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Exercise 3: Create Materials

In this exercise, the materials determined in the last exercise are created. This is done by combining a block in ParallelForEach mode with a block in ForEach mode which loops over the list of receivers determined beforehand (broadcast pattern). 1. Collapse the Preparation block and add a CreateMaterials block:

2. Insert a switch step to check if materials need to be created:

3. Create a multiline element prepitemlist in the CreateMaterials container, which is based on the abstract interface item_abstract.

4. Insert a transformation step MaterialTransformation into branch1 of the switch step. The transformation is based on the interface mapping list2itemlist, the source message preplist and the target message prepitemlist. 5. After the transformation step, insert a block named SendMaterialsParallel:

6. Create an new container element prepitem in the container SendMaterialsParallel:

7. Set the mode of the SendMaterialsParallel block to ParForEach. For the Multiline Element property, select the container element prepitemlist. For the Current Line property, select the container element prepitem:.

8. Create a multiline element Receivers (category Receiver) for the SendMaterialsParallel container:

9. Insert a receiver determination step ReceiverDetermination into the SendMaterialsParallel block. Select prepitem for the Message property,and Receivers for the Receivers property,:

10. Create a correlation CorrMaterials as shown in the following graphic:

11. Insert a new block SystemBroadcastPerMaterial after the receiver determination step:

12. Create a container element Receiver (category Receiver):

13. For the SystemBroadcastPerMaterial block, set the ForEach mode. For the Multiline Element property select Receivers, for the Current Line property select Receiver, and for the correlation select CorrMaterials.

14. In this block insert the send step SendMaterial:

15. Create the container element create_matresp in the SystemBroadcastPerMaterial container:

16. Insert a receive step ReceiveCreateMatResp:

17. Save and check your process:

If no errors are found, activate your process and start testing.

18. Send the spare part numbers 2000, 3000 and 4000 to the process. The resulting Workflow log should look as follows:

Two materials (2000 and 3000) have been created and broadcasted to two systems each. 19. Carry out further tests.

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