophisticated new ways.

As more South Americans venture north with their cooking traditions and ingredients in hand, North Americans are getting the chance to sample these new foods and flavors. Nuevo Latino cuisine is one example of the global gastronomic exchange that happens today, a fusion of traditional Latin flavors with global food trends. The rest of the world has become interested in the cuisines of South America, and new combinations will emerge. But the time-honored culinary traditions of Latin America remain intact. If you have not explored them already, new or old, dont miss out. You will fall in love with South American food. Some Key South American Foods:

Corn (Maiz, Choclo) has been cultivated in South America for more than 5,000 years, and is possibly South Americas biggest food contribution to the rest of the world. Corn is the key ingredient of many staple dishes such as arepas (cornbread), tamales, various pasteles(casseroles or savory tarts) and chicha, an ancient yet still popular beverage. Potatoes rival corn as the oldest and most important South American crop. Hundreds of varieties of potatoes are still cultivated in the Andes today, so its no surprise theres an infinite array of potato recipes. Potatoes are fried, mashed, freeze dried, baked and combined with sauces into many beloved dishes. Peppers (Ajis) are the most important seasoning ingredient in South American cooking. There are both sweet and hot varieties, and they are used in many creative ways, like in the colorful marinades for ceviche. Tropical Fruit: South American cuisine makes great use of the incredible assortment of tropical fruit available. Coconut, cherimoya, mango, guava, pineapple, papaya, lucuma,passion fruit - the list goes on and on. These fruits star in many delicious desserts, but also liven up savory dishes and salads. Queso fresco/ Queso Blanco: This fresh cheese is another staple of South American cooking. Queso fresco is a lightly salted, unripened cows milk cheese that's added to sauces and crumbled in salads. Yuca (Manioc, Cassava) The starchy edible root of the yuca plant is another very important food. Its especially popular in Brazil, where the root is ground, dried and roasted to make farofa, a key ingredient in the famous Brazilian dish feijoada, a pork and black bean stew. Other regions use a sweet variety of yuca that can be mashed or fried. Cassava flour is often used in baking, as in the delicious Brazilian cheese rolls Po de Queijo.

Peruvian Food
A List of Traditional Peruvian Recipes
By Marian Blazes, Guide

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ceviche andean food peruvian desserts peruvian food Peru has an amazing cuisine, one that has evolved from both local and immigrant traditions. Foods that were prepared by ancient civilizations are still enjoyed today, while typical Peruvian dishes also benefit from European, African and Asian influences. Peru's geography yields diverse ingredients: abundant seafood from the coast, tropical fruits from the jungle, and unusual varieties of grains and potatoes from the Andes. Peruvian cuisine is recognized around the world as one of the best in South America - try it and see what everyone is raving about. Appetizers

Marian Blazes This is still an incomplete list, as there are so many delicious Peruvian appetizers. Causa Rellena con Pollo (Yellow Potatoes with Chicken Salad) Humitas (Fresh Corn Tamales) Papa a la Huancaina (Potatoes with Spicy Cheese Sauce) Empanadas de Carne (Beef Empanadas) Empanadas de Pollo (Chicken Empanadas) Empanadas de Jamon y Queso (Ham and Cheese Empanadas) Yuquitas Rellenas (Fried Yuca Root) Anticuchos de Carne Anticuchos de Pollo Salads and Sauces

Marian Blazes Salads made with fresh ingredients and simple vinegar, oil, and herb dressings accompany most midday meals in Peru. Salsa criolla, made with sliced onions and hot peppers, is almost like more like a salad than a sauce, and it's a great condiment for sandwiches. Ensalada de Choclo - Corn Salad with Queso Fresco Ensalada de Pallares (Lima Bean Salad) Soterito Arequipeo - Mixed Vegetable Salad Salsa Criolla

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