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Getting started!!

Welcome to Retail excel Point of Sale application, Retail excel POS function helps the retailer
of different segments to operate their check out counters efficiently.

This operations guide will help you in knowing the features of Retail excel POS and
how to use the different functions of the POS system.

Please do not press any key, use only mouse Brown Square refers to features highlighted Click on the Red Squres Buttons to proceed next
click. Screen.
Click on OK Button to Login
RXL POS Management
More Features in
₪ Billing

• Price change with a hot key

₪ Cash Management • Display of Style Description on
the fly
• Void Item
• Blind Counter Handover
• Item wise and Invoice wise
₪ Session Management •
Salesman Tracking
Stock check required in Billing
• 40 and 80 column Printing
• Customizable Tender
• Day Management
• Refund Preferences
Cash Management

≡ Tender Declaration • Declaring Total amount Collected

≡ Tender Audit • Audit Tender Declared

≡ Sales Audit • Audit Collection vs Declared value


≡ Cash Bill for Merchandise Sale

≡ Credit Bill for Merchandise Sale
≡ Gift Voucher Sale In the forth coming Screens

≡ Layaway Sale
please click on the Red square
To proceed further.

≡ Layaway into itemized bill

≡ Bill Refund
≡ Bill Cancellation
Click on Counter to
Open menu
Click on Billing to
POS Bill
Click on NEW to create a
New bill
Click on item code to scan
The item
Click on Tender Details
to close the bill
Click on accept to generate
Click on OK to view the Bill
Click on Return to go to
Click on NEW to create a
New Credit bill
Click on Save to Close the
Credit Bill
Click on OK to generate bill
Click on Return to go back
to Billing Menu
Click on NEW to create a
New Gift Voucher Sales
Click on Tender Details to
Close Bill
Click on Accept to generate
Click on OK to generate
Print out
Click on Return to go to
Billing Screen
Click on NEW to create a
New bill
Click on Tender details to
Close the bill
Click on Accept to generate
Click on OK to preview
Layaway bill
Click on Return to go to
Billing screen
Click on Counter to
Open menu
Click on Bill Refund /
Click on reference bill no
To select the Invoiced bill
Click on tender details to
Select Refund type
Click on accept to generate
Credit Note
Click on OK to preview
Credit note
Click on Return to go to
Click on reference bill no
Click on SAVE to update
Cancelled details
Click on OK to preview
Credit Bill
Click on Return to go to
Billing menu
Click on Layaway refresh to
Select the layaway bill
Click on select focused Bill
No & Return
Click on Tender details to
Close the bill
Click on Accept to generate
Click on OK to preview
Layaway Item Bill
Click on Return to go to
Click on Counter to open
Click on Tender Declaration
Click on New to enter
Tender Details
Click on Declared Value to
Enter details
Click on save to declare
Click on OK to close the
Click to open Session Menu
Click to open Tender Audit
Click on Show Button to
View the tender audit details
Click on Close button to go
Back to Cash Management
Click on Counter to open
Counter Menu
Click on Sales Audit
Click on Cashier ID to view
Sales Audit Details
Click on Close to go to
Cash Management Screen
Click on Session to Open
Session Menu
Click on Session Open and
Close to Open Counters
Click on Arrow button to add
Available counters
Click on Confirm Selection
To add Cashiers & Tenders
Click on Save to save the
Added counters
Click on OK to go to
Session Management

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