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Philippine Academy of Sakya

High School Mathematics Department

HS Math 4 Advanced Algebra

Name:___________________________________________Date:_______________Score:__________ Section:____________________________ Parents signature:_____________________ Topic: Review of Laws of Exponents Worksheet No.15 SW AS

Recall: In the expression , a is called the base and b is called the exponent. For positive integral values of b, b tells us how many times we need to multiply the base with itself. Laws of Exponents: i.) , ii.) , iii.) , iv.) , v.) , where , . 1) Simplify the following, giving the answer in exponential form. (All variables are non-zero) a.) d.) f.) b.) c.) 2.1) What is the value of , what is the value of e.) g.)

? By extending the Law of Exponents ii.) to include the case ?

2.2) What can be concluded about the value of ? Is ? 2.3) By using an argument similar with 2.1), extend the Law of Exponents ii.) to include the case where . 2.4) Simplify the following without using negative exponents. (All variables are non-zero) a.) , b.) , c.) , d.) with 64. , e.)

3.1) What is the value of

? Write an equation relating ? .

3.2) Suppose we want to define include fractions, what is 3.3) But also, explain why

. If the Law of Exponents i.) were to be extended to

3.4) By combining the results of 3.1), 3.2), and 3.3), what then is the value of

? What is the

value of ? If and n is a positive integer greater than or equal to two, what is an equivalent expression for in radicals? 3.5) If and m, n are non-zero integers, find an expression for in radicals. 3.6) Simplify the following. Write the answers in radical form. (All variables are positive) a.) d.) f.) b.) g.) c.) e.) h.)

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