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Annotated Lesson Plan Format

Name: Grade: Patricia Smith Janney 10th grade, Spanish 4A

Theme: Identity Unit: Latinos in America of Caribbean and Mexican Heritage Time Allotted: 50 minutes Lesson Topic: An exploration of Latino culture and expression through Ruben Blades and his music of social justice. Latinos in America and the affect on the American landscape.

Context for Learning: This lesson is a developmental lesson used to add on to student knowledge of Latino culture in the U.S. This lesson will link previous lessons together and provide a review of vocabulary, sentence structure and idiomatic expressions. The students are developing an understanding of Latino cultural heritage and are learning idiomatic expressions from different countries. Todays focus is on the Caribbean basin and a well known media figure, Ruben Blades. The technology used will be an informational movie clip and a music video presented on the Promethean board in a webquest format. The students will start class in a crescent shape facing the Promethean board and then move desks to small groups of three. Curriculum Standard Addressed:
Montgomery County Public Schools Spanish Language Curriculum. State of Maryland. 1.2 Restate and summarize materials about Latino life in the U.S. 1.3 Present information on topics and issues related to Latinos in the U.S. 2.1 Describe and explain cultural and ethnic diversity in the U.S. Latino community 2.2 Explain the influence of Latino culture in literature and in the media 3.1 Investigate topics from other disciplines, such as history, art, and music as they relate to the study of Latino presence in the U.S. 4.1 Identify and use linguistic elements of Spanish that do not literally translate and compare them to their English equivalents.

Objectives (observable and measurable): The student will be able to analyze and interpret a video and participate in a meaningful class discussion on Caribbean/Latino culture. The student will also be able to answer key questions in a small group related to the class discussion. The students will draw from their own knowledge of this topic as well as previously discussed knowledge from the classroom. The students will work in a group setting and be able to present a cohesive observation to suggested questions. Students will be graded on the warm up and the oral and written group work.

Materials: Hand out sheets, paper, promethean board, and a ball. Each student will need to complete the hand outs and watch the presentation on the Promethean board. Spanish language dictionaries will be needed for those students with accommodations. Textbooks will be available for an extended activity. Computers will also be available for extended activities and to meet any special accommodations.

Proactive Behavior Management: Students will be verbally warned ahead of time of the consequences for class disruptions. Their participation grade will be reduced and I will re-seat them in a place of my choosing if they cannot follow the posted class rules. I will ask the students to make adult choices and to respect me and their fellow classmates before starting the lesson. I will also announce a reward for those students who do follow directions. Free homework passes and candy can be earned if I spot students following the rules. I firmly believe in positive reinforcement.

Provisions for Student Grouping: Students will initially be seated in a crescent shape facing the promethean board (boy, girl alternating) and then they will be placed into groups of three with gender and racial mixes. Students will be asked to choose their group mates from a set of students they wouldnt normally sit with. I will expect racial and gender mixing. If students do not pick the correct partners, I reserve the right to change the groups. I would always seat the hearing impaired student near the front for optimum hearing. The student in a wheel chair would also be seated near the front and there would be an extra desk for the para-educator. I would be flexible with the ADHD student with seating but would move him if need be due to inability to focus.

Procedures (10 minutes) Warm-Up/Opening (may be Motivator): As students enter the class, Ruben Blades audio will be playing and the class review will be posted on the Promethean board. Students will be instructed to hand in their homework and have a seat. The audio will be turned down and then off giving an auditory signal that class is now beginning. I will

instruct the students to take out a sheet of paper and begin the warm up on the Promethean board. The review will be vocabulary we have used from the past week and students will need to provide proper definitions for the words as well as proper accentuation. This activity is to be done independently and quietly. Students will be reminded that these answers will be turned in and graded. I will rotate between students reviewing student questions and answers to the collected homework while the students do the warm up. I will make a verbal announcement that it is time to pass over the warm up and for the lesson to begin.

