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Chapter 11 Questions

Multiple Choice 1. Frederick Douglass argued that: a. slaves were truer to the principles of the Declaration of Independence than were most white Americans. b. the United States should adopt a gradual emancipation plan that would eliminate slavery within forty years. c. free blacks would be better off if they moved to Liberia, where a colony of former American slaves had been founded. d. blacks should not serve in the U.S. army during the Civil War because of the racial discrimination they faced. e. free African Americans should let down their buckets where they were and accept inequality, at least for a period of time. ANS: A 2. The U.S. slave population by 1860 was approximately: a. 1 million. b. 2 million. c. 3 million. d. 4 million. e. 5 million. ANS: D 3. Which of the following was NOT true of the South and slavery in nineteenth-century America? a. The Old South had developed into the largest and most powerful slave society the modern world has known. b. The rate of natural increase in the slave population had more than made up for the ban on the international slave trade that was enacted in 1808. c. In the South as a whole, slaves made up only 10 percent of the population. d. The amount of money invested in or represented by slavery in the United States exceeded that of the nations factories, banks, and railroads combined. e. The Industrial Revolution promoted slavery because it required intensive production of cotton. ANS: C

4. In the nineteenth century, what product was the worlds major crop produced by slave labor? a. tobacco b. indigo c. sorghum d. cotton e. rice ANS: D 5. Approximately how much of the worlds cotton supply came from the southern United States? a. 90 percent b. 75 percent c. 50 percent d. 33 percent e. 25 percent ANS: B 6. The internal slave trade in the United States involved the movement of hundreds of thousands of enslaved persons from: a. older states like Virginia to the Lower South. b. Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi to Kentucky, Virginia, and Maryland. c. the West Indies to the Mississippi River Valley. d. the Lower South to the Upper South. e. the lower Mississippi River Valley to the upper Mississippi River Valley. ANS: A 7. What economic effect did southern slavery have on the North? a. It was minimal, which explains why northerners opposed slavery. b. Many northerners profited from investing in real-estate partnerships that controlled southern plantations. c. A few New York shipping companies benefited from slavery, but the institution had little effect otherwise. d. Southern slavery helped finance industrialization and internal improvements in the North. e. Southern slavery drained resources from the North and helped keep the whole nation in a depression during the 1850s. ANS: D 8. The term Lords of the Loom refers to: a. early New England factory owners. b. preachers who wove heart-wrenching stories of slave suffering into their sermons. c. planters who established textile operations on their plantations. d. master artisans who produced cloth in the South.

e. an influential 1840s novel about slavery. ANS: A 9. Which of the following is a true statement relative to the Upper South and the Deep South? a. Committed to slavery, all states in both the Upper South and Deep South seceded from the Union. b. The Upper South was less economically diversified than the Deep South. c. Several Upper South states did not join the Confederacy at the time of the Civil War. d. Neither the Upper South nor the Deep South had major industrial centers. e. Richmond, Virginia, is considered to be the heart of the Deep South. ANS: C 10. Which of the following was NOT true of the South and its economy in the period from 1800 to 1860? a. Southern cities, like New Orleans and Baltimore, lay mainly on the periphery of the South. b. The South produced nearly two-fifths of the nations manufactured goods, especially cotton textiles. c. Slavery helped to discourage the immigration of white workers to the South, with notable exceptions such as New Orleans. d. Slavery proved very profitable for most slave owners. e. Southern banks existed mainly to finance plantations. ANS: B 11. In 1860, what percentage of southern white families were in the slaveowning class? a. 10 percent b. 25 percent c. 40 percent d. 55 percent e. 75 percent ANS: B 12. Southern farmers in the backcountry: a. generally worked the land using family labor. b. were all directly involved in the market economy from the start of the nineteenth century. c. owned a substantial number of slaves. d. were highly self-sufficient but still bought most of their supplies from stores. e. were fortunate that their land was far better for farming than that owned by planters. ANS: A

