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Posted by Thorn on 08-07-1009 03:51 PM: Case: Thorn vs MYE Presiding: Judge E Complainant: Thorn Defendant: MYE Damages

sought: $150,000 I wish to introduce exhibit 1, above post made by defendant MYE. Within the post was an attachment that depicted the complainant Thorn in a very undignified manner. Thorn was portrayed as an under nourished individual akin to a homeless. Thorn was also depicted with a mean look. Thorn wishes to bring to the court's attention that THORN is the Thunder God, a very well respected superhero. The depiction of Thorn in the picture is in very bad taste and affects the image of Thorn. Further the defendant attempted to market the drawing for his own financial gain. This is done without prior permission from Thorn. My claim for damages is a total of $150,000, for damage to my image and part from profit from sale. I also ask the court to restrain MYE from further sale of the drawing which is really Thorn's property. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-07-1009 03:51 PM: And I also pronounce Mr. MYE a master in courtroom art, and the village court is pleased to endorse his signature. Judge Exp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-07-1009 03:56 PM: Case 009: The Case of Thorn's Thunder Thorn's filing a complaint on my employee! *Runs away to ponder* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Dwilight on 08-07-1009 03:59 PM: LOL, holy-smoke...Sir Mighty Thorn is filling a case against MYE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-07-1009 04:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by expression And I also pronounce Mr. MYE a master in courtroom art, and the village court is pleased to endorse his signature. Your Honour Judge Expression, You are probably aware of the case going before you "Thorn vs MYE" AS the presiding Judge of that case, your action to endorse MYE is a conflict in interest. I ask that you set aside the proceedings and have a new judge appointed to hear this case.

Thank you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 08-07-1009 04:04 PM: Woohooo... something is going on here... Yan might write the report of SPC... I can be a news reporter of SPC daily! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-07-1009 04:15 PM: Letter from the desk of MYE... Dear Mr. Thorn the Thunder God, I find that your basis for lawsuit against myself is unwarranted and grossly misjudged. For reasons that I will list below 1: As court artist I do not seek to gain financially from my 'art'. My job as far as I can determine, is to portray as fairly as possible the cases in contest - and indeed during the case in question, the portrayal at that time was correct. Also at no point in time have I stated that my 'art' is avaliable for for sale or anything to that effect - therefore I have nothing to gain from these pieces of 'art'. 2: Thorn, as presented in the piece of art titled 'Complex' is presented in as faithful to that instant in time as possible. May I point out that he is given a manly looking hat and a very nice looking hammer to compensate for the size of the other figures, which I may add... is a result of the perspective at the time of drawing. 3: Thorn's image was not considered during the depiction. I have not deliberately sought to damage, or ruin his image. I was indeed only performing my job, which, I stress again, is to present things as accurately as possible AT THAT TIME. I hope you will dearly reconsider your claims, as thunder without lightning is, quite harmless. Signed 'The rather unhonorable co-commissioner' MYE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-07-1009 04:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dwilight LOL, holy-smoke...Sir Mighty Thorn is filling a case against MYE

Aye, lawsuit indeed Btw, I need a therapist - say, how about meeting me for some therapy over dinner at Yan & Moogle's later tonight Miss. Dwilight? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-07-1009 05:02 PM: Dear Mr MYE,