Motivator/Bridge: I will introduce the Webquest to the students which will review prior concepts, tie in new learning and state all goals and objectives for the class. This will be done right after the warm up activity. I will transition the entire class by putting the Webquest up on the Promethean board. This will visually draw all attention to the front of the room. I will go over concepts that we have previously discussed and ask some random questions to check for understanding. I will then introduce the new topic of the day and engage students in related questioning. Finally I will read and review what is expected from the lesson. Students will be able to see exactly what is expected in class that day. All activities will be written out on the board.

Procedural Activities: My personal model of teaching incorporates themes from both the cognitive approach and the constructivist approach. My lesson emphasizes organization and presents material in learnable amounts over a realistic time period. In addition, my lesson clearly communicates goals and objectives. My lesson also incorporates classic Constructivist approaches like fostering multiple viewpoints and encouraging students to become more autonomous through involvement in their small groups. My class will start out with both verbal and visual cues as to the expectations for that day. Students will be asked to take a seat, turn in their homework and begin the warm up. Sheets will be passed out (see hand out attached) and students will quietly work on the grammar and vocabulary review. All of the class expectations and plans will also be displayed on the promethean board for all to read. The time allotted for the warm up will be 10 minutes. I will have the overhead lights turned out and rely on natural lighting and lamps for the first ten minutes of class. I have found this serves to calm students and focus them on the current task. I will rotate among the students quietly commenting on any major errors I observe on the homework or warm up.

After the warm up period, I will turn the overhead lights on and gently turn up the song we will be studying. I will verbally ask all students to pass forward the warm up and get ready for class. As the sheets are being passed forward I will be explain the daily expectations. They will also be posted on the promethean board for visual examination. I will explain that we will be watching two short videos, the first one, a review on Latino cultural issues and the second will be our discussion focus of the day. I will explain that we will be doing group work and ask all students to follow the previously discussed class guidelines on group formation. All of this will be posted on the promethean board. The rules for group formation will also be posted on the class walls as a permanent installation. I will dim the lights and turn up the video display loudly. The change in atmosphere will draw the kids attention to the board. The approximate time for the video portion will be approximately ten minutes. Prior to the termination of the music video, I will hand out the group worksheets (see attached). I will ask the students to form their groups and turn on all lights. I will instruct the students to debate the social issues included in the song, Buscando America (only the spoken portion of the video will be shown due to the length of the video). I will inform the students they have 15 minutes to answer the suggested questions and form a few of their own. I will visually examine the groups for racial and gender mix and will place the lower performing students with higher performing ones. I will rotate between groups participating in their discussions and help to guide them in the right direction with leading questions. Groups will be assigned a question to answer. At the conclusion of group time I will head to the front of the class and make an announcement for all students to return their desks back to crescent shape and pay attention. I will play the video again as the students get prepared to share and debate. The whole transition should take no longer than one or two minutes and I will count down as we get close to the two minute mark. I will start asking questions from the work sheet and I do not expect the class to raise their hands during this period. The class will be expected to chime in with their questions, concerns and observations. If I notice some students are not participating, I will ask them direct questions to involve them in the discussion. I will facilitate the conversation as the moderator. I will not pass any judgment on students personal feelings but I will try to get them to interact with one another. This will last approximately 10 minutes but I reserve the right to let it run over if the debate is good. All students will be reminded to speak in Spanish with correct grammar and pronunciation. The signal for the end of the debate will be when I ask the students to pass up their group sheets and I pass back the homework. All phases of the class will be clearly outlined on the Promethean Board so students can re-read anything they are not clear on. I will get out the ball and start a round of Spanish ball toss in the final 5 minutes. I will throw the ball to individual students and ask rapid fire review questions. The students will pass the ball back to me and I will continue to throw around the room and ask review questions. This activity is extremely popular and engages all students mentally and physically. This is an end of day class and the gross motor engagement

