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Stage Set Induction (5 minutes)

Instructional Activity
1. T shows Ss a picture of cats and dogs. 2. T asks what it means. 3. T later mentions the word idioms to students 3. 2. 1.

Learning Activity
Two students respond and do as told Students are expected to comment Students listen to teachers explanation

Teaching Aid

Development 1 (30 Minutes)

1. T later tells Ss the meaning of idioms and tells that idioms are normally asked in section C of paper 1 in PMR. 2. After that, T exposes more idioms to Ss. 3. Later T asks Ss to form a group of 6. 4. T distributes handouts to Ss. 5. That handout contains more weird pictures containing idioms. 6. T asks Ss to study the pictures. 7. T asks Ss to guess the meaning. 1. Students listen to T 2. Students form groups 3. Students study handouts

Development 2

1. Once done, T later proceeds to another guessing game. 2. T pastes a list of idioms on the board. 3. T distributes handouts containing the meaning of the idioms. 4. T asks Ss to guess the meaning of the idioms by raising their hands and shouting out loud the answer. 5. T group that won will get prize. 1. T then recaps the lesson by asking

1. Students participate in the game

1. Students listen to teacher

Conclusion (2 minutes)

Ss questions. 2. T gives Ss handouts for exercise.

Self-evaluation: Supervisors Comments:

Idioms are words that don't mean exactly how they read. For example: It is raining cats and dogs. Cats and dogs are not REALLY falling from the sky. The expression means that it is raining really hard.

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