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Fifth Level Spells

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[return to top] History This spell is one of the most powerful created by the Half-Rain Dragon, Prince D reagan. The spell itself was created on the Elemental Plane of Water. Having to research the pressure of the water and to know exactly where to have the portal open so that enough push was present to push it through the portal. It was first witnessed in the Plains near the city of Cormyr where bandits attacked the Half -Dragons Caravan. He proved that they were "all wet". The half dragon, however, was reprimanded seriously for watering down the expensive, yet cheaply bottled, supply of Sembian Wine they were taking to market. [return to top]

[return to top] Shadow Staff (Evocation, Shadow) Level: 4 (Wizard) Range: 0 Components: V,S Duration: See Below Casting Time: 2 Rounds Area of Effect: See Below Saving Throw: See Below Author: Scott Seeber When cast, the caster brings forth a shadowy, semi-real force in the shape of a staff, anywhere from 4'-7' in length (caster's discretion). To observers, it app ears to be a staff made from dark wood, with shadowy wisps all about it. The Staff can only be weilded by the caster, or another Shadow Mage of equal or higher level; for all others their hands will simply pass through the shadowy ma terial. The Staff can be weilded as a normal weapon (staff), causing 2-5 points of damag e per strike (all but 1 of these is energy draining damage, so any creature immu ne to the touch of a shadow would receive only 1 point per strike). The staff ca n affect those creatures needing magic weapons to hit; however, a creatures magi c resistance, if any, applies. A Shadow Staff strikes with the same speed factor as a normal staff. In this way, the Shadow Staff can last for an entire day. However, at any given point, the Caster can utilize the Staff in another way. By

choosing a target (within 10'/ level) and hurling the staff like a spear, the S hadow Staff will streak as if shot from a catapult and unerringly strike its tar get (unless some force prevents it from doing so). The Shadow Staff explodes in a mas of 'shadow-stuff', affecting the target and anyone within 10' feet of him. The target suffers 2 points per caster level (save for 1/2), and anyone within the 10' suffers 1 point per caster level (save for 1/2). This is purely energy d raining damage. The speed factor is the same as throwing a spear. This immediately ends the spell. This spell was created by the shadow mage Mordagin Willomere. [return to top]

[return to top] Turn the Other Cheek (Necromantic) Reversible Level: 6 (Cleric) Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 rd./ 3 levels Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None Author: D Maestro This spell, and its reverse, can only be cast upon an individual that worships t he same god(s) as the caster (which can be limiting, depending upon the campaign ). For the duration of the spell, all damage dealt to the target with malice is ins tantaneously healed. If lethal damage is dealt in a single attack, a successful saving throw vs. death ray must be made; failure indicates that the shock was to o great for the healing to be effective. The damage must be delivered by a malevolent force for the spell to be effective . Damage dealt by traps or accident is not healed by this spell. The reverse of this spell, Eye for an Eye, forces an attacker to suffer the same damage that he deals to the target for the duration of this spell, even if the damage is prevented or negated (such as with Turn the Other Cheek). This damage is inflicted even if the target would normally be immune (such as attackers immu ne to normal weapons). [return to top]

[return to top] Zon's Desperate Holy Word () Level: 5 (Cleric) Range: Sight - * Special Components: Duration: Casting Time: 1 Round Area of Effect: single target - any Saving Throw: none - for any target

Author: Johnnie Christian This spell is used as a last resort and even then can only be used once per day. At the time of casting,the Cleric must have at least 50% of his or her original HP. At the muttering of the word,the Cleric immediately loses half of his or he r remaining HP. The force of this spell is actually energy released by the Cleri c's diety - through the cleric - and at the target. The result is a 75% loss of HP for the victim. All other creatures in the area - 100 ft. X 100 ft. must save versus spell - 50% saving throws - or be blinded for 5 to 10 rounds. The spell is activated by any one word, and those witnessing it will see an expl osion of pure white light go forth from the cleric and into the target. The cler ic is unable to do anything save 1st level spells or walk for at least 10 rounds . [return to top]

[return to top] Aura Touch (Necromancy, Healing) Necromancy Level: 4 (Cleric) Range: Touch Components: V, M Duration: 1 Turn Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: I Target Saving Throw: Spell Author: Brendan This spell causes the priests hand to glow a light white color. When the priest touches somebody with that hand, the light discharges. The effects of the spell depend on the casters alignment and the recipients alig nment. If the recipients alignment is the same as the caster, it heals 1d4 damag e per level of the caster. If one portion of the recipients alignment is similar but the other is in opposition, it has no effect. If both spheres are in opposi tion, it deals 1d4 damage per level of the caster. If one portion of the alignme nt matches the casters, and the other is neutral, it will only head 1d2 damage p er level of the caster. Likewise, if one portion of the alignment is in oppositi on and the other is neutral, it deals 1d2 damage per level of the caster. (example: A lawful good priest casts the spell on a chaotic good ranger. Since t he recipient is chaotic but is also good, the spell has no effect. The spell is then cast on a Neutral Good fighter. Since one portion of the alignment is match ing the priest, and the other is neutral, it heals only half damage. The spell i s then cast on a chaotic evil mage. Since the mage is of complete opposite align ment, he receives damage.) Since True Neutral Priests have no opposite alignment, they will heal 1d4 damage per level of the caster if the recipient is true neutral. If the caster is part ly neutral, they will not be affected in any way. If the recipient is not neutra l at all, they will receive 1d4 damage per level of the caster. Finally, partial neutral priests need only examine the part of the alignment whi ch is not neutral. For instance, a neutral good priest need only concern themsel ves whether the recipient is good or evil.