13. The relationship between rich southern planters and poor southern farmers: a. led to numerous violent uprisings in the southern hill country. b. was complicated by the strong antislavery movement among poor farmers in the 1850s. c. was strained by planters insistence that farmers participate in the slave patrols. d. showed itself in politics, as most poor farmers became Whigs and most wealthy planters became Democrats. e. benefited in part from a sense of unity bred by criticism from outsiders. ANS: E 14. Andrew Johnson of Tennessee and Joseph Brown of Georgia rose to political power: a. because of their membership in and identification with the planter class. b. in the 1850s, as members of the small but influential southern Republican Party. c. as self-proclaimed spokesmen of the common man against the great planters. d. as proponents of gradual emancipation plans in order to destroy the slavocracy. e. after gaining popularity for creating public education systems in their states. ANS: C 15. In 1850, a majority of southern slaveholders owned how many slaves? a. 1 to 5 b. 6 to 10 c. 15 to 20 d. 25 to 30 e. at least 35 ANS: A 16. To qualify as a member of the planter class, a person had to be engaged in southern agriculture and: a. own at least ten slaves. b. grow specifically cotton or sugar cane. c. own at least twenty slaves. d. live in a large mansion. e. own at least fifty slaves. ANS: C 17. From 1840 to 1860, the price of a prime field hand: a. rose about 80 percent, which made it harder for southern whites to enter the slaveholding class. b. rose less than 10 percent, which kept the size of the planter class about

the same. c. declined about 15 percent as the supply of slaves in the internal slave trade increased. d. became so inexpensive that the slaveholding class grew to include nearly two-thirds of southern whites. e. declined because labor-intensive agricultural work became less popular in the South. ANS: A 18. What event is credited with helping to ingrain the paternalist ethos more deeply into the lives of southern slaveholders? a. Nat Turners Rebellion b. the nullification crisis c. the development of domestic ideology d. the closing of the African slave trade e. the secession crisis ANS: D 19. In the South, the paternalist ethos: a. reflected the hierarchical society in which the planter took responsibility for the lives of those around him. b. declined after the War of 1812, as southern society became more centered on market relations rather than on personal relations. c. suffered because southern slaveholders lived among their slaves, so that the groups constant exposure to each other made southern slavery more openly violent than elsewhere. d. brought southern society closer to northern ideals. e. encouraged southern women to become more active and better educated so that they could help their husbands in their paternal roles. ANS: A 20. What did the Reverend Charles C. Jones of Georgia NOT do? a. help improve slave housing b. help discourage severe punishments for slaves c. urge an end to slavery d. organize religious instruction of slaves e. help improve slave medical care ANS: C 21. By the late 1830s, the Souths proslavery argument: a. rested on the premise that slavery was a necessary evil. b. was based entirely on secular evidence. c. had not yet been accepted by major southern political figures. d. claimed that slavery was essential to human economic and cultural progress. e. was roundly criticized by southern newspaper editors, ministers, and

academics. ANS: D 22. Who said that the language in the Declaration of Independencethat all men were created equal and entitled to libertywas the most false and dangerous of all political errors? a. James Madison b. James G. Birney c. John C. Calhoun d. Denmark Vesey e. Solomon Northup ANS: C 23. The end of slavery in most Latin American nations: a. resulted from violent slave revolts that rocked Latin America from 1822 to 1855. b. involved gradual emancipation accompanied by recognition of owners legal rights to slave property. c. was inspired by the emancipation of slaves that occurred as a result of the American Civil War. d. followed a pattern very different from that established in the northern United States. e. did not happen until the United States made emancipation an aim of the Spanish-American War. ANS: B 24. Defenders of American slavery claimed that British emancipation in the 1830s had been a failure because: a. many newly freed slaves moved to West Africa where they became reenslaved later. b. of the violence it spawned in the West Indies during the 1840s. c. many of those freed had moved to the United States where they could obtain only menial jobs. d. the freed slaves grew less sugar cane, which hurt the economy of the Caribbean. e. the freed slaves could not take care of themselves and many begged their ex-masters to support them. ANS: D 25. John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh: a. agreed that slavery was not a necessary evil but something actually positive and good. b. fought a famous duel that demonstrated the southern commitment to the idea of defending ones honor. c. competed for power in Andrew Jacksons administration. d. were known as two of the most vicious slaveholders, who regularly