With reference to your above letter which is undated: I acknowledge your explanation and attempt to settle this dispute out of court. I wish to bring to your attention that there are two thiings that is synonomous with Thorn, His mighty Hammer and his Mighty Member. Without the accuracy of those two items in the drawing, Thorn is not Thorn, and his image is seriously damaged. While you attempted to highlight the mighty hammer, you have failed in your drawing to show Thorn's mighty member. For my client to withdraw all proceedings, you must: 1. Edit your original drawing to include Thorn's mighty member. 2. You must publicly acknowledge your error, and post an public apology to my client Thorn. These demands are not negotiatable. If within 72 hours, we do not receive a written acknowlegement confirming your acceptance of our terms, we deem that you have no interest to settle, and we will proceed with further filings. Please govern yourself according. Thorn Sr. representing Thorn. Thorn Thorn and partners -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by lavender dorange on 08-07-1009 05:22 PM: My dear expression, Did Nietzsche's philosophy arise from his lack of success with women? Also, can I declare a "no-flight" zone over my house? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Dwilight on 08-07-1009 05:30 PM: *Rubs her chin* .... That would be quite alright with me Mr MYE. Just make sure you won't be late upon picking me up Um, dinner is on you right? Afterall, I am giving you a free session as well as being a "friend" since flirting is not allow due to the fact the both of us are being employed under the same boss. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-07-1009 05:40 PM: Miss Dwilight, May I suggest that you not accept the invitation from MYE. Cuz after I finished him off in Court, the only free time he will have would be behind bars with the guys. Better that you go out to dinner with me. Good for your career and well being. Would you consider Thorn btw, I will fly you to wherever you wish. I am the Thunder God --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posted by MYE on 08-07-1009 05:50 PM: Dear Thorn Sr. I have received your undated letter concerning the dispute over representation of Thorn the Thunder God, and have duly noted the options now offered to me. In light of this however, I will still stand by my judgment that your claims are indeed ungrounded and misjudged - for reasons as listed in my previous correspondence. I will now proceed to address your claim as pressed by your client, Thorn. 1. Concerning Representation of Thorn's Member and Hammer: Thorn's image outside of the court, does not concern me as I only present what I see in court. I have represented 'Thorn's Hammer' as true as possible and without any ill will to Thorn during the time that the trial was proceeding. The non-representation of 'Thorn's Mighty Member' can only be attributed to two things; 'Thorn's Mighty Member' was either: A) not present at the proceedings or, B) Thorn does not have a 'Mighty Member'. The Mighty Member may be synonymous to Thorn's name, but if they are not there - how can I represent it if there was indeed, nothing to represent? 2: Concerning Re-editing 'Complex' Unfortunately I feel this matter is impossible to comply to. The picture was draw whilst the court proceedings were underway and depicted the events as they were going. To re-edit the picture for sake of mis-representation is like reediting all the statements for inconsistancies and correctness. 3: Concerning my apology This is highly unlikely Mr. Thorn Sr. since the whole claim against me has been rather ungrounded, as I have so far, only been performing my role as court 'artist'. If Thorn still believes I have wronged and misrepresented him in light of the heavy arguments against. I will offer this concession in order to settle this matter once and for all: 1: I will offer to draw Mr. Thorn however he wishes to be represented at the current time, for absolutely no charge. I hope you will acknowledge and understand your current standing and govern yourself accordingly too. Signed and Dated 1:47, August 8th, 1009 MYE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-07-1009 06:05 PM: Lol, Miss Dwilight, ma cherie. I will pick you up tonight right on time - say 8pm?

Forget about that uncouth viking muscleguy, we'll go and have a nice candlelit dinner with good food, great wine, and beautifully sensual lighting at Yan & Moogles As for his lawsuit, bah, it is nothing but jealousy and envy at the affluence of my artistic skills I think nothing of it at all. And concerning Thorn's magnificent flying abilities, what use is that, if he can't make you really fly? (j/k) MYE. (Sorry to spam the thread your honor Judge E/F ) )

(Editors note: Aw Civil eloquence is exactly what were asking for! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by lavender dorange on 08-07-1009 06:23 PM: My dear expression,

What's the deal with Schroedinger and his cat? Could he be sued for cruelty against animal, theoretically? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by eeeyore on 08-07-1009 06:27 PM: STOP PRESS!!!! Congratulation to Honey, Lavender and Goddess... check to the Technical Issue page (became mods) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Dwilight on 08-07-1009 07:31 PM: Sir Mighty Thorn, Your friendly nature and thoughts are quite humble. But I do question your intensions whether it is to appoint someone in here or are you showcasing your "charms" and win this supposedly case btw you and MYE that you've put on? I believe MYE's court drawings are solely sketches and "images" that could pertain during the cases within the court duty, which I find quite validated. Perhaps you misinterpreted his drawing and taking it quite a bit personal rather than what it is. Why don't you reconsiderate and be a bit more modest and accumulate both sides circumstances? Afterall, I am the court therapist. If you do need to release your esteem, it'll be my honor to assist you. Lastly, I'm sorry to inform you that I'm declining your invitation and your generosity suggestions(which I am quite flattered). I've already accepted MYE's invitation quite ahead. Mr MYE, 8pm is a perfect time. I'll see you at Yan & Moogles. Um, your setting seems a bit...romantic & sweet ***Sorry your honor, no intentions to spam your thread as well as OT's **** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posted by Mike Lau on 08-07-1009 08:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by MYE Wowow, a new court case! lemme, see How about 'Thorn's Hammer' as the casename? See Pic Take my advice, don't quit your dayjob! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 08-07-1009 08:43 PM: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too....