This spell does not allow the caster to read alignments, though they should be a ble to discern what the recipients alignment is after seeing happened after the spell is cast. The material components for this spell is a vial of holy water which must be Ble ssed by a priest of no less than 10th level, who is of the same alignment as the caster. The hand must be soaked in this water, so characters wearing gloves may not use this spell. [return to top]

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[return to top] Kilstan's Backup Plan () Level: 7 (Wizard) Range: CASTER Components: V, S, M Duration: SPECIAL Casting Time: 1 ROUND Area of Effect: SPECIAL Saving Throw: SPECIAL Author: dWEOMERmASTER With the casting of this spell a wizard is able to use the energy of a wand to c ast a memorized spell and not have it wiped from memory. The wizard touches the wand and utters the incantantation of the desired spell. The wand is drainend on e charge for each level of the spell. The stored energy takes the place of any c omponents. Saving throws, area of effect, and duration are for the spell that th e wizard cast. [return to top]

[return to top] Bad Hair Day (Necromacy) Ultimate Evil Level: 9 (Wizard) Range: 50 feet Components: V, S, M Duration: Instant Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: One person Saving Throw: Special Author: Jeddak

This is most the likely the single most horrific spell that has yet been devised . To even consider using this spell is an act evil. There is no way that this sp ell can be used for good, no matter the circumstances. Despite it's simple sound ing name this spell is quite capable of destroying almost any living thing. By casting this spell the caster causes each individual hair of the target creat ure to transform itself in to a tiny, worm like, flesh eating parasite that slow ly gnaws its way into the unfortunate victim, an act which takes 1d4 rounds. Eventually the person is consumed and the parasites, until they wither and die, until that time they are unable to take any action due to the horrible pain they are suffering. The only way to stop this infestation, is to cast Heal, Cure dis ease, and Dispel evil on the victim within the 1d4 round time limit. If the targ et of the spell should make their save, they still suffer 3d8 points, and all th e hair on their body halls out. The material components for this spell are, the hair of an alaghi, the body of a rot grub, the blood of a purple worm and the tooth of a dragon. Note: In ravenl oft casting this spell causes the caster to fail a dark power check, and all wit nesses must make a fear, horror and madness check at -3 [return to top]

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[return to top] Weather Divination ((Divination)) Level: 1 (Wizard) Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 0 Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Saving Throw: 0 Author: This spells is use by mages to now the weather for the next two days. [return to top]

[return to top] Enhanced Divination ((Abjuration, Divination)) Level: 4 (Wizard) Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 round Area of Effect: 0 Saving Throw: Special

Author: PhoeniX This spell prevents the caster from bad effects of certains divination spells (l ike Vision or Contact with an other plan). The spell offers a protection giving the mage a save against spells to avoid the effects. Enhanced Divination finish after an hour or after that an other divination spell as been cested. [return to top]

[return to top] Otto's Crushing Sole (Drow's Bane) (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 7 (Wizard) Range: Sight of Caster Components: V, S, M Duration: Instant Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Single Creature Saving Throw: None Author: Voreth Windforce Otto's Crushing Sole was developed by the famous Greyhawk wizard Otto. He made i t to combat a large bug infestation in the Guild of Wizardry. Since then, it has spread to other Primes, as a way to kill giant spiders. Otto's Crushing Sole is also known as the Drow's Bane because of the dark elves' close connection to sp iders. When used, it inflict 8d8 damage, but only upon insects and their kin. A deadly spell when used correctly. Note: Thanks to "Nodwick" from Dragon 271 for this spell. [return to top]

[return to top] Scorcher's Temporal Fireball ((Alteration, Invocation, Evocation,) ) Wild Magic Level: 7 (Wizard) Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 20--Foot radius Saving Throw: None Author: David Isakson This is just like the 3rd level fireball spell with one very important differenc e; the wizard can and must send it through time, either 1 round back or 2 rounds ahead. How ever if the latter is chosen the caster must be very careful in cast ing a fireball into the future. Friends or enemies, even the wizard him self cau ght with in the area of effect of the fireball once it goes off do not receive a saving throw for half damage. The same is true for the past but it requires les s guesswork because the wizard already knows the out come of the last round. The reason that no saving throw is allowed is because the spell appears to fail and all persons concerned assume that is has failed; thus they don't try to dodge a

