How To Create Cursor Foxpro

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Creates a temporary table.

CREATE CURSOR alias_name (fname1 type [(precision [, scale])] [NULL | NOT NULL] [CHECK lExpression [ERROR cMessageText]] [AUTOINC [NEXTVALUE NextValue [STEP StepValue]]] [DEFAULT eExpression] [UNIQUE [COLLATE cCollateSequence]] [NOCPTRANS] [, fname2 ...]) | FROM ARRAY ArrayName Parameters alias_name Specifies the name of the temporary table to create. The alias_name paramete r can be a name expression. fname Specifies the name of a field in the temporary table. Each fname can be a na me expression. type Specifies a single letter indicating the data type for the field. precision Specifies the width of the field specified with fname. Some data types requi re that you specify a value for precision. scale Specifies the number of decimal places for the specified data type. Some dat a types require that you specify a value for scale. The following table shows what type, precision, and scale can be.

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