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English for Writing 2

3rd Class : September, 15th 2013

Ardie Septian

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

Course Objectives
1. Menulis dalam bentuk deskripsi 2. Menulis dalam bentuk narasi 3. Menulis surat pribadi 4. Menjelaskan proses 5. Menyampaikan pendapat 6. Menulis naskah pidato dan interview

7. Menulis dalam bentuk prediksi

8. Menulis business letter Mahasiswa mampu menulis wacana dalam berbagai paragraf

Module 3
Kegiatan Belajar 1: Menulis Saran Kegiatan Belajar 2: Menulis Pendapat tentang Ide/Gagasan Kegiatan Belajar 3: Menulis Notes: Membuat Janji Writing Proses

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Gabungan kata kerja dan kata keterangan (adverb) atau preposition.

1. Verbs + adverbs atau preposition.

Contoh: Get down, there is a policeman. Please, do come in. 2. Verbs + particle dan object Contoh: She is looking after her mother in her house. I set about the party and everybody was happy. They felt for the wall in the dark to find the switch.

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Gabungan kata kerja dan kata keterangan (adverb) atau preposition.

3. Verbs + object dan particle.

Contoh: I wanted him to call me back It was raining cat and dog, and I invited those children in. 4. Verbs + particle dan object atau object dan particle. Contoh: She put the tent as soon as we arrived in the field. Atau We put the tent up as soon as we arrived in the field. She is tearing up the letter from her boy friend. Atau She is tearing the letter up from her boy friend. Lets practice

Kegiatan Belajar 1
Common verbs digunakan bersama dengan kata benda (noun) untuk menjelaskan suatu tindakan (action)

1. Have Contoh: She is having breakfast in the kitchen Marry had a nice conversation with my mother last night. 2. Give Contoh: I gave a whistle and she looked at me. She gave a grin when I said hello.
3. Make Contoh: She made a speech for my inauguration My secretary will make the arrangement.

Kegiatan Belajar 1
Common verbs digunakan bersama dengan kata benda (noun) untuk menjelaskan suatu tindakan (action) 4. Take Contoh: Miss. Karen is taking a photograph in the field Dont worry, I will take the responsibility 5. Do Contoh: I do the cooking by myself because my wife is still in Canada. She did mopping until 8. Lets practice

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Look at the problems in your Module

Kegiatan Belajar 2

1. Perbandingan Present Continous dan Simple Present

Present Continous Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah kegiatan/kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada saat sedang dibicarakan Listen! Is she singing an English song? The water is boiling. Can you turn it off? What are you doing here? I am living with Aunt Jade until I find a new house. My father is working hard today. Simple Present Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan/kejadian yang selalu terjadi/dilakukan Does Marry sing English songs? Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius What do you do (What is your job?) I live in Singapore My father works hard every day.

Kegiatan Belajar 2

2. Always do and always doing Contoh: I always do cooking by myself. (I do it every day) My wife goes out again, I am always cooking by myself. (I do cooking too often, more often than normal)

Mr. Sigasaha is always complaining about the rice. (He complains more often than normal)

Kegiatan Belajar 2

3. Beberapa kata dalam Present Continous Tenses like, love, hate, want, need, prefer, know, realize, suppose, mean, understand, believe, remember, belong, contain, consist, depend, seem. Adalah kata-kata yang tidak termasuk ke dalam kata kerja action. Contoh: I love her so much I am thirsty. I want to drink.

Kegiatan Belajar 2

4. Simple Present: a. Habits: every day, every week, etc. b. States, dalam bentuk oponions, conditions
5. Present Continuous Tense: a. A temporary action happening now b. A definite plan for the future

Lets practice

Kegiatan Belajar 2

Look at the problems in your Module

Kegiatan Belajar 3
Kata kerja yang diikuti oleh-ing clauses : admit, consider, deny, describe, imagine, mention, recall, suggest, adore, detest, dislike, enjoy, dread, enjoy, like, love, mind, resent, delay, commence, finish, keep, postpone, stop, avoid, involve, miss, practice, resist, risk, catch, find, imagine, leave, prevent, watch. Contoh: She admitted smuggling some cars. They always avoid saying No. I have finished doing the housework. Verb + - ing: burst out, carry on, end up, give up, go round, keep on, put off, set about, cant help, cant stand dan feel like.

Contoh: I will give up smoking someday in the future. I cant help falling in love with her. (=cant stop)
Lets practice

Kegiatan Belajar 3

Look at the problems in your Module

Please prepare Module 4 for the next class

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