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olive oil ~ oil from *olive fruits. omer~ they used it to measure dry things. onycha~ a sweet *spice.

onyx ~ a valuable stone. opposite ~ something that looks toward. palace ~ large house where a king or ruler lives. palm tree ~ a tree that has fruit called dates. Passover ~ special party to remember how God saved the *Israelites. Perizzite~ one of a group of people who had lived in Canaan before the *Jews lived there. Pharaoh ~ name of all the kings of Egypt. Philistines ~ they lived near Canaan; they were usually enemies of the *Jews. pledge ~ something that you give to show that you have made a promise. pomegranate ~ a fruit full of seeds. praise ~ say how great somebody is; or, words that say how great someone is. priest ~ a man who had Aaron for his *ancestor; a man who gave gifts and burned animals as a *sacrifice to God for the *Jews; a man whom God chose to do things for him. prophet ~ a person who speaks for God to other people. proud ~ when someone thinks that he is better than other people. punish ~ to hurt someone for the wrong things that they have done. pure ~ contains only one material. purple ~ a colour. quail ~ small bird. Red Sea ~ the sea between Egypt and the *desert.

robe ~ a big coat. ruby ~ a valuable stone. Sabbath ~ seventh day of the week. God made it a day for rest. sacrifice ~ to bring a valuable gift to God. sapphire ~ a valuable stone. Satan ~ Gods greatest enemy; the captain of all the bad *spirits. scroll ~ a long piece of material like paper; people wrote on it. shake ~ move from one side to another and back again very fast many times. shepherd ~ a man who works with sheep. sign ~ it shows you what you should do. silver ~ a valuable metal like gold. sin ~ when we refuse to obey Gods rules. skin ~ the material that covers an animals body. spice ~ a powder with a sweet smell; people make it from plants.

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