whipped their slaves. e. agreed on the need for slavery but disagreed as to whether it actually was beneficial to society. ANS: A 26. Which of the following statements about slavery and the law is true? a. Because slaves were property, a master could kill any of his slaves for any reason. b. Slaves were legally permitted to possess guns if guns were necessary for their work (tasks such as scaring birds away from rice fields, for example). c. Laws specifically provided for a slave to be taught to read and write if the master so chose. d. A slave could, with permission from his or her master, testify against a white person in court. e. Slaves accused of serious crimes were entitled to their day in court, although they faced all-white judges and juries. ANS: E 27. Celia was: a. the pen name of Floride Calhoun, who secretly criticized her husband Johns views on slavery. b. a slave tried for killing her master while resisting a sexual assault. c. the name used to signify a southern plantation mistress in writings about the institution. d. a slave who became famous for helping other slaves escape via the Underground Railroad. e. a character in Uncle Toms Cabin. ANS: B 28. Why did southern slaves live in better conditions by the mid-nineteenth century than those in the Caribbean and South America? a. They did not; slaves led vastly healthier lives in regions other than the American South. b. Southern Protestant churches encouraged better treatment of southern slaves than the Roman Catholic Church did with slaves in the Caribbean and South America. c. The rising value of slaves made it profitable for slaveowners to take better care of them. d. Laws in the South were far more protective of slaves than were laws concerning slaves elsewhere. e. Southern slaves had a greater likelihood of becoming free than did other New World slaves. ANS: C 29. In an 1840 letter written from Canada, fugitive slave Joseph Taper asked for divine blessings upon:

a. the writer Harriet Beecher Stowe. b. his former master. c. President Martin Van Buren. d. abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison. e. Queen Victoria. ANS: E 30. Bennet Barrows advice to slaveowners on slave discipline (based on rules for slaves at his Highland Plantation in Louisiana) included all of the following EXCEPT: a. Allow slaves to grow some of their own food to cut down on costs. b. Prohibit any slave to marry someone from another plantation. c. Make a slave as comfortable as possible at home. d. Consider all of a slaves time to belong to the master. e. Never allow a man, meaning a white man, to talk to one of your slaves. ANS: A 31. Free blacks in the South were allowed to: a. own property. b. be bought and sold. c. carry a firearm. d. testify in court. e. vote. ANS: A 32. What was the name of the vibrant community of former slaves freed by Virginian Richard Randolph? a. Sea Island b. Mount Vernon c. Israel Hill d. Shermans Land e. Promised Land ANS: C 33. Free blacks in the United States: a. had the same rights as whites in the North but faced far more restrictions on their freedom in the South. b. tended to live in rural areas if they lived in the Lower South. c. sometimes became wealthy enough to own slaves. d. made up nearly one-third of the African-American population in the South. e. could testify in court and vote in most states, but could carry firearms only with the approval of the local sheriff. ANS: C 34. All of the following statements are true of the work done by southern slaves

EXCEPT: a. by 1860, some 200,000 worked in factories. b. slaves sometimes were allowed to supervise other laborers, including white workers. c. masters rented out slaves to do a variety of jobs. d. the federal government used slaves to build forts and other public buildings in the South. e. slaves worked exclusively as agricultural field hands and house servants. ANS: E 35. On the plantation, the white employee in charge of ensuring a profitable crop for the plantation master was called the: a. journeyman. b. slave driver. c. chain gang. d. overseer. e. deputy master. ANS: D 36. Task labor: a. got its name for tasking the abilities of slaves; it was very difficult, complicated work. b. was an acronym for Take All Southerners Knives, a secret organization of slaves planning an insurrection. c. always was controlled by an overseer. d. allowed slaves to take on daily jobs, set their own pace, and work on their own when they were done. e. was the most common form of slave labor organization in the South. ANS: D 37. Urban slaves: a. most often were domestic servants. b. was a term coined by southerners to describe northern factory workers. c. had less autonomy than plantation slaves because there were more authorities to watch them. d. could work on their own and always kept the majority of their earnings. e. increasingly replaced skilled white laborers as the Civil War approached. ANS: A 38. The plantation masters had many means to maintain order among their slaves. According to the text, what was the most powerful weapon the plantation masters had? a. requiring slaves to attend church b. the threat of sale c. exploiting the divisions among slaves d. withholding food

