WR Je Courtroom Vol2

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Looking for a fight? Visit SPCNAT FIGHT CLUB.

We provide the LARGEST ARENA on spcnat, the most expensive popcorn, the craziest spectators, the most realistic blood, and the highest exposure. All at a discount RIGHT NOW! COME FIGHT! You will not want to leave until you die ... or go broke. => Sorry, the courtroom is quite broke and we rely on cheap advertisements to survive. Poor Justice! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 01:17 PM: Case 006: The case of the Patty Guy

quote: Originally posted by Han Solomon Excerpt: Han Solomon representing Eeeyore against Mike Lau contending that Mike intended sexual harassment against my client. Evidence: Mike Lau - Pats eeeyore back Eeeyore- You may be right, Han, he patted me twice today. We humbly request the judge to rule in our favor and prohibit Mike Lau from displaying such behavior, and as a punishment, fine him $$$. Judge Expression choked on her Ha Gau (Editors note: a type of Chinese dim sum). Shocking! Most shocking! I'd like to think it is a misunderstanding. What does the defendant have to say? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 07-30-1009 01:24 PM: Judge E... OK... there are some members (I guess really, really weird.. ) who is doing personal attack.. and jeez... I guess they love me so much?? I will not sue them for that though.. So this is just an OT... Move along and Han Solomon's case isn't settled .. is it?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 01:58 PM: *Judge Expression puts on her glasses* (gotta look professional ): Hmm...The Ha Gau, Umm...I mean, the thing with patting as an offense is that, I think it only applies to human beings. So if Mr. Liu was patting, or thought he was patting a cute donkey with a ribbon on its tail, it probably cannot be categorized as harassment...


Eeeyores avatar: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 02:05 PM: Case 006 continued: The case of the Patty Guy ...A further complication is that we are not even sure if Mr. Liu is a guy. Looks more like a car to me (not a Lamborghini though ). Proof: Mike Laus avatar: (Editor's note: Mike Liu used to have a car as his avatar, which has changed since then to... something inappropriate for posting. ) Are you people challenging Judge Exp's sight power or what? You all know I'm too poor to buy a pair of new glasses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 04:08 PM: *Mike Lau pats Han Solomon on the back* *Hand reaches lower* *Grabs Han Solomon's a$$* "Wow there's hardly any meat down there!" (Editor's note: Seems like his posts are equally inappropriate... which is probably what makes them so interesting. ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 07-30-1009 04:17 PM: Are you interested in guys Mike Lau? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Han Solomon on 07-30-1009 04:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mike Lau *Mike Lau pats Han Solomon on the back* *Hand reaches lower* *Grabs Han Solomon's a$$* "Wow there's hardly any meat down there!" My dear, THAT qualifies as harassment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 04:29 PM:

Case 006: The case of the Patty Guy Sir, I beg you to curb your hidden fire of passion Sir! Although we do agree that Han's a real hot guy Sir!!

quote: Warning: Flirtation and profanity is strictly prohibited. Of course, the court rules only apply to the court and not private messages Sir. Judge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 04:38 PM: woah ... I got a lawyer... ex doctor-turn-lawyer.. yai!!! so is Han Solomon hot ? and represent me.. that's even better!!! feel like that movie Chicago... (except for the immoral part ) so just because I'm a donkey people can touch me whenever they fell like it? I OBJECT, your highness I'm also a living creature and that mikey... car thing try to take advantage of me because I can not defend my self... good thing I have a good loving lawyer... .. concern about my well-being.. please consider my reasons your highness Judge E. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 04:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by Han Solomon My dear, THAT qualifies as harassment. And you Sir, how did you manage to laugh when you are the victim Sir? In awe... Judge Exp continues to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by goddessofvalour on 07-30-1009 04:42 PM: Oh, there is a courtroom in spcnat!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 04:55 PM: Yes Miss goddess, as you can see, Judge Expression is quite busy trying to keep the court in order since the unleashing of passion of a most incredible kind... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Editors notes: A doc-lawyer, an intriguing mister, a donkey, a Goddess, and one confused Judge E, and cooked up in one courtroom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by goddessofvalour on 07-30-1009 05:02 PM: Hehe, I've never been called Miss Goddess before I can indeed see how busy you are honorable Judge Expressions!!!! So far you are still in case 6 right? Hehe, there should be a thread on Lawyers offering help!!! I want to be a lawyer!!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:07 PM: Well we speak in formal language in the courtroom Miss. Wow, another lawyer-to-be? We have an army of lawyers here! Even the ex-docs-scientists-whatever are all switching to law!! Lots of competition. Must work hard...