words.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-07-1009 11:07 PM: Dear Mr MYE, By a copy of this letter, I wish to advise you of my client, Thorn's decision to withdraw all proceedings and actions that we had filed earlier against you I also wish to acknowledge acceptance of your offer to produce another drawing of my client at no charge. We ask at this juncture that when you do the new drawing, that you will emphasize the features are most identifiable with my client, i.e. his mighty hammer and his mighty member. Thank you Thorn Sr acting for Thorn the Thunder God. Thorn Thorn and Partners -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-07-1009 11:29 PM: Private and Confidential To Thorn the Thunder God, From Thorn Sr. Re: Your case against MYE.

I wish to take this opportunity to update you on the status of the case and offer our evaluation of the probability of success should we proceed forward. Our initial strategy is a 3 prong attack on MYE. 1. File for damages. This has some success as MYE has made a counter offer to settle out of court. 2. Our private investigation showed MYE interest in a Miss Dwilight. We attempted to distract MYE by trying to interfere in the relationship was unsuccessful. 3. Our attempt to infliterate the court system through Miss Dwilight was also unsuccessful. Based on our assessment, we have less than a 20% chance of being successful if we were to continue our proceedings. We recommend that you settle with Mr MYE. Please advise us of your decision as soon as possible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-07-1009 11:47 PM: Should the current case be moved to Academia?

Must upgrade myself... *runs away to ponder more* (Editors note: The forum actually had an Academia section that housed serious intellectual discussion) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Jenny on 08-07-1009 11:50 PM: Thorn, you must be very bored. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-07-1009 11:54 PM: Your Honour Judge E, We regret to inform you that "Private and Confidential" correspondence between the client and counsel were sent to the court in error. Kindly disregard contents. Thank you Thorn Sr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-07-1009 11:57 PM: Hi Jenny, I am bored to death. How do you like the plot that is unwinding? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Jenny on 08-08-1009 12:11 AM:

I didn't read through all of it. Suffice it to say that I'm glad I'm not embroiled in the case. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-08-1009 09:50 AM: Dear Mr Thorn Sr. Thank you for your kind understanding and the acceptance of the offer to settle this matter outside the courtroom. Here, as agreed, is an original picture of your client - Thorn, the Thunder God, drawn and signed by me, MYE.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-08-1009 09:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by expression Should the current case be moved to Academia?

Must upgrade myself... *runs away to ponder more* Which of your selves are you upgrading? E or F? Oh well, must keep myself sharp in case anyone else tries to sue me.... *Meditates on a lotus leaf* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-08-1009 10:19 AM:

quote: Originally posted by MYE ...(Sorry to spam the thread your honor Judge E/F )

Aye Mr. MYE, being a member of the law office you have every right to fill in your duties in my absence. And Sir Thorn, Judge Exp don't consider flamboyant writing spamming.

Now if you gentlemen will excuse me I have to run way again to ponder some more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-08-1009 01:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by lavender dorange My dear expression, Did Nietzsche's philosophy arise from his lack of success with women? Also, can I declare a "no-flight" zone over my house? My dear Sir, Do not be disheartened. You are still young and have lots of time to make up for your past failures. Also I wish to point out that Nietzsche is a widely misunderstood philosopher and his work The Gay Science had been grossly misinterpreted and twisted. As Alexandre Dumas wrote: You are young, your bitter recollections have time to change themselves into sweet remembrances. ************ Of course you can declare a no-flight zone in your house Sir. The fact is, probably nobody cares oh dear, dont start crying. Here, Jie Jie Expression will give you a bunch of oranges. The kind-hearted Judge Exp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 08-08-1009 02:21 PM: Hehe "no fly" zone. Easy. Just have him leave his pants in the closet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-08-1009 03:23 PM: Sir Orange shows off his quantum mechanics quote: Originally posted by lavender dorange My dear expression, What's the deal with Schroedinger and his cat? Could he be sue for cruelty against animal, theoretically? Erwin Schroedinger's Cat (1935):