helps students release frustrations while still learning and having fun. We will play Spanish ball toss until the bell rings. The bell will signify the end of class. Adaptations: My lesson plans will always keep in mind the students with disabilities in my classroom. I will always have a written set of instructions for the hearing impaired student so she can follow what we are saying. The Promethean board has a set of headphones and those would be dedicated to the hearing impaired student for audio presentations. The student with MS who is in a wheel chair would always have preferential seating in the front of the class. This student would most certainly have a Para-educator and I would include her in lesson plan formation to figure out what are the best strategies for this students physical handicap. I think it would also be very helpful to include the special educator when planning lessons due to the other accommodations that will need to be met for the other students. Computers will be available for those students who need extra help. Extra credit will always be available for gifted students who dont feel challenged by the regular curriculum. There is an extra section in the group hand out that is optional and an extra optional section on the homework for those students who need a challenge. I also included an extra section of videos in the webquest for motivated students to continue to learn about culture. These materials will always be available on Edline and sent to parents and students in a weekly email summary of assignments and updates. Assessment: Formative assessment I would observe students as they formulated answers to questions in small group. I would rotate between groups observing how well they understood the topic. I would also grade their oral presentation and class participation. This would allow me to change and shape the class discussion by observing how much of the topic the students actually understood. Summative assessment The warm up sheet would be graded. I will be able to assess their grasp of vocabulary and stem changing verbs. These were topics taught in a previous lesson. Summary/Closure: Since this class is the last period of the day I would do closure in a slightly different way. I would try to engage student attention by playing a game called ball toss. I will toss the ball to a student and that student will answer a review questions on the spot. The student throws the ball back to the teacher and then I pass to another student asking rapid fire review questions. This engages both their mind and body right before the final bell when attention is sure to be lacking. Teachers should take advantage of novel ideas to make sure learning is occurring in a tight 50 minute class schedule. If the MS student could not catch, I would pass to the Para-educator so the student still felt involved in the physical activity.

Generalization/Extension Activity: If students finish any part of the class work early they would be instructed to turn to a specific page of the class textbook and do quiet written review of stem changing verbs, very similar in nature to the warm up sheet. If I feel that students are behaving I will direct them to one of the class computers to watch the extra videos posted in the webquest on various aspects of Latino culture. Headsets will be provided. There will also be extra questions on the group sheet. Review/Reinforcement (Homework): Homework would consist of internet research to be done by the student. Students would be asked to locate a famous person of Hispanic heritage and provide a short two minute verbal summary in Spanish for presentation in class the next day. Existing vocabulary and grammar will be expected in the presentation. I will always place an option/extra credit section for those students who wanted extra practice or needed to be challenged at a higher level. This type of homework allows for differentiation among all levels of learning. (See handout)

Reflection: Creating this lesson plan was a real eye opener for me. It really made me think about all of the things I need to include into a classroom to make a successful lesson in a short 50 minute period. I think perhaps that was one of the hardest challenges, being able to ensure that meaningful learning was occurring in this short time span. I tried to incorporate themes and elements into the class that would engage the adolescent learner. I used music, technology, images and group work to keep the kids interested. I tried to accommodate my neediest students through various accommodations. I reserved the front of the room for the hearing impaired student and the student with MS. Those students would be provided with additional materials to assist them. Headphones and written instructions for the hearing impaired student and extra space for the student with MS. This student would have a para-educator assigned and I would have a separate desk area set up for this. Grouping was used to help students engage in learning and grouping was done with specific students in mind. I would pair higher achieving students with lower achieving students and also mix up the gender and race of all groups to ensure optimum learning. The ADHD student would be paired with a quieter set of students. I also made sure to have extra work for the gifted students so they had enough to challenge them. This lesson plan did a wonderful job of preparing me for the complexities I will encounter and have to consider in the real classroom. Teaching is a multi faceted operation that requires organization, preparation, differentiation, accommodations and higher order thinking. This was much more difficult than I had anticipated. I also had to keep in mind the type of students I had when preparing the lesson. I chose music as the mode of instruction because of the type of students in the class. This was an end of day class with more athletes and musicians than linguists. I had to think about how I was going to hook them into the learning process.

