Pbis 20 Poster

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Hallways Classrooms

Line up by lunch choice and select lunch items needed Enjoy your lunch using an inside voice and appropriate table manners Act responsibly by cleaning your area

Leave the restroom clean and report any problems Enter, go, flush, wash, leave immediately

Line up quickly and safely as soon as the whistle blows Equipment should be used properly and returned to the recess bag Accept responsibility by following recess rules and showing good sportsmanship

Leave building quietly and in a straight line Ensure safety by following dismissal procedures Act respectfully by practicing self-control

Load bus in an orderly manner

Lead by

Line up quietly

Listen and follow directions

Expect your
personal best!

Enter and exit with self-control


Always respect others personal space and keep hands and feet to self Put First Things First

Ensure your personal best by following classroom rules and expectations Act respectfully toward classmates and teachers

Exit the bus promptly and quietly

Always respect the privacy of others

the 7 Habits

Be Proactive

Sharpen the Saw

Begin with the End in Mind

Think WinWin


Act appropriately by facing forward in seat, keeping bookbag in lap, and using a quiet voice Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

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