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by Yan Are you interested in guys Mike Lau? Han Solomon is a guy? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Han Solomon My dear, THAT qualifies as harassment. You know you like it - Quote stolen from a certain spcnat member -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by eeeyore woah ... I got a lawyer... ex doctor-turn-lawyer.. yai!!! so is Han Solomon hot ? and represent me.. that's even better!!! feel like that movie Chicago... (except for the immoral part ) so just because I'm a donkey people can touch me whenever they fell like it? I OBJECT, your highness I'm also a living creature and that mikey... car thing try to take advantage of me because I can not defend my self... good thing I have a good loving lawyer... .. concern about my well-being.. Petting donkeys is Mike's favorite past-time other than choking chickens... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by goddessofvalour on 07-30-1009 05:16 PM: Must remember to speak formally. (Goddess adjusts her voice to make her seem more mature) Could I please get a list of all the lawyers already and would any of you like to take this lawyer under their wing to teach? Hehe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mike Lau Han Solomon is a guy?

Isn't he??? Another complication? Excuse me but I'm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:21 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mike Lau You know you like it - Quote stolen from a certain spcnat member Sir I think you better check on the copyright first. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 07-30-1009 05:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by eeeyore woah ... I got a lawyer... ex doctor-turn-lawyer.. yai!!! so is Han Solomon hot ? and represent me.. that's even better!!! feel like that movie Chicago... (except for the immoral part ) so just because I'm a donkey people can touch me whenever they fell like it? I OBJECT, your highness I'm also a living creature and that mikey... car tHing try to take advantage of me because I can not defend my self... good thing I have a good loving lawyer... .. concerned about my well-being..

Lol, I detect a very happy donkey (btw, can I be the person that draws the court sessions?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mike Lau Petting donkeys is Mike's favorite past-time other than choking chickens... Sir I think the Prevent-Animal-abuse societies are a more troublesome bunch than the village court. A typical phrase may be: "If the donkey thinks it's not OK, then it's torture!!!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:28 PM:

Most accurate portrayal Mr. MYE!! Unfortunately you won't get paid for the drawings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by lavender dorange on 07-30-1009 05:30 PM: My dear expression, When spcnat and I get married, would I own half of this forum then? Or does that only happen when the divorce is finalized? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 05:31 PM: Is MYE the court drawer .. you know when there's a heavy case and no pics allow to take so has to be draw.. MYE the person.. woah you capture my best side didn't you? I look dashing there... Han Solomon IS a guy! he's my knight-in-shinning-armor... my hero!!! Mike stay away from my back or I stomp you out!!!! or should I said stomp your precious car... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 05:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by lavender dorange My dear expression, When spcnat and I get married, would I own half of this forum then? Or does that only happen when the divorce is finalized? Lavender and SC .... haven't meet yet, dunno real name, different city, SC ignore Lavender, not gonna date, not gonna married.. hm... no divorce... you dreaming Lavender!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by lavender dorange on 07-30-1009 05:34 PM: Oh yeah, forgot to ask something .............. my dear expression, is it ok with you if I give eeeyore a friendly petting? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:35 PM: Miss goddess, the "Servants of the law of Spcnat" I know of: Jenny - real ex-lawyer Han Solomon - ex-doc-turned-lawyer Yun FeiMang - real corporate lawyer Spirit-of-valor - real law student Lavender dorange - lawyer-to-be MYE - ex-lawyer-turned-court artist Pipi le Pew - the skunky hunky lawyer Judge Expression - ex-scientist-turned-judge

Names not listed in priority or any particular order. Judge Exp not responsible for the truthfulness of the listing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 05:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by lavender dorange Oh yeah, forgot to ask something .............. my dear expression, is it ok with you if I give eeeyore a friendly petting? no profanity and flirting !!! Your highness, sentence Lavender for 50 times beating with rottan! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Pipi Le Pew on 07-30-1009 05:38 PM: Lavender, do you know that a donkey can only kick below the belt? Watch your ...

