7th Grade Guidelines

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Mathematics 7th Grade - Team Aquarius

Dear parents and students, I am very excited about having the opportunity to be your math teacher this year. By the end of the year, I hope you will come to love math as much as I do! We will be doing many fun activities both in groups and individually. Please refer to the Team Aquarius packet for the teams rules, rewards, and consequences. The following items are my expectations for the school year. Math Work 1. You will have assignments Monday thru Friday. All homework must be completed and in class at the beginning of the class period the day it is due in order to receive full credit (this excludes absences); otherwise you will receive zero for the assignment. You will be given the opportunity to receive credit by turning the assignment in the following day. 2. All assignments must have your first and last names, number, class period, and date in the top right hand corner. Then, your assignment title (if needed) will go on the center of the top line. 3. You will be given several days notice to prepare for a benchmark. In the event of a failed benchmark, you may have the opportunity to improve your score by correcting it within a given amount of time for up to a 75%. 4. Looking at notes, anyone elses paper, or talking during a test or quiz will result in a zero for that assessment. 5. You should keep all assignments and assessments in your math binder. This binder is our math book for each unit and makes a great tool for studying and reviewing for tests. 6. When you earn a 100% on a test or quiz, you will be given a Free Homework Pass. The homework pass can be used for a homework assignment or can be turned in at the end of the quarter for extra credit

Supplies 1. Everyday you need to come to class prepared to learn with a pencil, a TI30XIIS calculator, red, blue, or black pen, math binder, homework, and your student agenda. 2. You may NOT do any assignment, quiz, or test in pen; however you will need a pen to grade homework assignments. Grading System Benchmark Tests 40% Quizzes/Graded Classwork 30% Homework 15% Warm- ups/Effort 15% Please feel free to contact me if I can answer any questions. This is going to be an exciting year in math!

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