e. denying a marriage between two slaves ANS: B 39. Slave families: a. were rare because there were too few female slaves. b. were more common in the West Indies, where living conditions favored their formation and survival. c. were headed by women more frequently than were white families. d. usually were able to stay together because most slaveowners were paternalistic. e. avoided naming children for family members because children so often were sold, and it was better not to build strong kinship ties. ANS: C 40. Jumping over a broomstick was a ceremony celebrating: a. a fugitive slave arriving in a free state. b. a slave marriage. c. the birth of a slave baby. d. surviving the Middle Passage. e. a slaves promotion from field hand to domestic servant. ANS: B 41. Gender roles under slavery: a. were the same as those that existed in white society. b. differed from those of white society because men and women alike suffered a sense of powerlessness. c. greatly differed from those of whites when slaves were able to work on their own; the men took on more womens work and vice versa. d. meant that slave husbands refused to let their wives work in the fields. e. were unaffected by the ability of masters to take advantage of female slaves sexually. ANS: B 42. Slave religion: a. was based entirely on what slaves learned and heard from white ministers. b. existed without approval from masters, who thought that letting slaves learn about religion might weaken their control. c. benefited from masters assigning a member of each slave quarters to serve as a slave chaplain. d. combined African traditions and Christian beliefs. e. died out by the early 1820s because of strong opposition from whites. ANS: D 43. Which of the following statements about religious life among AfricanAmericans in southern cities is true?

a. Blacks usually worshipped in churches where they sat side-by-side with whites. b. Urban free blacks sometimes formed their own churches. c. African-Americans, free and slave, were banned from religious services. d. Free blacks could worship publicly, but slaves were not permitted to do so. e. The formation of the Afro-Catholic Church in 1844 was a major development in black Christianity. ANS: B 44. Which of the following stories did NOT play a central role in black Christianity? a. Moses and the exodus from Egypt b. Noah and the ark c. David and Goliath d. Jonah and the whale e. Daniel and the lions den ANS: B 45. The Brer Rabbit stories of slave folklore: a. celebrated how the weak could outsmart the more powerful. b. borrowed heavily from English folktales but did add some African elements. c. formed the basis of Uncle Toms Cabin. d. introduced the character Paul Bunyan to American culture. e. were largely unknown until the making of a series of animated films in the twentieth century. ANS: A 46. Compared to slave revolts in Brazil and in the West Indies, slave revolts in the United States were: a. larger in scale but less frequent. b. smaller in scale but more frequent. c. larger in scale and more frequent. d. smaller in scale and less frequent. e. bloodier and more successful. ANS: D 47. Silent sabotage can be defined as when slaves: a. ran away. b. did poor work and broke tools. c. learned how to read and write. d. secretly met to worship. e. named their children after kin. ANS: B

48. Fugitive slaves: a. generally understood that the North Star led to freedom. b. were more likely to be women than men, because they were trying to escape sexual assault. c. succeeded in escaping more frequently from the Deep South because they had access to ships leaving ports like New Orleans and Charleston. d. benefited from the refusal of non-slaveowners to participate in patrols that looked for fugitives. e. who escaped to Canada were routinely returned to slavery by the British authorities. ANS: A 49. Historians estimate that approximately ____________ slaves per year escaped to the North or Canada. a. 500 b. 1,000 c. 2,000 d. 5,000 e. 10,000 ANS: B 50. Harriet Tubman: a. was a mythical character about whom runaway slaves told many stories. b. led a slave rebellion in Maryland in 1849 that resulted in two dozen deaths. c. although born free in New York, was kidnapped and made a slave in Louisiana. d. cleverly escaped from slavery by pretending to be a sickly male slaveowner. e. was a fugitive slave who risked her life many times to bring others out of slavery. ANS: E 51. Denmark Veseys conspiracy: a. reflected a combination of American and African influences. b. took place in 1831 and was a success. c. reflected the belief of the conspirators that the Bible endorsed slavery. d. was discovered, but Vesey escaped North to freedom. e. resulted in over twenty deaths of white men, women, and children. ANS: A 52. Joseph Cinqu led a slave rebellion: a. that nearly captured a fort in Charleston, South Carolina. b. aboard the Amistad. c. that inspired the gag rule. d. in southern Virginia.

e. that established the Republic of Haiti. ANS: B 53. Which statement about Nat Turners Rebellion is true? a. Turner and his followers assaulted mostly men. b. Fewer than twenty whites were killed during the rebellion. c. Turner escaped capture. d. Many southern whites were in a panic after the rebellion. e. It occurred in Georgia. ANS: D

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