n incoming fireball. The wizard must specify at the time of casting if he/she is going forward or bac kward in time with the fireball. If it is backward damage is rolled immediately and applied to those caught with in the blast radius from the previous round. An d all persons in the present immediately know what has happened. To all others e xcept the caster it appears that a fireball appeared out of nowhere at the begin ning of the previous round. If a person or creature dies from a temporal firebal l in the past then any damage that he caused in the present never happened. All rolls and action for the present remain the same but obviously the actions and r olls for a deceased person are discarded. Any person who died in the present bec ause of someone in the past are naturally alive and able to take action as if no thing happened to them (which of course nothing did). Only the wizard who cast t he spell knows what truly happened. There is one danger that must be noted for b oth the wizard and the DM. If the wizard has a wild surge during the casting he/ she must save vs. spells or the entire battle from the past round and the presen t round is caught in a time casualty loop. Success means that the DM rolls on ta ble 2, failure means that the group fighting is doomed to repeat the combat sequ ence over and over for eternity unless it is ended by direct intervention of an external force such as a GOD or powerful wizard who casts a wish spell. The rest of the universe is unaffected by the loop. If the wizard chooses to go forward with the fireball he/she must specify weathe r it is to go 1 or 2 rounds into the future. This option is safer because the af fects won't occur until the beginning of the round specified. All person or crea tures within the area of effect take full damage and are totally taken by surpri se and must make a system shock roll or die even if they still have hit points l eft. They also receive a +5 penalty to their initiative rolls and must check mor al at a -4 penalty. Those with an intelligence of 12 or less automatically fail their moral and leave without making an initiative roll. Those unaffected by the fireball except the caster are surprised and receive a +2 penalty to their init iative rolls but don't check moral. The caster receives a -2 bonus to his initia tive roll because he/she knew about the fireball before it happened. Thus, if th e caster were forced into the area of effect prior to the round he could move ou t of the area before the fireball went off. But if that is not possible he/she i s entitled to a saving throw for 1/2 damage. The material components for this sp ell are a finely made miniature hourglass worth 500 GP filled with a dry mixture of sand, sulfur, and guano. Note to DM: The wizard must also specify the distance and direction of the fireb all as well as the time frame. The range is the same as for the 3rd level fireba ll spell. [return to top]

[return to top] Black Lance (N/A) Level: 5 (Wizard) Range: 100 Yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Closest/next closest, until spell wxpires Saving Throw: spell @ -1 modifier Author: Your Name The black lance is a viscous spell that when cast, immedietaly seeks the nearest

victim, inflecting 8d8 points worth of damage, then heads to the next victim to do 4d8. A third victim recieves 2d8, and a four victim recieves 1d8 worth of da mage. The spell is instantaneous, and a saving throw for half damage is made at a -1 modifeier [return to top]

[return to top] Gailin's Shocking Handshake (Invocation/Evocation) Level: 1 (Wizard) Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special Author: Gailin MacCree Gailin MacCree, street thug/extortioner turned mage, created this spell as a for m of intimitidation while dealing with his "clients". For the effects of the spe ll to take affect, the caster recites the words of power and then must be able t o shake the hand of the intended victim. If the handshake is not completed withi n one round, the spell is lost. If successful, the spell delivers 1d4+1/level da mage. Gailin has developed this spell to only take the recipient to 0 hit points as dead clients are bad for business. The victim is not allowed a saving throw and no 'to hit' roll is required if the victim willing shakes the hand of the ca ster; otherwise the intended target gets a save vs. spells which negates the eff ects. [return to top]

[return to top] Brittleflesh (Necromancy) Level: 6 (Wizard) Range: 75 yards, + 5 p/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Variable Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 2 creatures + 1 per level Saving Throw: 1/2 Author: Blake Westlake (KenderKnight) This devastating spell was apparently first used long ago in the Retribution War s between the Elves of Kyrat'N'Doran and the barbarous Goblin Tribes of the Nort hern Reach Mountains. The spell was designed to obliterate the quickly reproduci ng goblin hordes. The elves had no idea just how effective it would prove to be. Shortly after the end of the wars, the Haerdic Tribunal banned the use of the s pell with the borders of the nation of Kyrat'N'Doran, and it was forgotten. Unti l now . . . The brutal spell Brittleflesh causes a victim's skin to become brittle, like gla ss or old paper. Even a creature with skin as tough a boulette's will be weakene

d incredibly by this spell. Brittleflesh causes the skin to become dry and britt le, meaning that the victim can be caused massive amounts of damage from somethi ng as simple as a hard punch. Brittleflesh will cause any lesser undead to disin tegrate into powder instantly. This powder can be used in potions of undead cont rol, and the like. The duration, as well as the increase in damage, is determine d by the targets *natural* AC, that is, without any form of artificial protectio n. Natural AC / Duration / Damage mod. -----------------------------------------------10+ / 3d6 rds / x3 9 / 3d4 rds / x3 8 / 2d6 rds / x3 7 / 2d6 rds / x3 6 / 2d4 rds / x3 5 / 1d8 rds / x2 4 / 2d3 rds / x2 3 / 1d6 rds / x2 2 / 1d4 rds / x2 1 / 1d4 rds / +8 0 / 1d3 rds / +8 -1 / 1d2 rds / +6 -2 / 1d2 rds / +4 -3 / 1 rd / +4 -4 / 1 rd / +2 BELOW -4, NO EFFECT Note that the spell has no effect on Ethereal creatures, such as ghosts or thoug ht-eaters or creatures that do not have skin. The only downfall is that the caster must sear his or her right palm with the bl ade of a hot dagger before the spell is first cast (first time only). The materi al component is a small piece of glass, which is broken into tiny shards on cast ing. - KenderKnight (Formerly D'Ark_Knight) [return to top]

[return to top] Icharyds Revenge (Conjuration) Level: 8 (Wizard) Range: 90' Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 Round Casting Time: 6 Rounds Area of Effect: 90' Radius Saving Throw: Breath Weapon Author: Semajbay

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[return to top] Glacial Ice (Conjuration) Water Level: 6 (Wizard) Range: 20 yards +10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 10 cu ft + 1cu ft/level Saving Throw: Special Author: Guardian This spell causes Ice to grow up from the ground in the specified Area Of Effect to incase any creatures, space, or objects within the area. Upon the completion of the casting, creatures may save Vs. Paralization with a -1/4levels of caster to escape the possible devistation. The Glacial Ice will remail until Dispelled , melted, chipped, or any other natual means. The material components used for t his are a 500gp saphire gem, and a crystal that has soaked in water from the Ele mental Plane of Water for at least an hour. [return to top]