knee -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 05:41 PM: besides I'm only telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.. and for lavender the truth is hurt!!! ouch!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:43 PM: Case 006 verdict: The case of the Patty Guy *panting* Good business!!! OK, case by case. I hereby pronounce Han Solomon as the New Hottest Guy on Spcnat, for winning the unstoppable affection of the, umm...unique Mr. Mike Lau and a cute donkey Miss Eeeyore. Sorry no prizes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 05:46 PM: Your highness Judge E, is this mean the patty guy case turn into a fight over Han Solomon? gosh! How come... Well, is hard for me not to resist Han, he's as cute as Harrison Ford (without the aging)... hm.. since there is no prize, what about the verdict for Mike patted me? will he get punish... if not, there's no justice in this world, what else a girl can do? ... crying lah!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by expression Isn't he??? Another complication? Excuse me but I'm Ah... another mystery of life. Han Solomon may just be Miss Universe in disguise...

NOT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:47 PM: Case 007: The case of somebody's fantasy quote: Originally posted by lavender dorange My dear expression, When spcnat and I get married, would I own half of this forum then? Or does that only happen when the divorce is finalized? Sir, what the public is more interested and concerned is whether Spcnat will own half of your Bush & Saddam gallery (50% pics autographed) if you really got married. And for that matter could you please tell us exactly many pics you own so that we can have an assessment? I am the defender of public interest Sir. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by expression Sir I think you better check on the copyright first. Already being sued by the RIAA so what do I care? I'll gladly steal your quotes too oh honorable judge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by MYE Lol, I detect a very happy donkey (btw, can I be the person that draws the court sessions?) Another regular Picasso

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by expression Sir I think the Prevent-Animal-abuse societies are a more troublesome bunch than the village court. A typical phrase may be: "If the donkey thinks it's not OK, then it's torture!!!" Hehe looks like someone needs to brush up on their slang... (Editors notes: Yes, English is obviously not my first language, so I have lapses Mike doesn't abuse, he only lubs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Dwilight on 07-30-1009 05:50 PM: Humn....such classic acts and characters we've got online LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by lavender dorange Oh yeah, forgot to ask something .............. my dear expression, is it ok with you if I give eeeyore a friendly petting? Mike Lau hereby gives full petting permission to Lavender. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:52 PM: I hereby pronounce Han Solomon as the New Hottest Guy on Spcnat, for winning the unstoppable affection of the, umm...unique Mr. Mike Lau and a cute donkey Miss Eeeyore. Err... petting him/her/it doesn't mean I'm in lub. It just means I'm bored. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Pipi Le Pew on 07-30-1009 05:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dwilight Humn....such classic acts and characters we've got online LOL Oh no ... it's gonna be another case of nasty divorce for Judge E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by eeeyore Mike stay away from my back or I stomp you out!!!! or should I said stomp your precious car... Go ahead, ain't mine anyways. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 05:54 PM:

Missing in this courtroom is the big fat policeman named Bubba. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:54 PM: Case 006 revisited: The case of the Patty Guy quote: Originally posted by eeeyore Your highness Judge E, is this mean the patty guy case turn into a fight over Han Solomon? gosh! How come... Well, is hard for me not to resist Han, he's as cute as Harrison Ford (without the aging)... hm.. since there is no prize, what about the verdict for Mike patted me? will he get punish... if not, there's no justice in this world, what else a girl can do? ... crying lah! Sorry, I'm so sorry my dear Eeeyore. The punishment for Mr. Liu will be losing the fine Han Solomon forever to Eeeyore. Imagine the torture!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!! Judge Exp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 05:58 PM: yai!!! great news... Han Solomon is mine and mine only!!! he'll be my legal representative in this court... (Editor's note: Evidently, Dr. Han's been a ladies' man all along... )

