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Water Conservation

Most precious and indispensable resource

Decreasing Run Off Water (Allowing the water to infiltrate into the soil)
1. Contour Cultivation 2. Terracing 3. Water spreading 4. Chemical wetting agents 5. Surface crop residue 6. Chemical conditioners 7. Storage structures

Reducing Evaporation Losses

Horizontal barriers of Asphalt placed below soil Increases water availability Increases crop yield by 40 % Super Slupper absorbs water about 1400 times its weight

Storing water in soil

To replenish the chemical composition of soil after a crop, some farmers let their land go fallow so that the native plants can naturally restore the soil's balance.

Reducing Irrigation losses

Covered canals to reduce seepage Irrigation early morning or late evening Sprinkling or drip irrigation Growing hybrid crops with less water requirement

Re-Use of water
Treated waste water for ferti irrigation U8se grey water from washing, bathing for watering, gardening

Preventing water wastage

Closing taps when not in use Repairing leakages Small capacity flush

Increasing Block Pricing

High bill for high water usage

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