I realized that teaching Spanish culture is a great opportunity to highlight a different culture and race of people. I have this wonderful opportunity to expose American kids of all racial backgrounds to high achieving, positive role models in the Latino community. This is multiculturalism in its most purest form. I have a mental list of at least a dozen different people I would want to introduce my students to. Creating a lesson plan is a lot more than just presenting material from the curriculum, it is an art form. We must design our class to grab their attention, engage them in the learning process and be able to include all types of learners in that environment.

Please continue to scroll down to see class materials.

Hand out for group discussion

TE ESTOY BUSCANDO A AMRICA Y TEMO NO ENCONTRARLA TUS HUELLAS SE HAN PERDIDO ENTRE LA OSCURIDAD TE ESTOY LLAMANDO AMRICA PERO NO ME RESPONDES TE HAN DESAPARECIDO LOS QUE TEMEN LA VERDAD ENVUELTOS ENTRE SOMBRAS, NEGAMOS ES CIERTO MIENTRAS NO HAYA JUSTICIA, JAMAS TENDREMOS PAZ VIVIENDO DICTADURAS, TE BUSCO Y NO TE ENCUENTRO TU TORTURADO CUERPO, NO SABEN DONDE ESTA SI ES SUENO DE UNO ES SUENO DE TODOS ROMPER LA CADENA Y ECHARNOS A ANDAR TENGAMOS CONFIANZA PARA ADELANTE MI RAZA A SALVAR EL TIEMPO POR LO QUE VENDR TE HAN SECUESTRADO AMRICA Y AMORDAZADO TU BOCA Y A NOSOTROS NOS TOCA PONERTE EN LIBERTAD TE ESTOY LLAMANDO AMRICA NUESTRO FUTURO ESPERA Y ANTES QUE SE NOS MUERA TE VAMOS A ENCONTRAR CORO: TE ESTOY BUSCANDO AMRICA TE ESTOY LLAMANDO AMRICA, OH! OH! 1. Why is he afraid that he will not be able to find America? 2. What is Ruben Blades referring to when he says he is calling America but she doesnt respond? Explain the idiomatic expression he is using. 3. What are the themes of social justice that are addressed in this song? What is he trying to say about the place of Latinos in American society? 4. What is Ruben Blades suggestion for the resolution of the inequalities presented in society? 5. How does Blades explain how he will eventually find America? Do you think he is referring to just himself in this musical piece? What greater meaning does this have? 6. Why will we never have peace? What peace is he talking about? Peace here in this country, or in all of the Americas? Do you think he is referencing war and social injustices in ALL nations, or just North America? 7. Can you identify any idiomatic expressions in Spanish that cannot be literally translated to English? Please give the English equivalents. EXTRA CREDIT 8. Can you create your own dictionary of new words and phrases from this song? 9. Can you translate this song to English?

CalentamientoReviewStem changing verbs ending in ar and er En el pasillo de la escuela se escuchan muchas conversaciones. Completa los siguientes dilogos con el presente del verbo entre parntesis. As vas a saber lo que dicen tus compaeros. Los planes para almuerzo - A qu hora__________ (almorzar) tu hoy? -No s. Antonio y yo _________ (almorzar) en la cafetera porque el almuerzo ________(costar) menos. Generalmente l se _________ (encontrar) conmigo a la una. -Yo no ________(recordar) si tengo clases a esa hora. Si no tengo clases, ______ (poder) yo ir con ustedes? -Claro. Si tu _______(poder) venir , te esperamos en la entrada. Nosotros casi _______ (volar) cuando _________ (sonar) el timbre porque siempre hay muchos estudiantes all. -S, especialmente cuando _________ (llover). Qu tontera construir la cafetera en otro edificio! Cul es el significado de los siguientes palabras en ingles? Buscar______________________________ Complicar____________________________ Platicar______________________________ Sacar_______________________________ Agregar______________________________ Ahogarse_____________________________ Despegar_____________________________ Encargar______________________________ Castigar_______________________________ Llegar_________________________________ Tragar________________________________