[return to top] Lightning-Fire Ball (Necromancy) Level: 0 (Wizard) Range: Components: S, M Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round per level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Saving Throw: None Author: Steve Brown This spell is basicly the same as fireball but has a lightning storm surrounding it. It does 2d8 dammage per level. [return to top]

[return to top] Whip Of Confusion (necromany) Level: 1 (Wizard) Range: Length of whip Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d4 rounds +1 per level of caster after second Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: neg. Author: Ragnor the unclean this spells makes one target confused for 1d4+1 rounds per level of caster after

level 2. The verbal component is "let my foes fall from their own". [return to top]

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[return to top] City of the Damned (Necromancy - Charm) Level: 10+ (Wizard) Range: nil Components: V, S, M Duration: 1/2 day per level Casting Time: 2 hours Area of Effect: 1 city or 1/2 a capital Saving Throw: nil Author: J.F. This spell will drive fellings of hate whitin a city to an all encompasssing hat e minor greivance become murdurous rage. any one who is killed during the durati on of this spell will raise as a zombie and start adding to the pile of corpses. the exacte effect of this spell must be decided by the dm for there are a lot o f variables. [return to top]

[return to top] moonlight (Glamour spell) Level: 1 (Wizard) Range: As stunning as you want! Components: V, S, M Duration: Untill you forget about it Casting Time: Whenever you want, it takes 15 minutes for beginners Area of Effect: Eyes Saving Throw: Only visable to other people Author: marie Ok, if you think thhis is a load of crap from 'The craft@ You are completly wron g. There are lots of spells like this called glamour spells which arent studied by many poeple. To acticvate it, close your eyes and imagine your head fulling with your natural eye colour light. Then imagine the colour of light that you want your eyes to b e taking over your natural eye colour. Imagine the light passing out through you r eyes, chaning the clolour as it goes. For newbies to this spell it takes aprox imatly 15 minutes, but after practise can be acheived in 30 seconds. Apon open y our eyes, you mnay or may not be able to see it. Ask someone ( not someone close ) what colour they are. Poeple close to you ( as in freinds not standing close)

may be able to see through the glamour. It will fade as you forget about it. Cho ose easy colours to begin with tho [return to top]

[return to top] Undead Protection ((Necromancy)) Level: 5 (Wizard) Range: 30 feet Components: V, S Duration: 5 turns/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None Author: Santiago Perez This spell creates an invisible barrier around the caster's body which protects the caster against all undead, all undead attacking the caster physically suffer a +4 thac0 penalty and suffer 2d4 points of damage. All undead attacking the ca ster non-physically suffer: a -2 thac0 penalty and suffer 1d2 points of damage. If the caster is killed by undead he stays alive for the duration of the spell. Unable to do anything except: talk and walk(note that if the caster is attacked during this stage he suffers no damage from the attacks. If the caster gets to a temple in this stage to be raised from the dead he makes no saving throw Vs res urrection survival and the temple only charges 50 gold pieces for the service. [return to top]

[return to top] Humorous Morph ((Alteration, Abjuration)) Level: 2 (Wizard) Range: 30 feet/level Components: S, M Duration: 1 turn/2 levels Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg. Author: Santiago Perez When this spell is cast on a man-sized creature(and only a man-sized creature)a fog wraps the victim(at this time the creature's saving throw must be made and t he wizard must declare in his mind if the creature is to be morphed into a small er or bigger creature). Note that it has to be the same type as the creature). I f the saving throw of the creature is successful its just foggy around the creat ure for a round(this doesn't give the creature any penalties to its attack roll) . Yet if the creature's saving throw fails, the creature turns into a smaller or bigger creature of the same type(that is insects, reptiles, mammal, etc)dependi ng on what the wizard declared. This transformation happens during the next roun d after the foggy period(note that the wizard can't decide what creature the vic tim morphs into, this decides the DM. But note it has to be of the size declared by the wizard).The victim gains all special attacks and defenses, personality a nd ability traits of the assumed form. This spell doesn't work on humans, dwarve

s, elves, half-elves, half-lings or gnomes. Note to DM this spell lives up to it s name only if you decide upon a comic creature. A good idea is to make your own little fantasy creature a sketch might help. [return to top]

[return to top] Dancing Imp ((Summoning, Conjuration)) Level: 2 (Wizard) Range: 1 yard/5 levels Components: V, M Duration: permanent Casting Time: 7 rounds Area of Effect: 1 bottle Saving Throw: None Author: Santiago Perez For means of this spell the caster places a bottle (of maximum 2 inches width an d height) outdoors in a well-lit place and summons a wandering good soul. If the soul comes(roll a d4, if 1or 2 it comes, if 3 or 4 nothing comes). The Caster c reates a humanoid body of light and shadows (from the Ethereal plane)no more tha n an inch and a half high and wide, its eyes being the light its body being shad ow. The soul takes the body and goes in the bottle the bottle now the home of a so called Imp, becomes a bottle made of a very strong crystal(as strong as diamo nd) and the bottle's cap becomes of beautifully carved gold and silver. If the B ottle where the Imp lives is destroyed the imp goes back to its soul stage. The Imp moves around the bottle gracefully, Thus looking like dancing. The Imp has g reat powers like to change the emotion of the player characters for 2 turns, spy on enemies, restore up to 4 hit points per turn, etc. The Imp(if befriended)can use its powers to help the player characters on a tight spot. Note that the imp may not be magically dispelled and the imp communicates somatically. The Imp ha s Intelligence equal to the casting wizard's.If the Imp s bottle is opened by the wizard and only the wizard or a person with strenght 19 or more, anyone who sees the Imp outside its bottle is blinded for a day. The material component of this spell is a small bottle that shatters if the spell is not successful. [return to top]