I am more concerned, dear Sir, about what would happen if a rotten orange is place inside the box instead. Will it decay faster than the radioactive material? For those who have no clue what we are talking about (like me Academia. Professor Expression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-13-1009 05:48 PM: Memorandom no#41 dated 14/08/03 Most Honorable Judge E, We have big problems... the world is at peace. Since the unfortunate reformations of Michael Lau, the following things have happened: - There is no world hunger. - The axis of evil no longer exist. All weapons of mass destruction are destroyed. - Children, and women can walk around at night time down the darkest alleyways unafraid. - Male prisoners no longer have to be scared about dropping the soap. - In fact, there is no more crime, no more anger, no more resentment or anything resembling hatred/malice towards another human being anywhere around the world. - Mankind now has a cure for cancer, aids, ebola. All viruses and illnesses known to man and animal are now cured. - Socialism works. - Everyone is..... happy. This morning on arrival to the office, I found this tacked to my monitor screen: ), please go to the Spcnet Learning Centre in

Needless to say, I was horrified! My dear Judge... Its time to promote and bring out humanities worst side once again Signed, Co-Commissioner - MYE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-14-1009 10:45 AM: Judge Exp stepped into the spider-webbed law office in search of her freaky lipstick. She found MYE there!! My faithful employer, youve proved that Judge Es courtroom service is still open 24/7! * checks that nobodys around* Id like to have a private word with you Sir. What is the conspiracy? To be continued... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by lavender dorange on 08-14-1009 10:54 AM: My dear expression, For awhile, all that was on the news was road rage. People were getting pissed off and shooting each other while driving. Have people calmed down? Did we all start getting along? What ever happened to road rage? Another one is school shootings. For awhile at least three times a year some kid would bring a gun to school and shoot some people. It doesn't seem to happen any more. Did the kids all calm down? Did security at schools really improve that much? What ever happened to school shootings? What about the Bush Twins? It used to be that they were always getting drunk and doing stupid shit. Did they smarten up? Did the press just stop following them? What ever happened to the Bush Twins? Do SUV's still flip over all the time? Do sharks still eat people? Is there still a hole in the Ozone? Whatever happened to all of these news stories? Why don't we hear about them anymore? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posted by expression on 08-14-1009 11:10 AM: You know MYE, I know you know I know that the world is at peace. The village law office cannot tolerate such a state. It is dead water!!! With that many mouths to feed, we definitely have to take action. So what should we do? Well we can look for clients in the fight club (I believe two respectable gentlemen are fighting over there now) and the village, or we can also create clients. Better yet, we can attract real clients. First we should have a slogan. Something chewy. Something that sounds noble. Why dont we go with the trend? I, Judge Expression, thereby pronounce the grand reopening of the village law office with our new motto:

FIGHT FOR PEACE IN ONE WHOLE PIECE. HANG TOGETHER OR BE HANGED SEPARATELY. One Mind, One Spirit, we are the Fighters for Justice and Peace! The law office is the superglue for Spcnet village! Hail Justice! Hail Peace! Hail unity! Whoa!! Ads work! Our faithful client Sir Orange is here! *Eyes sparkling* At your service Sir. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-14-1009 02:36 PM: You demand a serious answer for such serious topics Sir? Well I shall try. In my humble opinion, the reason for the seeming disappearance of these disturbing news is two-fold, but both are related to the same business that is even more disturbing - war. 1. Media priority. America is at war. Agree with it or not, the public is concerned and it is always at the back of their mind. News-reporting is based on public demand. Its all relative; whether a piece of news will make the front-page or even a spot anywhere depends on its importance (= how interesting it is to the public) relative to other news. Theres a fixed amount of space that needs to be filled for a newspaper. With several pages dedicated to the war and international diplomacy each day, there is no room and no resources for everyday issues like road rage. Driver/School shootings is serious enough to make the frontpage, but instead of a whole bombardment of details, analysis, special section, discussion, now it will probably just be reported as a solemn fact with much less ravings. The media has an even juicier story to focus on. to be continued... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-14-1009 02:54 PM: continued... 2. Public mentality. As discussed above, the war is the hot subject now and it occupies the mind of people. At a psychological perspective, people tend to focus on the most pending problem. In times of war or other crisis the Americans become more unified to guard themselves against foreign danger. They literally have less time to worry about other problems. This is where Maslows pyramid is applicable. School shootings is more a problem of well-being and, I regret to say, is often the result of boredom. Has anYane heard of kids in third-world countries bringing a weapon to school, where