Please research a famous person of Latino heritage from the Caribbean Basin area. This person can be an athlete, musician, writer, actor, performer or working professional. I encourage you to pick someone that you are interested in. Please prepare a short presentation to be presented in class. You may use note cards prepared in English but your presentation will be in Spanish. Your presentation will be two minutes in length. You can dress up as your character or bring a typical food if you have time. That portion is not required, but appreciated. Please make sure you use the vocabulary and grammar found in your packet for this unit.

EXTRA CREDIT For those of you who feel the need for a little extra or want more practice, please look up a Latin artist of your choice, it can be a poet or musician or author and translate a section of their work into English. Some ideas can be Shakira, Luis Miguel, Isabelle Allende, Pablo Neruda. Pay special attention to colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions.

Rubric for Oral Communication

Skills are assessed as appropriate to the level of instruction. 10 9 Demonstrates excellence Excellent completion of task Rich variety of vocabulary and/or idioms Strong control of a variety of structures; a few minor errors Communicates with little or no hesitation Pronunciation and errors do not interfere with communication 8 Demonstrates competence Good to very good completion of task Good to very good variety of vocabulary and/or idioms Good control of a variety of structures; some errors Communicates with minimal hesitation Pronunciation and errors rarely interfere with communication 7 Demonstrates some competence Partial to good completion of task Some variety of vocabulary and/or idioms Some control of structures Communicates with some hesitation Pronunciation and errors occasionally interfere with communication 6 Demonstrates minimal competence Partial completion of task Limited vocabulary and/or idioms; reliance on cognates Minimal control of structures Communicates with frequent hesitation Pronunciation and errors interfere with communication 5 0 Demonstrates lack of competence Little to no completion of task Little to no evidence of use of vocabulary and/or idioms Little or no control of structures The response is incomprehensible No credit will be given for oral communication that is off topic.

Rubric for Written Communication

10-9 Excellent - demonstrates superior competence in written communication Excellent completion of task at level of instruction Extensive and mostly accurate use of structures appropriate to the task and level Rich variety of vocabulary and/or idioms, as appropriate to the task and level Few or no grammar and/or spelling errors 8.5-8 Good to very good - demonstrates competence in written expression Good to very good completion of task at level of instruction Frequent and mostly accurate use of structures appropriate to the task and level Good to very good variety of vocabulary/idioms, as appropriate to the task and level Some grammar and/or spelling errors 7.5-7 Satisfactory - demonstrates some competence in written expression Partial completion of task at level of instruction Somewhat accurate use of structures appropriate to the task and level Basic to limited variety of vocabulary and/or idioms, as appropriate to the task and level Grammar and/or spelling errors that occasionally interfere with communication 6.5-6 Weak - demonstrates little competence in written expression Minimal completion of task at level of instruction Minimal use of structures appropriate to task and level Limited vocabulary and/or idioms, as appropriate to task and level; reliance on cognates Many grammar and/or spelling errors that interfere with communication 5.5-0 Unacceptable - demonstrates lack of competence in written expression Little to no completion of task Little to no evidence of appropriate use of structures appropriate to task and level Little to no evidence of vocabulary and/or idioms appropriate to task and level Extensive grammar and/or spelling errors that interfere with communication

No credit will be given for any response that is off topic.

REFERENCES Curriculum retrieved from: Rubric for oral communication retrieved from : %20Communication.pdf Rubric for written communication retrieved from: en%20Communication.pdf

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