Midnight - Against The Shadow - Fantasy Flight Games

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Contents Introduction Chapter 1: Character Backgrounds Dorns Sarcosans Erenlanders Dwarves Kurgun Dwarves Gnomes Dwarrow ‘Wood Elves Sea Elves Jungle Elves Snow Elves ‘Nomadic Halflings ‘Agrarian Halflings Ores Dworgs Channelers Defenders Wildlanders Chapter 2: New Heroic Paths Beast Elementalborn Felihunter Hunter Jack-of-all-trades Mountainborn Northblooded Painless Pureblood Seaborn Speaker Spellsoul Sunderborn Tactitian Chapter 3: New Prestige Classes Ancestral Bladebearer Aradil’s Eye Avenging Knife Bane of Legates Elven Raider Herbalist Sarcosan Knight ‘Smuggler Warrior Arcanist Whisper Adept ‘Wogren Rider Chapter 4: Legendary Classes ‘Avatar of Aradil Bleak Knight Living Nexus Chapter 5: Feats, Spells, & Equipment Feats Spells ‘ ‘Weapons Equipment Chapter 6: Covenant Items & Power Nexuses Covenant Items Power Nexuses. Chapter 7: Herbalism. Basics of Herbalism Gathering Natural Ingredients Preparing Concoctions Using Coneoctions Storing Conco¢tions Herbal Tattoos Herbal Concoction Summary Herbal Ingredients Table Herbal Terrain Table Blood Garden Index 40 42 45 49 50 54 57 39 61 63 65 68 69 70 n 14 TW 81 86 89) 95 103 103 104 105 107 109 109 110 U2 123 125 126 Introduction orld mbt Che of A World In Shadow With Againse the Shadow, Fantasy Flight Games contin- ues fo explore the world of Minwiortr, a dark and des perate fantasy campaign setting designed for use with the d20 System, Mibvicitr is a world of grim survival and epic rebellion, It focuses on the wartorn and subjugated con- tinent of Eredane, where the dying peoples of ancient races and cultures fight a hopeless battle against the darkness, These once peaceful and proud folk have been trampled under the heel of a divine warlord of hatred and evil. This being, Izrador, was barred from the heav- ens and cast down by his fellow gods to the world of Aryth . and in the ultimate trickery stole their world from undemeath the Three times the dark god rose and threatened the jons of Aryth with iron and fire. Three times the ions of elves, dwarves and men rose up against him, At the end of the Third Age, four of the greatest heroes of Aryth were corrupted by the Shadow. These new ser- vants, the Night Kings, led Izrador’s foul hordes across all the lands of the world during the third war. The dark god won, A hundred years have passed since the Shadow fell across Eredane. Izrador and the Night Kings are consolidating their power and eradicating their enemies. The elder races are being systematically hunted down and exterminated. The great forest of Frethor has become an island of light in a darkening world, as the elves fight a never-ending battle against besieging hordes of ores, ogres, trolls, and goblinoids. The surviv- ing dwarven clans have locked themselves in their mountain holdfasts, The lands of men are ruled with an iron fist by the minions of the Shadow, Many cities lie in ruins, and most common folk live in walled towns where literacy and leaming are punishable by death, and ignorance spreads across the land like a terrible plague, \ Dow To Use This Book Against the Shadow is a player's companion to the world of Mipvictt. It provides expanded options for players as well as useful background for DMs, Both the MibNiGitr core rules and the player’s companion use the 20 System core rules. This book should be used as @ companion to the core rules and not a standalone game. Note: the Seerets sections in Chapter I: Character Backgrounds may contain spoiler information, The Open Game License Mupwicitr is published under the terms of the Open Game License and the 420 System Trademark License. The OGL allows us to use the 420 System core rules and to publish game produets derived from and compatible with those rules In fact, all rules-related material is designated as Open Game Content. You can use this material in your ‘own works, as long as you follow the conditions of the Open Game License. You can copy the material to your Website or even put it in a book that you publish and sell, The introduction to each chapter or Section identifies the rules material that is designated as Open Game Content. Not everything in this book is Open Game Content, however. In general, game rules, statistics, and ‘mechanics are Open Game Content, but all introduction, background, story, and setting ink tent and cannot be republished, copied, or distributed without the consent of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc: The following are designated as Product Identity pursuant (0 section 1(e) of the Open Game Licens included in full at the end of this book: the MiDNiGit name, logo, and trademark, the graphic design and trade dress of this book and all other products in t Mipstair line, all graphics, illustrations, maps, and dia- grams in this book, and the following names and terms: Aradil, Eredane, Izrador, Shadow inthe North, and Night King.

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