** got a feeling Han may not going to be happy when he's back ** anyway... crying always work... I even make the judge cried he,he,he... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 05:59 PM: And Miss Eeeyore, don't you think it's fair for Sir Orange to pet/pat you for comfort after you broke his heart and pierced his bubble with the cruel truth?? Come my dear, have sympathy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 06:00 PM: What if I told you Han Solomon IS Mike Lau? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Editor's note: !! Apparently alternate identities have been fashionable all along too... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 06:03 PM: Then I'd personally and privately advise Miss Eeeyore to leave him to himself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 06:03 PM: judge E: Am I reading it wrong... Lavender want to pet me not pat me and it's a totally different action! anyway.. the truth always hurt.. beside I don't think Lavender want to know the truth, he believes what he believes... Mikey: Han Solomon speak Malay/Indonesia, and you on the other hand speak non indo/malay, so no way you are Han Solomon! (Editor's note: I didn't know that Han speaks Malay/Indonesian! ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-30-1009 06:06 PM: A cute trilingual donkey!! I'd like to pet it too. *dreams of making tons of money* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 06:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by eeeyore judge E: Am I reading it wrong... Lavender want to pet me not pat me and it's a totally different action! anyway.. the truth always hurt.. beside I don't think Lavender want to know the truth, he believes what he believes... Mikey: Han Solomon speak Malay/Indonesia, and you on the other hand speak non indo/malay, so no way you are Han Solomon! Yo Wutang BOTAK saya lapar! Bagi duit dong! See, what a beautiful sentence. I mean, the spelling and grammar are perfect and all! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 06:09 PM: Petting that donkey ain't gonna get you tons of money. All you gonna get is a kick in the.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Dwilight on 07-30-1009 06:10 PM: In need of a therapist on hand by any chance, in your court your honour? (knowing that could potentially be pricy?) LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-30-1009 06:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by expression A cute trilingual donkey!! I'd like to pet it too. *dreams of making tons of money* What is this? Malay/Indo are similar... and not you Judge E, you supposed to be fair and righteous!!!!

** ahem.. did I spam your thread? bu hao yi shi.. ** (Editor's note: Er, there's no such thing as spamming in Judge E's Courtroom, only attention-sucking! ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-30-1009 06:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dwilight In need of a therapist on hand by any chance, in your court your honour? (knowing that could potentially be pricy?) LOL The court room is the wrong place to seek a therapist. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by lavender dorange on 07-30-1009 06:22 PM: My dear expression, Would this thread be filled with as much spams, nonsense and bs like the various "ask lavender anything" threads? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Editor's note: My dear Sir Orange, Judge E's Courtroom was as popular as your Ask Anything threads, but with one key difference: Judge E never say spam; she values every post like gem! No poster passes by without due attention! That is the key to her popularity and success! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 07-30-1009 06:48 PM: Your Honor Judge E, Proposition/Recommendation 1128: - In order to invoke fear into opponents subliminally let us attire our lawyers in jet black jackboots. - Let there be assigned a prosecutor, someone with immense respect, and power that will carry out the verdict of your honour (I recommend you enlist the aid of one called 'Glidingfox2002', the ever loyal watchdog to guard the court session from going fubared). - Approve the use of 'softening up' tactics before the witness is called to the stand. - In order to make expenses meet, and pay for our many lawyers, I suggest a fee pretty soon. Especially relating to the Han Solomon/Yan case. Signed,

Anonymous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Han Solomon on 07-31-1009 12:18 AM: Re: Re: Case 006 revisited: The case of the Patty Guy quote: Originally posted by Mike Lau What if I told you Han Solomon IS Mike Lau? AM NOT. (Editor's note: WOW, how very stern and manly, Dr. H! ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Han Solomon on 07-31-1009 12:24 AM: Your Honor Judge E, (wow, so cute got initials; like i'm Han S or H-Solo, I refuse to be called Han Solomon in this court, that's my slaver name). I hereby tender my resignation as a certified lawyer in this court. Having a 0-2 record in two consecutive cases is not awe-inspiring. But I'm ready to un-retire (ala Mike), should someone hire me to sue Lavender, Issue an order of restraint for Mike Lau, defend Yan for stealing Ganyu's car, sign Someguy's divorce etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by the blur one on 07-31-1009 12:31 AM: blur pushes a makeshift bar trolley filled with all kinds of alcohol into Judge E's courtroom. *room looks on in silence* oops, sorry, I think I took a wrong turn somewhere... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Han Solomon on 07-31-1009 12:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by lavender dorange My dear expression, Would this thread be filled with as much spams, nonsense and bs like the various "ask levendis anything" threads? Do you mean we spam your thread? That is ridicukulus sir. (Editors notes: No editing here. I'm sure that's how Dr. H meant to spell it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-31-1009 01:04 AM: )

