Design of Library Components

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To create an element in library: Step 1:select file->New->library

Step 2: A window opens as below

Step 3: select (symbol) symbol. A small window appears as below. In that give the name of the element which is to be created and then click ok.

Step 4:a new window is opened as below.

Step 5: select

(wire) symbol which is on the leftside.

Step 6: then draw the symbol of element so that the + symbol should be at the centre.

Step 7: select

(pin) symbol to draw the pins as shown in below.

Step 8:select Step 9:select

(name) symbol to give the names for symbol. (text) symbol to give name and value

Step 10:select (package) symbol and give the same nameas given in symbol.

Step 11:A window is appeared as below.

Step 12:select Then select

(wire) symbol which is on left of the window.

View->grid. Set the size to 0.01mm.

Step 13:A window appears as below.

Step 14: Draw the element with the dimensions given in datasheet by keeping + sign as centre.

To draw the pins select (Pad) symbol. Then select (offset) symbol. (depending on the requirement different pins can be selected). The pins are placed according to the measurements given in datasheet.

Step 14: select (device). Then give the name which is given for package and symbol which is previously done.

Step 15: A window appears as below. Then select

(add) symbol.

Step 16: a window appears as below then select ok. Place the element exactly on + sign.

Step 17: select new in the above window. Then a window appears as below. Give variant name. Select ok.

Step 18: select

Step 19: select pin and click connect. Repeat the same for all pins. Then the element is added to library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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