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Where can I find dragon soul (b)/(y)?

Someone said that I can this item at the mission "black storm". I must defeat Zhang Liao to get that item but he is only dropping beast horn.

Accepted Answer
From: jusilatin021 4 years ago Hmm Beast Horn can be got from Xu Zhu on Chapter 4 mission, where you have to defeat Cao Cao. and for Dragon Soul (b), Here Chpt6 - Black Storm (Zhang Liao) Chpt6 - Manipulation (Lu Meng , Huang Gai) Chpt6 - Bewitching Land (Zhang Liao) Chpt5 [Wu, Wei] - Assault on Chengdu (Liu Bei) Market LV6 For Dragon Soul (y), Here Chpt6 - Zenith Tower (Yuan Shao) Rated: +0 / -0 This question has been successfully answered and closed

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