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Abstract In the recent tragedy that has affected Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, resiliency plays a big role

in the process of recovery. Basing the study on the theory of Froma Walsh, PhD, involvement in community groups and faith congregations are believed to strengthen resiliency in the family. The study examined the ability of community involvement to explain the level of family resiliency. Employing a qualitative and quantitative experimental design, the hypothesis was tested among 163 families currently living in Calaanan Resettlement site who agreed to participate in answering the questionnaires and in the FGD. From the results of linear regression, it was found out that there was a significant correlation between community involvement and family resiliency. The results in the study supported the hypothesis made by the researchers. Inferences were discussed in relation to resiliency and community involvement and also implications for future research.

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