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Wan Fadzleen Bt Wan Nor Yuhaidi Vejaya Letchumi Balasubramaniam Nur Syakirah Bt Hasan Basri Chang Ji Han Pavi Amos Tan

Literary Criticism
Is the study evaluation and interpretation of literature.

Cultural Criticism
Analyzes multiple interacting cultures by the themes presented from a politically charged textual perspective. It focuses on how an individuals subjectivity is defined by the limits of his or her culture, and the forces that constitute that culture.


Cultural criticism makes the term culture refer to popular and classic culture. It breaks down the boundary between high and low culture, and discovers the political reason why a culture product is more valued than others.

(Smith, ed., 1992: 312-313)

Main characteristics
Oppose the main line of culture at that time eg: high culture, popular culture. Some theorists neither support the cultural canon in the literary field nor suggest any counter-culture canon, instead, they defy the very idea of canon Criticizing and commenting about the cultural events in a certain literary work. seek to be more descriptive and less evaluative, more interested in relating than rating cultural products and events.

By Jumpa Lahiri
The narrator had his marriage arranged by his older brother when he was in America. Mala, the immigrant wives who seem to find a balance between Bengal and America. The relationship between Mrs Croft and the narrator shows the acceptance of the national people towards immigrants.

By Siew Yue Killingly

Rukumani and Devanayagam are in love when they were both in school. However, in Indian culture, they believe in arranged marriage. Unfortunately, their relationship is revealed, both parents are against it. This is due to their belief that it is forbidden for them to be in love before marriage.

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