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horn ~ the hard, pointed bone that grows on an animals head. hyssop ~ a bush.

incense ~ sweet powders mixed together. Israel ~ the big family that God chose and made special. Israelite ~ a *Jewish person. jacinth ~ a valuable stone. jasper ~ a valuable stone. Jebusite~ one of a group of people who had lived in Canaan before the *Jews lived there. Jew ~ a person who is born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children. Jewish ~ a word that describes a *Jew or anything that belongs to a *Jew. judge ~ a person who decides any important thing. judge ~ to decide between two people or things. kidney ~ internal part of the body. lamp ~ a light that burns oil. lampstand ~ a thing to hold a *lamp. Law ~ the rules that God gave to Moses for the *Israelites. leprosy ~ a bad illness of the skin and bones. Levite ~ person from the big family of Levi. linen ~ special white material that people make out of *flax. liquid *myrrh ~ powder with a sweet smell, mixed with oil. liver ~ part of an animal that is inside it. locust ~ insect that eats all green plants. Lord ~ a name for God or Jesus in the Bible.

magic ~ when people cause bad *spirits to do things for them; the *spirits do things that people cannot usually do; to cause strange things to happen to surprise people. These things are not usual. Magic is very bad and is not from God. magician ~ someone who seems to do something impossible. manna ~ special bread that God fed to the *Israelites in the *desert. mortar ~ it fixes stones together when you build a house (see *clay). Mount ~ a short word for mountain; a small mountain. murder ~ to do a murder. myrrh ~ it comes from a plant; it smells nice. nation ~ people who live together in the same country. neighbour ~ anyone who lives near to you. net ~ thin lines of metal or material fixed, each to the other. nurse ~ to feed a baby from the breast. olive ~ small black fruit full of good oil.

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