education is a blessing and cannot be taken for granted? Teenagers are naturally sensitive and rebellious; they need something to vent their inexplicable anger/passion. They want to prove their importance and get attention. Their methods, however, vary with the environment. War also draws kids attention. Now instead of venting their rage/passion on their schoolmates, they have a better target: bin Laden, Saddam, terrorists their passion also have a place to go: patriotism. The war helps to divert their attention from their own identity problems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by lavender dorange on 08-14-1009 05:02 PM: My dear expression, Which particular pick-up line would work on you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-14-1009 05:34 PM: "Your pet mouse is cute, wanna... oh, you're busy killing it and flushing out its bone marrow? I see... never mind." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by freevase on 08-16-1009 01:48 AM: what do you do when your friends start calling you a b*tch and start putting u down all the time? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Asian Dude on 08-16-1009 05:35 AM: Don't be friends with them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Honey on 08-16-1009 07:50 AM: what does it take for Asian dude to show is pics for me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 08-16-1009 12:18 PM: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Honey on 08-16-1009 12:21 PM: eh, waxing hurts..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Mike Lau on 08-16-1009 12:38 PM: Gotta do it, to reveal the ultimate title! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-17-1009 04:27 PM: Dear Judge E, It is truly great for you to attend the office again. I have kept your seat well polished in eager anticipation for the day that you returned. Now... after long nights of sitting alone in the office chewing on the table and eating flies caught in the webs - I have to agree with you in the new plan of action and can see that it is attracting a few clients.

However, the Judge's idea of creating new 'guests' is something that I applaud even more. Should we perhaps drag members who have err'd into her and trial them or is there a better way? (in which case we will talk later about it ) Also, whilst eating a fly one day I was bitten by a venomous spider which I managed to shoo away with an old shoe. Later on I had visions of a future. One in which work would never cease to happen, a place of trials uncounted! However, on the walls were these posters... On a front of several grey forums towering high, huge letters stirring some familiar recognition were writ: SPCTRUE - resembling The Wuxia Translations Forum SPCPAX - resembling the spc-fightclub thread SPCPLENTY - resembling the wordplay thread and SPCLUV - resembled our dear Expression thread! My dear judge - am I hullucinating? Should I see somebody about this case? I can't sleep at night anymore judge, I see faces and cold yellow eyes.... Hail Judge E! Hail Peace! Hail Unity! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-18-1009 11:13 AM: Dear MYE, before we discuss our business further, let me get you something to eat first. The office table is not good for your teeth and health. And of course, the table is also quite expensive. I've ordered a freaky lip'steak special for you at Y & M. It should be ready soon. Be sure to pick that up; I think you also get a free toy. Judge Expression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by lavender dorange on 08-18-1009 11:29 AM: My dear expression, How come we see #2 pencils but no #1 pencils? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-18-1009 02:56 PM: Sir I'm not sure if I grasped your question correct, but I think pen is #1 and pencil is #2. Judge Exp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by TKI on 08-19-1009 06:19 AM: Dear Judge Expression, I don't know if you remember this but we, the Checky Bae band have received $200 from you to compose a song for you and your office of law. So here is your order, hope your ego is satisfied with this original song. Looking forward to receive more orders from you.