[return to top] Smoke of Knowledge ((Divination, Invocation)) Level: 3 (Wizard) Range: 30 feet/level Components: S Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: The Caster Saving Throw: None Author: Santiago Perez This spell casts a green smoke that the caster must inhale for the spell to work . The caster must declare in his mind which function of the spell he wants to us e, the first function of the spell allows the wizard to know a random fact(chose

n by the DM)of a creature in the area of effect. The creature is allowed a savin g throw Vs spell to not let the caster know anything. This function of the spell only works on creatures of intelligence of 4 or more. The second function of th is spell allows the caster to acquire a random proficiency(chosen by the DM)for the duration of the spell. [return to top]

[return to top] Nightmare ((Illusion, Enchantment)) Level: 3 (Wizard) Range: 10 feet/level Components: V Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 rounds Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg. Author: Santiago Perez This spell gives the caster the power to create a terrifying nightmare and place it in the mind of a creature of 4 intelligence points or more. The nightmare sp ell can be cast when the subject creature is awake. Doing this slashes the night mare's duration by half. In addition to the nightmare, when the victim awakens f rom its nightmare, charisma and strength are slashed to half for the whole day. Note that whatever nightmare is put into the creature might affect the acts of t he victim the next day. The creature is allowed a saving throw but its made with a -3 penalty, and must be made the first time the creature sleeps(if cast to th e creature when awake). After the spell is cast on the subject or one round afte r the spell is cast(if the spell is cast while the subject is sleeping). Each tu rn that passes within the nightmare takes 1d4 hitpoints of damage to the subject . Lost hitpoints can be regained with normal rest. [return to top]

[return to top] Hide True Self ((Alteration, Evocation)) Level: 3 (Wizard) Range: 5 feet Components: V Duration: 1d4 hours + 1hour/2 levels Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None/Neg. Author: Santiago Perez For this spell the wizard can masquerade someone's (or his) personality and part of the person's alignment, spell doesn't allow the person affected to say or ac t in a certain manner that may allow other creatures to recognize the person's t rue alignment or personality. This spell improves spells that hide the shape of the affected person. If used with them the spell makes the affected person of bo th spells act like his taken shape although this spell does not change the perso nality and alignment traits of the person. It just makes him say certain things

instead of other things and act like the taken form's alignment (although he won 't do things against his real alignment). Creatures of intelligence 18 or more h ave a 25% chance of finding a small flaw in the person's behavior. Thus allowing a saving throw Vs spell, if the saving throw is successful, the creature finds the affected person's personality and alignment fake, if the saving throw is not successful the creature making the saving throw finds the affected person very puzzling.

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[return to top] Creature Fall ((Abjuration, Evocation)) Level: 4 (Wizard) Range: 30 feet/level Components: V Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Neg. Author: Santiago Perez By means of this spell the caster makes a creature fall taking 5d6 of damage not being able to stand up till the duration of the spell expires. The subject of t his spell is allowed a saving throw to prevent falling. In addition to the falli ng the creature gets a penalty of +7 to AC. By means of this spell the creature has to have at least 2 extremities, also creatures of 2 or less feet are not aff ected by this spell. [return to top]

[return to top] Black Arrow ((Abjuration)) Level: 5 (Wizard) Range: 100 feet Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 200 feet radius hemisphere Saving Throw: None Author: Santiago Perez For this spell the caster creates an arrow, which is indeed black, the arrow can be made to any specific size and to be used with heavy crossbows, bows, Large b ows and hand held crossbows. The arrow does the specific damage according to its size and shape, but if hurled at an evil creature it does 5d4points of damage a nd sets his upper body on fire. The fire does 1d10 of damage for every round the fire lasts, the duration of the fire is determined by the caster s level. For eve ry 4 levels of the caster 2 rounds are added. In addition the arrow starts an in visible hemisphere (the center as the target hit) and hurts all evil creatures i nside the hemisphere doing 1d4 of damage to all of them. If the arrow doesn't hi

t a target and instead hits the ground it creates a minor earthquake which does 1d8 of damage to all evil creatures. This spell is mostly used in huge battles. Note that the arrow can be kept, until it is used. The arrow, even if shot corre ctly at a good or neutral creature, it doesn't hurt them, and indeed the arrow i s wasted. The material components of this spell are a bit of sulfur and oil and a finely cut and polished stick of at least 1sp. [return to top]

[return to top] meteor monster () Level: 6 (Wizard) Range: Components: V, S, M Duration: Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Author: Your Name