quote: Originally posted by Han Solomon But I'm ready to un-retire (ala Mike), should someone hire me to sue Lavender, Issue an order of restraint for Mike Lau, defend Yan for stealing Ganyu's car, sign Someguy's divorce etc. How about sue yourself for stealing a copyrighted name like "Han Solomon"? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-31-1009 03:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Han Solomon Your Honor Judge E, (wow, so cute got initials; like i'm Han S or H-Solo, I refuse to be called Han Solomon in this court, that's my slaver name). I hereby tender my resignation as a certified lawyer in this court. Having a 0-2 record in two consecutive cases is not awe-inspiring. But I'm ready to un-retire (ala Mike), should someone hire me to sue Levendis, Issue an order of restraint for Mike Lau, defend Yan for stealing Ganyru's car, sign Someguy's divorce etc. Han, why quit? c'mon you my counsellor! (Editor: Oh no! Dr. H made little Eeeyore cry!! ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 07-31-1009 03:55 AM: Mr Blur, Would you please be so kind as to offer the gracious Miss. Eeeyore a hearty drink of some alcoholic beverage (preferably one of blurs exquisite cocktails) to still her nerves after losing her man-friend Mr. H. Solo Esquire? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by pocket on 07-31-1009 05:48 AM: Eh...help? I couldn't find the ask Lavender anything thread but I am sure Expression will do just fine. My entire load of laundry was discoloured. Would my white business shirts go back to white if I bleach them? Eh...help? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Honey on 07-31-1009 10:27 AM: Pocket-sama! what you do! ai yah! what a baka! whites should only wash with whites not hot pick ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 10:38 AM: Miss Dwilight, we have no money to hire a pricey therapist. Would you mind doing it for free? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 10:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by lavender dorange My dear expression, Would this thread be filled with as much spams, nonsense and bs like the various "ask lavender anything" threads? Quality spamming Sir! Quality is the key. The village court is an excellent breeding ground for stylish quality spamsters. We advocate the tri-standard of: legal - no profanity entertaining - tears-provoking ambiguous - lots of nonsense that kinda make sense I'm actually still a senior spamster trainee myself. I hope to upgrade to Spammaster soon. (Editor's note: Of course, as you all know, Judge E has since then become a renowned Scienterrific Spammaster revered by many, though she still maintained her virtue of humility. ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 11:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by pocket Eh...help? I couldn't find the ask Lavender anything thread but I am sure Expression will do just fine. My entire load of laundry was discoloured. Would my white business shirts go back to white if I bleach them? Eh...help? I'm jumping to this legally-unrelated case because I see an urgent need. Well Mr. P, I hope you've kept your shirts soaked in clean water, because that will increase the chance of getting the colour off. Of course you can try bleaching it. An alternative/add on is hand wash with baking soda. (Man, I sound like a granny ) If you're seeking an orange-style advice, I'd say you can buy 5L of orange juice (home-style, no pulp), consume 1 L to calm yourself (add ice if necessary), and use the 4L to dye all your shirts orange. I can teach you how to tie-dye for patterns, but that comes at a modest fee. I understand this is a most stressful event. May I inform you that we do have an on-call pretty (keyword) therapist Miss Dwilight. Also should you wish to sue your washing machine, the village law office is at your service. The above is written and signed by: Granny Judge Expression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Jenny on 07-31-1009 11:08 AM: Would just like to point out to Judge E that the law office doesn't handle cases where the defendant is an object. All clothes-related questions should be directed in a PM to Mr Lavender. PS to Judge E: You are not supposed to be a spamster! At least not declare it publicly