*solemn music * Hail Judge Expression, the highly mighty Chief Executive Hail Judge Expression, for without her, there'll be no justice Hail Judge Expression, her mighty highness, law is enforced, world is at peace Hail Judge Expression, the uncanny resemblance of Justice Bao The moment of truth has come Guilty or not guilty If you have problem to decide The mighty Judge Expression will help you Her words are steel, her decision is final Executed or not, your conscience and soul will be laid to rest Hail Judge Expression, the one and only mighty Chief Executive Hail Judge Expression, the name says it all Hail Judge Expression, thieves and scoundrels alike tremble in front of her highness Hail Judge Expression, let's see who she will execute today *deadly silence * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Glidingfox2002 on 08-19-1009 07:40 AM: Wa! this song sounds like a Judge Dredd song or something, nothing like the benevalent Judge E that we know and luv.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-19-1009 10:38 AM: Check and TKI, that song really fits my new image!!! BEHOLD. I AM THE IRON LADY. I MEAN THE LADY OF STEEL, NOT THE SHIRT IRONING LADY. Bow down before me!! Thank you. Your talent is much praised and appreciated. Judge Expression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 09:42 AM: Case 010: The Case of Yum and Boggles Judge Expression: I represent my employee Mr. MYE in suing Yan & Moogles for food poisoning. Since my employee is still in hospital, I shall be his spokesperson in court. Judge Freak: And I represent Y & M. Judge E : Judge freak, are you sure you want to represent Y&M against the law office? Judge F: Of course. Im off duty as the deputy judge. Theres no cornflakes of interest. Judge E : CONFLICT of interestVery well. Let me summon the village doc Dr. Han Solomon to the stand.

To be continued... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 08-20-1009 09:51 AM: haha.... I didn't know I was being sued.. Don't forget about the deal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 09:54 AM: Huh? What deal? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 08-20-1009 09:56 AM: oh yeah?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 09:57 AM: Shhh~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-20-1009 10:03 AM: MYE is Lying in hospital. MYE: hello is Judge E there? Operator: yes just patching you through now... [ring ring] Judge F: Ya? *chewing sounds* MYE: hello your honor just wondering how is the caJudge F: *sounds of bone cracking* can't talk now... eating [Hangs Up] MYE: ooooo dear, somethings going on metinks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 10:06 AM: No worries MYE, everything is under control. The Judge guarantees that justice shall be preserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Jaded MenEr on 08-20-1009 10:06 AM: come to the clinic, Han and I will get you ready to go in no time! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 10:09 AM:

Case 010: The Case of Yum and Boggles Judge Expression: Dr. Han Solomon, would you mind telling us about Mr. MYEs medical condition? Dr. HS: From what I know, he fainted. That means his conscious mind has shut down and unconscious cerebration takes over. My new paper in The Journal of Neurology Judge E : Thank you for enlightening us Dr. HS, but the fainting is due to food poisoning right? Dr. HS : Therere lots of causes to fainting. What a narrow scientific mind you have! One should focus on THE BIG PICTURE in science Judge E: Well the big picture of THIS case Sir, is that MYE consumed food served by Y & M and fainted! Judge Freak: Wait a minute. My honourable Dr. Solo, you mean therere lots of different reasons why a person may faint? Dr. HS: Of course! It may be due to fatigue, pain, general illness Judge F: or maybe the poor guys simply freaked. In any case it may not be only due to food-poisoning. Thank you very much Sir. Judge E: Nonsense! How many causes there are to fainting for other people is irrelevant. The important thing is why did Mr. MYE faint? Dr. HS: That I dont know. Judge E: What?! You dont know? But you are his doctor! Dr. HS: No I am not. Judge E: Then why are you spamming my case?! *searches through papers* Actually theres a little error Its Dr. Han-some Soho I was looking for. Dr. HS : What a waste of my time! Theres no respect for scientists nowadays! *storms out of door* Judge E: Now wheres this Dr. Han-some Soho? Court shall take a brief recess -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-20-1009 10:23 AM: MYE: hello operator, get me through to the psychiatrist Operator: patching you through now, thank you. [Ring Ring] Dwilight: erm... hello? MYE: Miss Dwilight, I think someones on an attempt for my life. Dwilight: Don't be silly, no one is out for your life. MYE: There are two! Dwilight: well... lie down please. MYE: I'm already lying down. In fact, I don't think I can get up of this stupid hospital bed. Dwilight: Ok.... now... tell me.. about your mother. MYE: WHAT?! I.. oh... ermm... I actually want to tell you about some possible people that want me sleeping with the fishies... Dwilight: Fishes.... Interesting.... *taps clipboard and scribbling sounds can be heard down the phone* MYE: Listen to Me!