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[return to top] Meteor Monster Spell ((Conjuration, Alteration)) Level: 6 (Wizard) Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 rounds Area of Effect: a group of boulders Saving Throw: None Author: Santiago Perez By means of this spell the caster can make a Meteor Monster out of ordinary boul ders. The caster draws a circle in the ground of powder and sulfur, then with he lp of strong men the wizard moves the boulders within the drawn circle. Then the wizard casts the spell, then the boulders float up shaping themselves into arms ,legs, torso, etc. Then these pieces unify themselves into one great body(the m eteor monster's height is always twice the height of the caster). The Meteor Mon ster is human-like with the exception that it doesn't have facial features like a nose and ears but it has a rock-like mouth and red like ruby eyes. The Meteor Monster is big and bulky it is never thin. The Meteor Monster has oversized fist s and a little oversized arms. The Meteor Monster is called a Meteor Monster bec ause its body is made out of stone, which irradiates a strong flame all over its body. The Meteor Monster has an intelligence of 10 a strength of 26 a dexterity of 8 a wisdom of 2 a constitution of 18 and a charisma of 4(Morale and other th ings about the monster chooses the caster). The flames of the Meteor Monster can not hurt the caster of the spell, his items and its familiar (if it has one) The Meteor Monster can communicate verbally with the caster. The Meteor Monster can try to perform whatever his caster asks and he will do it loyally. The Meteor M

onster has a magnificent AC of -5.The Meteor Monster has four main attacks its f irst one is its punch which delivers 1d10 damage. His Second one is his crush hu g delivering 2d10 damage. Another thing considering as an attack is his fire dam age any creature(except the caster and its familiar) coming ten feet near the Me teor Monster must roll saving throw Vs fire damage. If the saving throw is succe ssful the victim only takes half of 2d10 of fire damage. Last and not least of h is attacks is the fireball attack, the Meteor Monster can cast a fireball spell whenever he wants all the times he wants without any need of material components (note that the wizard directs the Meteor Monster). The Meteor Monster has a tha c0 of ten. The alignment of the Meteor Monster is the same as that of the caster . The caster can tell the Meteor Monster to sleep in the event that the flame ex tinguishes temporarily. In its sleep mode the Meteor Monster doesn t take any dama ge. The Meteor Monster has 10 hit points for every 2 level of the caster. The on ly ways to destroy the Meteor Monster is to totally destroy the caster's body, o r magically dispel him (there is only a 10% chance to magically dispel a Meteor Monster) Meteor Monsters can be magically dispelled by any character only once a day. Another way to kill a Meteor Monster is to kill it in battle in which even t it turns into a rock statue. Meteor Monsters can't use weapons. Meteor Monster s have only 1 non-weapon proficiency, which is fire building. The only things th at hurt a Meteor Monster are normal attacks or cold-based spells (the DM decides how much damage should the Meteor Monster take for cold based attacks usually i n the range of 3d10). The Meteor Monster will try to befriend the player charact ers other than the wizard who cast the spell. The Meteor Monster's ruby eyes onc e being Meteor Monster eyes cost 5000000GP(note that the Meteor Monster can only see in shades of red but it can detect evil and good). This spell can only be c ast once a week. The material components of this spell are powdered sulfur and p owder, boulders and two small rubies. [return to top]

[return to top] Bigfoot (Transformation/Mutation) Level: 1 (Wizard) Range: 1d4 ft + 1d4/lv Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d10 rounds Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: special Saving Throw: vs magic Author: Scot Bigfoot, made by the infamous Wheryn the Wacky (but NEVER to his face), causes t he affected persons' feet to grow to a length of 4 ft. all individuals afflicted can move only at 10% their normal rate of travel and suffer a -2 to their thAC0 . [return to top]

[return to top] Dark Riders (None) None Level: 0 (Wizard)

Range: 20' Components: V, S, M Duration: Casting Time: Time of use Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: None Author: Gavin, Monral, Lewis When the Caster uses this spell, a black aura appears in mid air opening to a po rtal and from it springs four riders who are cloaked in black robes, two carry s word, one a spear, and the final, a Scythe. They do 10d6x4 damage. Able to be bl ocked by a spiritual sheild and rolling constitution. No saving throw. [return to top]

[return to top] Heal all (none) none Level: 4 (Cleric) Range: contact Components: V, S, M Duration: Casting Time: time of use Area of Effect: 1d6 per/turn Saving Throw: none Author: LewisUser (cleric) uses "Heal All" to cure,cleanse,heal,or recharge MP. User touches the head of the injured and an unblockable beam of light comes down from the hea vens to the injured.It auto. cures,auto. cleanses, does 2d6 health, and/or +50% MP. [return to top]

[return to top] Dolar's Maddening Crystal Capture (Alteration\Evocation) none Level: 1 (Wizard) Range: 10yrds + 5yrds per level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantanous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5ft Rad per level Saving Throw: Save for 1\2 Author: Scott DeRung Crystal shards spew forth from casters hands that are positioned much in likenes s to "Burning Hands". Those creatures caught within the radius of affect are sub jected to 1d2 in damage per level (save for 1\2).Also all Sm to Md sized creatur es are frozen in their places due to the build up of shards within the area of a ffect unless a save vs petrifacation is successful. Those beings encased are mot ionless in movement but are aware of their surroundings, these victims cannot at

tack but also cannot be harmed further by edged weapons until the spell expires or until the victim succeeds in breaking free (1 chance per rnd of affect at a 2 to a strength check after the intitial rnd of capture). Those incased are stil l subject to spells of 3rd level or higher. Creatures of large size or larger are not affected by the capture aspect. The sp ell duration is 1d6 rnds + 1 rnd per level, after the spell ends the shards of c rystal fall to the ground in a fine dust that eerily swirls until it vanishes. The material components are a shard of Quartz worth 35 gld and a glass tube or s phere that are thrown to the ground during casting. Dolar first researched the spell in Westbridge in the year 1356 to much of his m entors dislike. The spell was designed for novice magi that wished to distinguis h themselves from others of their kind in their dislike of bloodshed. Dolar hims elf is a pacifist, never to this day has he let loose a fireball or lightning bo lt without using one of his signature spells to try to bring decency,virtue or c alm to a hostile situation first. [return to top]

