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Statement of Informed Beliefs Emma Van Diest Instructor: Dr. Evin Fox EDUC 204: Families, Communities, and Culture Spring 2013


Statement of Informed Beliefs Introduction As a future teacher I believe that every single part of teaching is just as important as any other part. Teachers help to shape the learning of their students, and the way that a teachers shape their learners is a crucial part in their students success. Teachers guide their students through the learning process, socialization, and can be a person of refuge. Teachers should be able to leave a lasting impression on their students that are nothing but encouraging. Students Ability to Learn A students ability to learn can set the stage for a childs future academic career. A large part of a students ability is contributed by the teacher, the teachers ability to accurately convey their curriculum to their students, is key in aiding in the students ability to learn. When teachers create connections with their students, one way or another it aids the students ability to learn because they gain respect for their teachers and want to hear what they have to say. Routines are also highly important when it comes to conducting a classroom because it helps the teacher manage the classroom because the student know exactly what they are to do and what is expected of them. On the other hand, the teachers that dont conduct their classroom in this way easily lose control and even the students interest in the curriculum. A childs openness to learning is imparative to their ability to learn. A student being open to learning aids in the absorption of knowledge and information. When students have a genuine interest in the material it opens up their mind to anything you can throw their way. If a teacher can create an interest in a child they have the best tool a teacher could have, nothing promotes learning more than simple interest in a subject.


Teachers Expectations Expectations are the most important thing to have as a teacher. Having expectations builds a set of standards for students to meet, and when you emphasize these expectations it is very hard for the students to fail. When reachable standards are set the students will rise to meet those standards, majority without fail. Teachers expect their students to grasp the concepts that are presented to them. The teacher may take different approaches to help their students reach this expectation of understanding. Though expecting too much out of a student, for instance if the curriculum is was out of their zone of proximal development it could discourage them to a point to where they dont want to try or participate. Lack of participation on the students part due to discouragement can be highly frustrating for the teacher and student. The attitude of the class as a whole could also change, causing negative behavior and poor participation. Students Social Ecology Theory Teachers must be prepared to teach children from every demographic and know how to handle any situation that presents itself. Depending on where a teacher is teaching they will have to teach many different ethnicities. Also many teachers will have children in their classes that come from a rough or broken home. They must prepare themselves for any situation whether it is having a student from a divorced home, foster care, a home where substance abuse are present, single parent home, or from a non English speaking home. As a teacher you will spend just as much or more time with your students as their parents do, so a teacher can become a safe haven for a student coming from a broken home. These kids most likely dont have stability at home or have even had the proper socialization, and they will rely on the teacher to fix those issues.


Some of these children lack the basic necessities of life for many a reason, some because they come from a low income family due to economic issues or parents out of work. Some children who are in the social services are lucky to even have a roof over their heads. Cultural Diversity Instructions It is highly important for teachers to inform their students on the importance of cultural knowledge. This knowledge will encourage acceptance and understanding of other students within the class, this can give the students a sense of cultural pluralism. Building tolerance and acceptance within the classroom will avoid prejudice and unite them under a common ground, and create a kind of community of your classroom. Becoming a community builds a healthy and successful learning environment. As a teacher you will tend to encounter a variety of ethnicities in their classrooms, there may even be an instance where a teacher has refuge children in their classroom. I believe when children like this enter your classroom that you should educate yourself and the rest of the class about the refuges traditions and values. You must educate the class in a way that does not embarrass the student but instead makes him/her comfortable with the rest of the class. A teacher could also educate his/her students before the refuge student comes to class so their students would be prepared for the new student. Curriculum for All Learners Curriculum is important for all teachers, because without curriculum a teacher simply has nothing to teach to their students. While building a curriculum a teacher must keep all of their students in mind, for every class there is a variety of learning styles and a variety of abilities and disabilities. Even when a teacher builds a curriculum they cannot be afraid to adjust things to


better fit the abilities of the students. Adjustments are bound to occur because nothing in the classroom is predictable, anything can happen. Teachers encounter all types of learning styles and abilities. A teacher will have many encounters with students with special needs, some who are able to be a complete part of the class and some that will need a PARA or a PSR worker to be by their side to help them academically and socially. Also a teacher will have to find a middle ground with the curriculum so that everyone can follow the lessons, most importantly if inclusion is present in the classroom. Vygotsky created a term called scaffolding, and scaffolding refers the support given to a child early in their learning process. Scaffolding breaks concepts down into bits and pieces so that the student can more easily grasp the concepts at hand. Scaffolding is something that can benefit every student because of the way it helps to focus on small bits which creates a better understanding. Cultural assimilation is an important part of education. I believe that it is important for people to become a part of a community, with that I believe that it is important for non-English speaking students to learn English in schools so they can become active in the class in which they are assigned. Im not saying this in a prejudiced way Im all for preserving a persons culture but Im also an advocate for English to be the primary language of the school. Without communication learning cannot occur so I believe it is important to be able to communicate effectively between the teacher and the student. Though I also think its important for teachers to be somewhat bilingual to be able to communicate with the non-English speaking students until they are able to effectively to communicate with their other classmates. Conclusion


There are so many things that go into the act of teaching, and actually being a successful teacher. Making connections with your students and setting expectations, drives student to strive and succeed in their academic career. Building a community in your classroom that brings your students together builds a healthy and safe learning environment for your students to strive in. For in the end the students success is what you are truly striving for, why not make it an enjoyable experience for you as a teacher and the wonderful students?


REFERENCES Parsons. , Hinson, , & Sardo-Brown, (2001). Educational psychology. Cengage Learning. Roberta M. Berns, (2013). Child, Family, School, Community. 9th ed.: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

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