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English 303: Critical Approaches to Literature

Rethinking the Way We Read


Richard Schumaker UMUC Europe

CAL: Conference One

Greetings from Paris Reading: That most personal activity Reading in our Schools And so we begin Three Links

Conference Two: Feminist Approaches to Literature

The Basics: What does a feminist approach to
literature try to accomplish? What are its basic forms? Lesson: Lesson: Workpoint: Gender Distortion in The Firm. Our Casablanca Project Poem by Keats: La Belle Dame Sans Merci

Conference Three: Sociological Approaches to Literature

The Basics: What does a sociological approach
attempt to accomplish? What are the basic forms of sociological criticism? Lesson Lesson Our Hamlet Project Versions of Hamlet or the Canon Meets Contemporary Culture

Conference Four: Psychoanalytical Approaches to Literature

The Basics: What does a psychoanalytical approach to literature try to accomplish? What are the main forms of this approach? Lesson Lesson Workpoint: The Samurais Garden by Gail Tsukiyama. Contrast: What are the main differences between traditional criticism and critical theory?

Conference Five: Post-Colonialism

The Basics: Lesson Lesson Workpoint: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe Contrast: Canon and Global Concern in Contemporary Literature

Conference Six: Postmodernism

The Basics Lesson Lesson Project in Postmodernism: Pulp Fiction

(Avoiding) Conclusions

1. English 303: Critical, Approaches, and Literature 2. Major Mutation One: The Canon Rethought 3. Major Mutation Two: Why Globalism in literature? 4. Major Mutation Three: The Study of Literature Becomes Interdisciplinary 5. Literature in Our Contemporary World 6. Why the study of literature is crucial to contemporary educationat all levels!!! 7. Now its your turn

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