[return to top] Naked (Alteration, Evocation) Level: 3 (Wizard) Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1-4 rounds + 1/3levels of caster Casting Time: 1segment Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Spell Author: Jesse When this spell is cast, all the victim's clothing and belongings, including wea pons and armor, dissappear for 1-4 rounds + 1 additional round per level of cast er. Any magic items the victim possesses get a saving throw verses spell with a +1 bonus. The items reappear at the end of the spell just as they were on the vi ctim. If the victim is dead, the items collect on the body. If the body is destr oyed, the items return at the last spot the body was intact. [return to top]

[return to top] Destroy Solar System (Evocation) Level: 2 (Wizard) Range: 1 Solar System Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 segments Area of Effect: 1 Solar System Saving Throw: none Author: Joh This spell causes the nearest sun to go supernova, destroying all planets rotati ng around the star. There is no saving throw. The material component for this sp ell is a sunflower seed and the wings off of 200,000 dragons

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[return to top] Gumpify (Reversible) (Enchant/Charm) Level: 5 (Wizard) Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 days/level Casting Time: 1 segment Area of Effect: 5' radius Saving Throw: None Author: When cast, any creatures caught within the area of effect are forced to quote fa mous lines from the movie "Forrest Gump" such as "Stupid is as stupid does" and "Life is like a box of chocolates.." . All creatures affected cannot attack or c ast spells, but oddly enough have a movement rate of 500". Anyone that comes int o contact with the effected creature must roll a saving throw versus charm or wi ll immediately think the the effected creature is the greatest person in the lan ds. Within 12-24 hours the effected creature will be invited to visit the neares t king for a reward for doing something valiant and will continue to be invited to that same kingdom every 1d4 days until the spell effects wear off. The reverse, Matrixify, grants all creatures within the area of effect the abili ty to perform amazing acrobatics and jump from castle to castle in a single boun d. (although they will always fail the first attempt) Effected creatures also ha ve a strange attraction to wearing black, will insist you call them by ridiculou s names such as Morph or Trinity and will frequently say "Whoa" for no apparent reason. Females effected will have very nice rear ends and will fall in love wit h the first person they see claiming they are "The One". Material components for Gumpify are a box of chocolates and a shard of wood off a shrimping boat Matrixify does not require material components, but it does require the spell ca ster to undergo a painful grueling process of studying dialects from such films as Point Break, Speed and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure [return to top]

[return to top] Dretch Morph (Alteration) Evocation Level: 5 (Wizard) Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level of caster

Casting Time: 1 segment Area of Effect: Creature Touched Saving Throw: none Author: Dan the Man With this spell, the caster can turn any intelligent creature into a Dretch-like form with a single touch. The affected creature's intelligence immediately drop s to 6 and charisma drops to 2 for the duration of the spell, effectively making him completely repulsive to be around. The affected creature will refer to ever yone he knows as "Biggun' " and will insist upon putting syrup on everything he eats. The unfortunate victim becomes extremely clumsy, loses 30% of his hair, ga ins 30 pounds in body weight, slowing his movement rate by half, and loses 70% o f his vision for the duration. If the affected creature has a sister, he will im mediately try to mate with her. The material components for this spell are a tea spoon of syrup and a pinch of pipe tobacco. [return to top]

[return to top] Nothing (Earth Spell) (0) 0 Level: 10+ (Wizard) Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 0 Casting Time: 24 Hours Area of Effect: 0 Saving Throw: 0 Author: Aurora Luna You will need 9 (Fall) Leaves and a Bowl or Cauldron. Crush them with your hand and say the number as you recite. 1 wishing my spell be done. 2 earth be still f or me. 3 I shall set you on fire, bring me my desire. 4 My desire shall be (say what it is you want to come to you or have)? 5 Thee knows the shadowy power. 6 I summon it quickly. 7 Crunch and crickle Abracabra. 8 Alackazam Bibidy Bobidty B OO! 9 So may my spell be quickly done! [return to top]

[return to top] Reality Shift (Alteration) Chronomancy Level: 3 (Wizard) Range: 10ft Components: V, S Duration: 3 rounds Casting Time: Instant Area of Effect: 3ft + 1ft per level Sphere Saving Throw: None Author: Vice Alexander Apon casting this spell the environment around the caster will beguin to shift a

nd bend to the casters will within the 3ft + 1ft per level sphere. Thus a 5th le vel mage could use this spell to change the enviroment around him/her to allow h im passage through a wall, door, ect. [return to top]