Dwilight: Ok ok, yeeesh, just to let you know you're probably wasting my time. You better make up for it by treating me to dinner MYE: alright...... Dwilight: so... who do you think did it? MYE: I don't know. There are lots of people I've conflicted with: a: - Thorn the Thunder God b: - Son of Light c: - Yan and Moogles stores d: - Jaded MenEr the pretty nurse e: - Miaso Ohgami the goth f: - Han Solomon the smuggler g: - All the losers of last months Village awards! See what I mean? Dwilight: Yes... I can see what you mean. Let me make a few calls ok? MYE: Yes. [Hangs up] Dwilight: Operator please put me through to Hans Clinic Operator: Patching you through now, thank you [Ring] Dwilight: Doctor... may I recommend you putting up MYE's dosage of sedatives to around 200% of what it was before....... [click] ............. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 10:45 AM:

OOhhh someone's threatening my employee/plaintiff! Must hire a bodyguard to protect him! My dear MYE, you have a choice among the following: a. The cute Mikey b. The obominable Spirit of Valor c. The juicy Sir Orange d. The righteous Glidingfox aka ZhanZhao for Judge Exp e. The Almighty Chief Executioner Express

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-20-1009 11:06 AM: MYE Esq:

Want to assure you that you do not have any more conflicts with me. Even though our problem was not resolved to my satisfaction, We have decided to let bygones be bygones. Knowing that you are not well, and have been hospitalised, we wish you a speedy recovery. My secretary(also my .....), Miss Silver Blossom have prepare some delicious congee for you. Enjoy. Thorn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-20-1009 11:30 AM: Judge E: My dear judge who else would fit the role of my bodyguard besides the hulkingly scary 'Chief Executioner Express' with her huge halbeard? Lend me her services until I get better please To Thorn: Thank you very much sir for the congee which I have consumed. Most delicious and tasty it was - be sure to thank Miss Silver Blossom too for her marvellous cooking. As you say, let our conflict be annulled and bygones be bygones. Also, August 31st's Great Translation Heroes Meeting I will most definitely attend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-20-1009 11:52 AM: Thorn placing a telephone call: Ring Ring, Ring Ring. Thorn: "Hello, this is Thorn calling, this is an emergency" Receptionest: "Mr. Thorn, this is Miss Dwilight, how may I help you? What is the emergency?" Thorn: " You need to call Dr Han Solomon immediately to check out MYE. The congee that I gave to MYE earlier is poisoned. Miss Silver Blossom thought the congee was for me. She poisoned it and now have run away with a sissy boy Yu."" Receptionist: " I will call Dr. Solo now." Receptionist paging: "Dr Solo, Dr. Solo, please report to ER immediately" Receptionist dialed 911: " I like to report an attempted murder." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Jaded MenEr on 08-20-1009 12:34 PM: Dwilight calls Han Solomon's clinic, asking for Jaded. Dwilight: Hi, Jaded, do you know a MYE? Jaded: Why, yes, he's a patient at our clinic. T.: Do you have any problems with him, does he act very irritating or rude towards the clinic staff?

J.: Why, no! Why do you ask? T.: Oh, this is confidential, but you are sure that he does not have any conflicts with you or Mr. Han Solomon at the clinic? J.: No, Mam. I am sure of that. T.: Oh, I see. Well, thank you very much for your time. Good-bye. J.: No problem, bye! *hangs up phone* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 01:40 PM: In response to an old question quote: what do you do when your friends start calling you a b*tch and start putting u down all the time? Dear freevase, A thousand apologies for replying so late. Regarding your problem, I remember some sound advice was put forward by various members a while ago. I shall take the liberty of summarizing them below: 1. The simplest solution is to regard your friends as b*tches themselves and defriend them. Find new friends who wont call you names. 2. The hard way is to calm down and analyze the problem more objectively: what are they trying to say? What have you done to trigger their anger? Of course the world is full of unreasonable b*tches, but on the other hand one may wonder why people will suddenly start calling a friend a b*tch. Maybe you offended them in some way without realizing it? A misunderstanding? It is certainly tough to pick on your own self, but maturation requires struggling and self-criticism. If it turns out they are wrong, then you are way ahead of them. 3. Delay your response to their criticisms. Anger provokes only anger. If they are mad enough to call you names, it is unlikely they will have the patience to listen to your defense. 4. Find time to talk to your family. Friends come and go, but family is permanent. If you can establish a good relationship with your family, you will have friends youll never lose. Family is the perfect training ground for love, patience and understanding. Successful family relationships are often the precedent of successful friendships. Likewise, sour family relationships can lead to frustration that is easily channeled to other relationships. 5. Learn to enjoy time by yourself. Find a hobby or something you like to do alone. No matter how many friends you have, you will be alone at times. Conquering loneliness gives you peace, and buffers the pain of losing friends. 6. Last but not least, log on to spcnet. Theres lots of nice people here. Good luck and take care, Expression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 03:07 PM: Case 010: The Case of Yum & Boggles took a gloomy turn