(Editor's note: Jenny used to be a Moderator for Spcnat.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 11:13 AM: Thank you Jenny. What can I do without you? Mr. P, and although Judge Exp's advice is free, Miss Jenny's legal advice do come with a charge. $10 please. We also accept food coupons from Yan & Moogles. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 07-31-1009 11:33 AM: Memorandum to the desk of Judge E, The amount of cases since the grand opening, have so far have been encouraging. However, would your honor like to give us your updated opinions of the current situation of all cases thus far? And also the respected lawyers dealing with the clients involved in the cases.... Anonymous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Editor: Enough intellectual reading at one go? Aye, the courtroom is for the Aspiring Brilliant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 01:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by Han Solomon I hereby tender my resignation as a certified lawyer in this court. Having a 0-2 record in two consecutive cases is not awe-inspiring. But I'm ready to un-retire (ala Mike), should someone hire me to sue Lavender, Issue an order of restraint for Mike Lau, defend Yan for stealing Ganyu's car, sign Someguy's divorce etc. Well Sir! I really see no reason to feel disheartened. Come, in the Solo Deliverer's case neither you nor Y&M won. Judge Exp did. And in the Patty Guy's case Eeeyore did win and Mr. Liu duly punished. You are still our valued Executive Orange Basher Sir! Of course if you are too busy with your current research on cardiovascular pharmacology, the village court respect and support the pursuit of science. But when a big case comes along, we would certainly seek your legal advice. I also suggest you continue tending to the wellbeing of Miss Eeeyore, whose rights you have so righteously defended. And you are most welcome to continue suing people/animals/objects here. Sincerely, Judge Exp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 01:57 PM:

And Mr. Blur, are those drinks free? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-31-1009 02:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by expression Well Sir! I really see no reason to feel disheartened. Come, in the Solo Deliverer's case neither you nor Y&M won. Judge Exp did. And in the Patty Guy's case Eeeyore did win and Mr. Liu duly punished. Wow all this reading is making me dizzzzzzzzy... So what was my punishment again? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 02:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by MYE - In order to invoke fear into opponets subliminally let us attire our lawyers in jet black jackboots... ... - In order to make expenses meet, and pay for our many lawyers, I suggest a fee pretty soon. Mr. MYE, would you kindly act as our accountant, benefits-lobbyist, and costume-designer? For free of course?

quote: - Let there be assigned a prosecuter, someone with immense respect, and power that will carry out the verdict of your honour (I recommend you enlist the aid of one called 'Glidingfox2002', the ever loyal watchdog to guard the court session from going fubared). - Approve the use of 'softening up' tactics before the witness is called to the stand. Suggestion agreed and accepted. Let me introduce also my faithful partners: Miss Freaky Lips and Chief Executioner Express

The above is written and signed by: Judge Expression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 02:08 PM: Your punishment, Mr. Liu, include losing the hottest guy on Spcnat H-Solo to Eeeyore and reading all these wordy posts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 07-31-1009 02:49 PM: quote: Originally posted by expression Your punishment, Mr. Liu, include losing the hottest guy on Spcnat H-Solo to Eeeyore and reading all these wordy posts. How many times I gotta say it?

I AM NOT GAY!!!!!!! Think I'm gonna go postal soon. *grabs judge expression's behind in protest* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 03:11 PM: Sorry Sir. This court is not meant to cause frustration. So the punishment for Mr. Lau is that he has to be "punished" by a "punishment" he doesn't even consider a punishment...also to read all this jargon... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by pocket on 07-31-1009 03:12 PM: Thanks for the suggestions. My poor shirts. (Editor: Aww, what a polite gentleman!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 07-31-1009 03:16 PM: So Mr. Pocket, you didn't manage to rescue any of your poor shirts? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by pocket on 07-31-1009 03:21 PM: Nope. Like Honey said, I am a real baka (fool). shoot. But thank you anyway. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 07-31-1009 03:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mike Lau How many times I gotta say it? I AM NOT GAY!!!!!!! Reminds me of that teacher in South park who kept denying...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 07-31-1009 03:30 PM: I have to read this thread first thing in the morning when my head still fresh... after lunch these jargons and formals will be too much for me... Well, thanks MYE, very kind of you to offer me a drink... hm, I rarely drink alcohol.. so what's special today (is this a court or a bar?) anyway.. juga give me cappuccino to start with cause it's to early in here for alcohol drink... (btw, MYE nice avatar, very artful )

thanks for those who express their sympathy on me losing one good counsellor Mr. H. Well, Mikey we both lost then... Suggestion Mr. P(ocket), buy a new white shirt sir, than try not to wash it together with your colour shirt... normally bleach will help but just in case it doesn't work. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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