[return to top] Eros's Ricocheting Sphere (Evocation) Level: 3 (Wizard) Range: Special Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: One creature/round Saving Throw: Special Author: Isaac Childress This spell creates a small glowing sphere of energy that damages creatures it to uches. The sphere does 1d6 damage for each round of casting time. The caster pla ces his hands in a sphere shape with fingers spread wide and their tips almost t ouching those of the other hand. Then the caster rotates each hand in the opposi te direction as far as possible and then repeats in the other direction. A glowi ng red ball of energy appears in between the caster's hands. The ball does 1d6 d amage if released in that round. If the caster continues to rotate their hands a

nd speak the verbal components, it adds another 1d6 damage and changes color eac h round to a maximimum of 10 rounds. The colors change as follows. First Round: Red, Second Round: Yellow, Third Round: Orange, Fourth Round: Green, Fifth Round : Blue, Sixth Round: Purple, Seventh Round: Fluoresent Red, Eighth Round: Fluore sent Yellow, Ninth Round: Fluoresent Orange, and on the Tenth Round: Fluoresent Green. When released from the hands the caster must make an attack roll to hit t he first target. If the target is within 30 ft. the roll is made with a +3 bonus . Whether or not the sphere hits it's target, it continues at the same speed (10 0yds/round) and direction until it hits stone, metal (not armor), dirt, wood, or any other wall, floor, or roof surface as determined by the DM. It then ricoche ts off this surface in the appropiate direction. Each round after the sphere was released, the colors fade backwards through the list and each one does 1d6 less damage. Targets on the course of it's new direction must save vs. spell or be h it by the sphere. The sphere diffuses after as many rounds as was spent casting it. This spell is very useful for clearing out rooms by casting the spell for th e maximum 10 rounds, opening the door, releasing it into the room, and promptly closing the door. [return to top]

[return to top] Brain Haunt (none) Level: 0 (Wizard) Range: 20 feet Components: V, S, M Duration: eternity ( or until death) Casting Time: instant Area of Effect: 20 feet Saving Throw: no effect Author: Jim Robertson This is a purely interesting spell. When the wizard casts the spell, he or she will enter the victim's mind. The caster will not have a physical appearance. The caster can then give suggestions, insults, or an ything to the victim. If the victim has no knowledge of the spell, he or she may react differently and many possible things may happen. The spell ends when the victim dies or another wizard casts a dispell magic spell on the victim. Either way, the caster will not be harmed. [return to top]

[return to top] fire magic missile () Level: 9 (Wizard) Range: Components: V, S, M Duration: Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw:

Author: Your Name

[return to top] Test (egal) Level: 8 (Wizard) Range: Components: V, S, M Duration: Casting Time: Area of Effect: Saving Throw: Author: Test This spell is based on the 'dispel magic' and the 'wildshield' spells. If the wizard notes that his enemy is preparing a spell, the wizard can try to c ast this spell. For this, both need to roll initiative. If the caster of this sp ell is at least equally fast as the opponent, the spell can be successfully used . For this, roll a d20. If the result is higher than 8 minus the caster's level plus the opponent's level, the enemy's spell is dispelled in an agressive way: t he enemy takes 1d8 points of damage per level of the spell he was just casting. Thus, if a 16th-lvl wizard uses counterspell to block an attack by a 5th-Level s pell cast by a 12th-lvl wizard, a roll of (8-16+12=)4 will suffice to cause 5d8 points of damage to the opponent and will also block the spell. If the initiative roll is slower, the spell may still have the effect decribed a bove, as long as it is not an instanteous damage. However, in the case of an are a of effect spell the original caster will not take any damage; only the spell w ill be dispelled. [return to top] Inferno blast () Level: 5 (Wizard) Range: 60' Components: V, S, M Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: strait ahead Saving Throw: non Author: Jacob

[return to top] Acidball (Invocation/Evocation) Level: 4 (Wizard) Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 20-foot radius Saving Throw: Special

Author: Cihan This spell is identical to fireball except that it inflicts acid damage instead of fire. A cerature failed it's saving throw takes full damage (1d6 per caster's level, up to 12d6) and suffers 1d4+1 extra damage per round up to 3d4 rounds un less it is cleaned from the creature's body (cleaning acid takes at least 1 full round). If the saving throw is successful, the creature takes half damage and a voids the extra effect of the spell, 1d4+1 damage for 3d4 rounds. The material components are a pinch of sand and a drop of acid. [return to top] Pain Mirror (Abjuration, Necromancy) Level: 8 (Wizard) Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds + 1round/level Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None Author: Cihan After the casting of the spell, anyone that inflicts damage upon the caster take s back the same damage it inflicted; psychical or magical. If someone hits the c aster and causes x points of damage, he takes x points of damage at the same tim e. If the damage is continual, the spell continues to reflect damage, too (for e xample if the mage is strucked by a poisonous blade and takes damage from poison every round, user of the blade takes damage, too). This reflection effect conti nues until the end of the spell duration, death of the mage or the recipient is killed. The material components are a small part from a broken mirror and a drop of the caster's blood. [return to top] the dead () Level: 0 (Wizard) Range: Components: V, S, M Duration: Casting Time: midnight Area of Effect: my house address 19631 west lake drive miami florida/ Saving Throw: Author: daniel mencia

[return to top] Papa Chins fan of charm (enchantment/charm) Level: 3 (Wizard) Range: 120 yrds Components: S, M Duration: special Casting Time: 3

Area of Effect: 1 person chosen by caster Saving Throw: negates Author: rel This is an improved version of the charm person spell, it functions in exactly t he same manner except there are no verbal componets but the material componet is a small wind fan that has been covered in charming symbols so the waving of the fan makes up for the verbal componets. Papa Chin is a powerful underworld Wu Jen and found that casting a spell in a me eting with underground figures would cost him his life but cooling his face woul d not :-) [return to top]

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