MYE has been re-poisoned!? Chief Executioner Express *in tears*: Mr. MYE placed his trust in me, yet I cannot prevent the poisoning!! Because of my foolish mistake my client suffered unnecessarily! What a disgrace to an executioner - bodyguard !!!! *Thorn throws down a thunder* I have lost my face and honour!! I must punish myself! *draws out broad-blade sword* Should I imitate the Japanese sumarai and execute myself? *Thorn continues to throw thunders and lightnings. It is a dark and stormy night* To be continued... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by MYE on 08-20-1009 03:09 PM: Meanwhile...

After several long hours in the operation room. A stone faced doctor Han walks out of the operating room. A group of people are waiting outside. Dwilight: Dr. Han, how is Mr. MYE [Looks downbeat] Dr. Han Solomon: I'm sorry Miss Dwilight. We tried our best. ................... is MYE ??? (this is getting more and more dramatic...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Thorn on 08-20-1009 03:18 PM: Re: In response to an old question Your summary contain truly sound and wise advice. I have not see such insightful logic and thoughts in a long while. Thank you, for the summary, while I am not the one who seek it at the present moment, I nevertheless appreciate it for I know I can use them in the days ahead. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 03:26 PM: In the sea of turmoil and melodrama, I heard a compliment! Thank you Thorn, the suggestions actually came not only from myself, but also from various members. We have discussed about this problem in an older topic. There are many wise and sensible members on spcnet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 08-20-1009 03:43 PM:

Yan: hello,, this is Yan May I speak with Judge E? Receptionist: One moment, please a minute later Judge E: Hello, this is Judge E,.. oh Yan dear..long time no talk? Yan: Jodge E, hehe... Yan has been having too much fun.. didn't come to visit your court room for a while. By the way, I have a question for you .. your honour. Judge E: Go ahead Hon... oops..not that smile, Yan: What is the best gift for bf on his birthday?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 03:50 PM: *quickly changes from melancholic mood to serious and then to naughty mood* Hey dear Yanny, seeking some "court" advice huh? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 08-20-1009 03:53 PM: hehehe... b-day is coming this weekend ... and I can't decide wheather I should cook for him on Firday night or... go to nice restaurant by the beach... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by zbeauty on 08-20-1009 03:57 PM: wow, you must be excited...hmmm.... I would cook for him and take a walk by the beach later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 04:15 PM: Enjoy your evening Yanny! Hope it's just as romantic as you want it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 08-20-1009 04:18 PM: Thank you Judge E.

For your wonderful is the rare stamp collection of Romance of Three Kingdom..

Thanks Beauty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 04:24 PM: Thank you Yan!! Is the bottom one Zhao Yun at The Battle of ChangBanBo? To avoid conflict of interest (remember the case), Expression the ROTK fan shall accept the gift instead of Judge Expression. [Editors note: ROTK Romance of the Three Kingdoms a famous ancient Chinese novel about the Rulers and Generals of the Three Kingdoms era] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by Yan on 08-20-1009 04:49 PM: Farewell to you my friend.. We shall remember you. Ok.. one down.... and few more to go.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted by expression on 08-20-1009 04:50 PM: Case 010: The Case of Yum & Boggles took a gloomy turn Back to melodrama... *ring ring* Judge Expression puts down documents for Case 010 to pick up phone: Hello? Village law office. A spooky hollow voice: Judge Exprrrrrrression? Judge E: Speaking. Who are you? Stranger: ~~ You have 1 hour from now, Judge E. Choose between MYE and Chief Executioner Express. Remember, you can only choose ONE!!! Judge E : What do you mean?! Is this blackmail? Where are they? Stranger: ~~ This is not blackmail, this is... a Choice. Choose wisely. Judge E: WHO ARE YOU? Stranger: I am... the Grim Reaper... farewell mortal one~ *hangs up* A chill ran down Judge E's spine. Is this a prank? Or is it for real? What should Judge E do? To be continued... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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